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Revision as of 12:02, 20 August 2008 by Mspevack (talk | contribs) (fudcon log)
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14:57 < spevack> hi rvokal_

14:57 < rvokal_> hi max

14:57 < spevack> i know things are getting crazy with this final fudcon prep time... again, i just want to thank you for all your help and patience.

14:57 < spevack> 109 people registered. pretty good! ;)

14:57 < rvokal_> well, the things are fedora are bit more crazy right now :)

14:58 < rvokal_> s/are/around

14:58 < spevack> yeah, that's for sure

14:58 < spevack> you got a few minutes to chat?

14:58 < rvokal_> apx 30 mins

14:58 < rvokal_> ok, shall I start?

14:58 < spevack> yeah, go for it.

14:58 < rvokal_> social event - it's booked

14:58 < rvokal_> nice pub, close to uni

14:59 < spevack> brilliant!

14:59 < rvokal_> they have 80 places reserved for us

14:59 < rvokal_> they even have a projector

14:59 < rvokal_> so we can put something up if we want to

14:59 < spevack> sounds great. you mentioned that we need to pre-order food.

14:59 < rvokal_> but the owner asked me to pre-order food

14:59 < rvokal_> yep

14:59 < rvokal_> we should probably pick 3 or 4 dishes

14:59 < rvokal_> so he gets that ready at the time we come

15:00 < rvokal_> the menu is not in english .. so I'll try to translate that

15:00 < spevack> sure, that sounds totally reasonable. do you want to just pick stuff you think everyone will like (probably 1 vegetarian dish to be safe)

15:00 < spevack> here's my thought in terms of money, tell me what you think:

15:01 < spevack> once we know how much the hotel will cost, we can decide on a total amount of money for the social event.

15:01 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> nphilipp(n=nils@

15:01 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> mbonnet__("Ex-Chat")

15:01 < spevack> once we make that decision, i want to figure out how to get that money into the hands of the owner, so he knows how much we are paying up front.

15:01 < spevack> then, if we exceed that amount, people can pay on their own.

15:01 < spevack> do you think that would work?

15:01 < rvokal_> sure, I haven't heard back on my last email to hotel - I've sent them the list of people and asked them whether we can pay that by credit card

15:02 < kanarip> !

15:02 < kanarip> it's a good thing the menu is not in english

15:02 < spevack> right.. i know you are still working on the hotel. The FUDCon page has been updated once again, as of a few minutes, ago with the "current" numbers

15:02 < rvokal_> and second thing, it's not some kind of fancy restaurant - the prices are reasonable

15:02 < spevack> Total number of people per night

15:02 < spevack> bar.txt foo.txt screens ssh-bFshU32755 ssh-xIjjn32754 uscreens Wed, 3 Sep = 3

15:02 < spevack> bar.txt foo.txt screens ssh-bFshU32755 ssh-xIjjn32754 uscreens Thu, 4 Sep = 31

15:02 < spevack> bar.txt foo.txt screens ssh-bFshU32755 ssh-xIjjn32754 uscreens Fri, 5 Sep = 41

15:02 < spevack> bar.txt foo.txt screens ssh-bFshU32755 ssh-xIjjn32754 uscreens Sat, 6 Sep = 40

15:02 < spevack> bar.txt foo.txt screens ssh-bFshU32755 ssh-xIjjn32754 uscreens Sun, 7 Sep = 34

15:02 < spevack> bar.txt foo.txt screens ssh-bFshU32755 ssh-xIjjn32754 uscreens Mon, 8 Sep = 11

15:02 < spevack> bar.txt foo.txt screens ssh-bFshU32755 ssh-xIjjn32754 uscreens Tue, 9 Sep = 7

15:02 < spevack> so the hotel is getting a lot of business :)

15:02 < rvokal_> ah, ok, few more .. ok, I'll resend that

15:03 < spevack> and you might want to tell them that we might get 2 or 3 more, that people are terrible about RSVPing, even when you beg them.

15:03 < spevack> but if we can get 95% of the bill invoiced and paid up front, the last little bit won't be a problem i hope

15:04 < spevack> so in my mind, the last big question is food during the day of the actual event.

15:04 < spevack> BUT....

15:04 < rvokal_> ok :)

15:04 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> drago01(

15:04 < rvokal_> well, if they do take your card - that'd would be easy

15:04 < spevack> I feel like we need to get a sense of hotel bill + social event bill before we can decide how much food to order.

15:04 < rvokal_> you just need to show up there eventually and sign the bill

15:04 < spevack> yeah, if they will take the credit card, then everything becomes really simple

15:04 < spevack> for everyone

15:04 < rvokal_> true

15:05 < rvokal_> ok, I hope I'll sort out the hotel by this week

15:05 < spevack> let me do a little bit of quick math.

15:05 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> sereinity()

15:05 < spevack> we initially hoped to keep the hotel bill under 4000 EUR

15:05 < spevack> adding up all the people currently registered is...

15:05 < spevack> 167 total nights

15:05 < spevack> so let's just say 175 for estimation

15:06 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> chacha_chaudhry(n=rpmbuild@gnu-india/supporter/rakeshpandit)

15:06 < spevack> that means even at 22 EUR per person per night, we still come in at our budget

15:06 < spevack> I don't remember what you said the cost was

15:06 < spevack> but i think it was less than that

15:06 < spevack> so we ought to be ok on hotel budget, even with a little money left over

15:06 < spevack> which is good, because i think we're going a little bit over on the travel budget

15:07 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> hanthana(Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

15:07 < rvokal_> it is around 20euros ..

15:07 < rvokal_> good, another thing is artwork and t-shirts

15:08 < spevack> i thought you said 16 once

15:08 < rvokal_> maybe :)

15:08 < spevack> but anywhere under 20 will work out ok for us :)

15:08 < rvokal_> it was 350CZK

15:08 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> drago01(Remote closed the connection)

15:08 < rvokal_> ok, than it's less than 20E

15:08 < spevack> 350 Czech koruny = 14.4592004 Euros

15:08 < spevack> according to google

15:08 < spevack> tshirts, that is my big TODO item this week. We have the design finished.

15:09 < rvokal_> good, cos I've just asked our office assistant to get me a price for apx 100 t-shirts

15:09 < rvokal_> we have a company we use for posters which can do it

15:09 < rvokal_> price is apx 160CZK per T-shirt

15:09 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> rvokal(Read error: 113 (No route to host))

15:10 < spevack> rvokal_: that is a fantastic price

15:10 < spevack> radek, you are absolutely AWESOME

15:10 < rvokal_> you owe me a beer ;)

15:11 < spevack> i owe you more than that, and I am well aware of it :)

15:11 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> hanthana(n=hanthana@

15:11 < rvokal_> I've got the frond side of the T-shirt from Nicu

15:11 < rvokal_> or is there some other design?

15:11 < spevack> the front should be a small logo that says fudcon brno, and the back should be a picture (i thikn of the cathedral)

15:12 < rvokal_> ok, can you send me that in svg?

15:12 < spevack> i pinged nicu in #fedora-art

15:12 < spevack> and asked him to come in here

15:12 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> nicubunu(

15:12 < rvokal_> hi

15:12 < spevack> hi nicubunu

15:12 < nicubunu> hi everybody

15:12 < spevack> rvokal_ and i are talking bout the tshirts for fudcon

15:12 ... nick!rvokal_ -> rvokal

15:12 < nicubunu> yes

15:13 < spevack> do we have the final designs, front and back, that we can give to the manufacturer?

15:13 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> drago01(

15:13 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> rnorwood(n=rnorwood@nat/redhat/x-50a866100adbff42)

15:13 < nicubunu> I sent you (spevack) last week an EPS and a PDF, are those OK?

15:14 < rvokal> ok max, resend it please ;)

15:14 < spevack> let me go checks. I think we might need .svg also

15:14 < spevack> rvokal: do you need the svg also?

15:14 < rvokal> I usually send them svg ..

15:14 < nicubunu> well, I expected the print shop does not want SVG :p

15:14 < rvokal> nicubunu: can you send them to me also

15:15 < rvokal> nicubunu: these guys are "Linux aware .." :)

15:15 < nicubunu> just a moment

15:15 < spevack> nicubunu: what you sent me last week is brilliant!

15:15 < spevack> but it's just the back

15:15 < rvokal> nicubunu: than it's the same you send me today right?

15:16 < nicubunu> yes

15:16 < spevack> rvokal: the cathedral, with Fedora as the "sun" is the back

15:16 < spevack> there is also a smaller graphic for the front

15:16 < nicubunu> I just sent you also EPS and PDF

15:16 < nicubunu> those are only the back, the front is supposed to be the same as for Boston

15:17 < spevack> nicubunu: yeah, except the Boston shirts said "boston" on the front :)

15:17 < rvokal> aha, then I don't have the front logo

15:17 < rvokal> :)

15:17 < nicubunu> I'm looking right now for the SVG

15:19 < rvokal> spevack: is there anything else we need to sort out?

15:20 < rvokal> spevack: I have on my todo also notice for all universities .. that will be done during next week

15:20 < spevack> rvokal: i don't think so. final price for the hotel allows us to decide on how many shirts, which then allows us to know how much food money we have :)

15:20 < spevack> so that's the order of operations

15:20 < rvokal> ok, priority++

15:20 < nicubunu> rvokal: I just sent a SVG for the front graphic.... do you need other formats too?

15:20 < spevack> nicubunu: thank you very much

15:21 < rvokal> nicubunu: thanks, I hope it's fine .. I'll ping you if I need some tweaking :)

15:21 < nicubunu> and let me know if the print guys are OK with the back graphic or it have to be simplified

15:21 < rvokal> sure, will do

15:22 < spevack> rvokal: i don't want to make you late for your next meeting... anything else we need to discuss?

15:22 < spevack> rvokal: believe it or not, this is far more organized than most FUDCons are with 3 weeks go go :)

15:22 < rvokal> that sounds good :)

15:23 < rvokal> I'm only worried about the hackfest ..

15:23 < rvokal> I don't have experience with that, nor people here

15:23 < spevack> well, the first thing we will do on the first day

15:23 < rvokal> so I really wonder how that will look like :)

15:23 < spevack> is gather everyone together

15:23 < spevack> and sort of explain how everything is going to work

15:23 < spevack> i have a plan :)

15:24 < rvokal> good :)

15:24 < rvokal> I trust you then .. :)

15:24 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> IgniFerroque(n=dweintra@

15:24 < spevack> thank you! ;)

15:24 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> J5(n=quintice@

15:24 < spevack> i'll send some more details out in communication prior to the event

15:24 < spevack> 'so people can know what to expect

15:24 < rvokal> ok, got to run .. hotel .. hotel .. hotel ..

15:24 < rvokal> that'd be great

15:24 < spevack> talk to you later. THANK YOU!!!

15:25 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> chacha_chaudhry("Ex-Chat")

15:25 < rvokal> cu and thank you too :)

15:25 ... nick!dwmw2_gone -> dwmw2

15:28 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> chacha_chaudhry(n=rpmbuild@gnu-india/supporter/rakeshpandit)

15:28 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> ke4qqq-afk("Konversation terminated!")

15:31 < rvokal> nicubunu: ping

15:31 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> ke4qqq(

15:31 < nicubunu> i am still here

15:32 < rvokal> nicubunu: just called the t-shirt guys

15:32 < nicubunu> yes

15:32 < rvokal> nicubunu: would be great if we can reduce the colors to 4

15:33 < rvokal> nicubunu: eg same yellow for sun beams and "2008"

15:33 ... join!#fedora-meeting -> kulll(i=d318e240@gateway/web/ajax/

15:33 < rvokal> and also same blue for BRNO and the sun beams

15:33 < rvokal> or the navy blue from Fedora logo to BRNO

15:35 ... signoff!#fedora-meeting -> mbacovsk_(Remote closed the connection)

15:36 < nicubunu> OK, just a moment... there are still 5 colors: 2 blues for the logo, blue and yellow for the sun rays and one more blue as the main color

15:40 < rvokal> aha, well, can the skyline be a same color as logo?

15:40 < rvokal> how does that look?

15:40 < nicubunu> I am consulting with Mo about that

15:40 < rvokal> ok, I really hot to run .. can I ping you in 30 minutes/

15:40 < rvokal> ?

15:40 < nicubunu> it seems like the obvious solution

15:40 < nicubunu> sure

15:40 < rvokal> l8r