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This is the main page for the Fedora Diversity FAD, which focuses on reviewing and finishing our current goals, and defining the next plans to improve diversification efforts in our community.


Fedora Diversity is a new initiative in the Fedora community. The team supports and encourages all kinds of different people to join and contribute in Fedora. We also aim to better understand the diverse community that composes Fedora and the unique needs and wishes of the groups that make up Fedora. Since our team is new, we plan to accomplish primary and secondary goals of the Diversity Team.

In our very first FAD, we have our major objectives to accomplish: (1) Diversity Survey, (2) Diversity Marketing Campaign, and (3) COC Expansion. We will achieve these goals with brainstorming, exchanging experience, holding sessions and discussions, presentations, video production, and blog posts.

Primary Goals

Diversity survey


  • Define strategies for usage of survey
  • Finish the questionnaire
  • Select tool and create draft
  • Define timeline

The diversity survey is one of the founding goals of the team. Similar to the FLOSS Survey 2013 which received responses from 1,650 members of various open source communities, we want to have the same insight and understanding to our own community within Fedora. It's no surprise that Fedora is a global community spanning all the four corners of Earth. But it's hard to understand the unique needs and wishes of our community if we don't know they are there or what they think we could do better. The survey is the means to this end and best understanding how our community is composed to make Fedora a more welcoming and inviting place for our global community of contributors.

At a FAD, we would define the strategies for using the survey and what kind of outcomes we hope to get from creating this survey. What kind of info are we hoping to gain? How will this help us create a more welcoming and friendly environment for contributors? What kind of resources and help will be able to provide, and how can we use responses in this survey to make sure we apply these resources and help the most effective way? Once we have a strategy defined, the final questionnaire can be prepared based on earlier drafts of questions as well as data from FLOSS Survey 2013. After the questionnaire questions and scope are defined, the best tool to fit our needs for delivering the survey will be selected and an initial draft of the survey will be prepared. The final step to accomplishing this goal is creating a timeline for how and when we want to deploy this survey to the greater Fedora community.

Diversity marketing campaign


  • Define reach of the campaign
  • Use first survey results to create focus groups

A diversity-specific marketing campaign would be one of the outcomes from the data collected from the survey. While we would not have a dataset to work with immediately, we want to create plans for how we can focus on reaching out to underrepresented groups and encourage participation. Ensuring we have the right tooling ahead of time for managing and manipulating the collected data is necessary for successful understanding of the survey results. An additional task for this goal would be to discuss how we could create focus groups for specific groups (ethnic, gender, or other) to encourage participation in Fedora and open source.

Code of Conduct (CoC) expansion


  • Discuss what areas the current Code of Conduct succeeds and where it falls short
  • Analyze how effectively the CoC is communicated and how we can improve on visibility
  • Apply CoC to any relevant examples of harassment or bullying and propose changes as necessary

Having a Code of Conduct is essential to any open source project. It creates the playing field for how our community interacts and behaves with one another. Ensuring that it empowers contributors to be excellent to each other and create a welcoming and inclusive space is important. There are countless examples of CoCs across the open source world. Some work well and others don't. How does Fedora's stack up against projects that seem to be handling diversification efforts well? For projects that aren't doing as well, are there key points or lessons we can learn to avoid future pitfalls? Critical analysis and collaborative discussion about the current Fedora CoC would be a target item for a Diversity FAD to ensure our project is up to spec with other successful projects in the greater open source community.

Secondary Goals

In addition, we will attempt to complete the following secondary goals as time allows:

  1. Make adjustments to the workflow of the Diversity Team to improve productivity and timeliness of future, upcoming tasks
  2. Work towards clearing out the Fedora Diversity Team tickets queue (see: tickets)
  3. Collect pictures and video assets from various locations and contributors for later video production


  1. Why do we need a diversity survey?
    • Numbers are crucial for the Fedora Project in every aspect. It's one thing to say we are a diverse community, but another to be able to show that. We would better understand how many contributors belong to which minority group and what issues they are facing. With that info, we can begin to improve on ways to make Fedora more accessible and inclusive for them. This is going to be first of its kind in Fedora and will help understand the diverse dimensions of our community at a high level.
  2. Why should there be a diversity marketing campaign?
    • Fedora Diversity is an important project for on-boarding new Fedora contributors from diverse areas and backgrounds. Being more inclusive creates a more dynamic environment with new ideas to further and advance the project forward. It is critical for two Fedora objectives: building open source diverse communities and developing the science and practice of diverse communities. We're looking to engage a pool of diverse people to further the open source movement in and outside our community. By focusing on an underrepresented discipline within FLOSS/Fedora, we are making the investment into diversity that will give us returns in reaching individuals with new and powerful ideas.
  3. Why during DevConf?
    • We would like to take help and guidance from the FPL and other folks who may attend DevConf. It will be easy to reach out to them, and if we align the FAD with DevConf in terms of date and location, it will save on travel expenses for bringing interested people to the FAD.

Add your question here and we're happy to answer! Make sure you let us know in #fedora-diversity if you have left a question here.


The completion of these goals will create the following positive change within the project:

  • outcome
  • outcome
  • outcome

These outcomes connect with the following Fedora Community Objectives by explain connection here.

Detailed Work Items & Final Attendees


Travel days
Travel days are Thursday and Sunday. On-site participants are leaving early and no on-site hacking will take place on Sunday.
Name Remote? Fri Sat Sun Core Tasks
Tatica Leandro Hopefully not X X X Fedora Diversity Adviser, Analysis of Survey results, Marketing Strategy
Justin W. Flory Hopefully not X X X COC Expension and Marketing Strategy
Bee Hopefully not - X X Survey Details, Analysis of Survey results and session on how to conduct survey
Amita Hopefully not - X X Analysis of Survey results and help in Marketing
Jona Azizaj Hopefully not X X X Marketing Strategy


Tatica Leandro TBD
Justin W. Flory TBD
Amita TBD
Jona Azizaj TBD

Planning Prerequisites

See the How to organize a FAD list; you can keep your to-do list here.

  • Completed work item
  • Work out budget
  • Decide on Dates and Location
  • Arrange Facilities
  • List Resources
  • Be Somewhat Structured
  • Arrange Lodging
  • Arrange Refreshments
  • Arrange a Social Event
  • Another action item
  • Another action item
  • Another action item


Proposal one - At DevConf

  1. Location: Brno University of Technology Faculty of Information Technology. - Brno - Czech Republic
  2. Date: (tentative) 27 – 29 January 2017
  3. Schedule
    • Participants arrive at Jan 25
    • Schedule item
    • Schedule item
    • Schedule item
    • Participants leave at Jan 30
  4. Important skills (one or more)
    • skill
    • skill
    • skill
  5. Personnel (people who might fit the bill)
    • Tatica Leandro (Venezuela, Diversity Advisory) Confirmed? Y
    • Name (location, role) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • others?
  6. Other considerations
    • Tatica needs to be online during week days, so she might need to travel only-on-weekends or try to make her trip as short as possible (work)


Snacks/Beverages: Details go here.

Lunch: Details go here.

Dinner: Details go here.


If you want funding from Red Hat, ask the OSAS team. If you can find other ways to fund your FAD, that's great too!

Contributor Dept Arrv Dept Arrv Cost
Tatica Leandro Cucuta or Caracas, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Cucuta or Caracas, arrival Ticket cost (Usually cheaper from Cucuta)
Name Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival Ticket cost
Name Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival Ticket cost
  1. Travel: $A for airfare, bus, train, etc. funding needed to get attendees to the FAD
  2. Housing: $B for hotel, etc. needed to have attendees sleep during the FAD
    • link to hotel room booking website, if applicable
  3. Space: $C for renting space to hack in, if applicable
    • address and travel details for the space
  4. Supplies: $D for anything else you may need
    • item
    • item
    • item

Total budget: $A+B+C+D