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Time:2009-09-09 0500 UTC

Place: #fedora-i18n at Freenode

  • ja OpenWnn
  • I18N/InputMethods/Bugs
  • indic phonetic dictionary based IMEs
  • make IMEs in @input-methods optional instead


  • bug review


juhp I18N/InputMethods/Meetings/2009-09-09 Sep 09 15:09
juhp ping phuang, tagoh3, paragan, pravins, kaio Sep 09 15:10
juhp shall we have the IM meeting Sep 09 15:10
phuang hi Sep 09 15:10
pravins juhp: hi Sep 09 15:10
paragan juhp, pong Sep 09 15:10
fujiwarat hi Sep 09 15:10
*pravins also have one topic today :) Sep 09 15:11
dychen juhp: hi Sep 09 15:11
juhp # ja OpenWnn Sep 09 15:12
Kaio hi Sep 09 15:12
tagoh3 hi Sep 09 15:12
juhp well just thought I would mention that android.git seems to include openwnn Sep 09 15:13
juhp but realised it is java of course ;) Sep 09 15:13
juhp some maybe not terribly useful for us Sep 09 15:13
juhp unless someone wants to write a java layer for ibus perhaps ;) Sep 09 15:13
juhp originally though it might be interesting to package for fedora... Sep 09 15:14
juhp might still be worth looking that the dictionary though? Sep 09 15:14
phuang what's is openwnn? Sep 09 15:16
juhp phuang: ah Wnn is a japanese IM backend Sep 09 15:16
juhp quite old Sep 09 15:17
fujiwarat and a commercial product ;) Sep 09 15:17
juhp (originally for Unix I guess) Sep 09 15:17
juhp fujiwarat: right Sep 09 15:17
phuang thanks Sep 09 15:17
juhp anyway think we can move on Sep 09 15:17
juhp that was mostly a headsup Sep 09 15:17
---asgeirf__ is now known as asgeirf Sep 09 15:18
juhp will have a look over the src files later... Sep 09 15:20
juhp Sep 09 15:20
dychen juhp: Should we: Sep 09 15:21
dychen 1) make ibus-java Sep 09 15:21
dychen 2) make ibus-openwnn Sep 09 15:22
dychen 3) port ibus to android Sep 09 15:22
dychen ? Sep 09 15:22
fujiwarat Sounds good with me. It might be good to think about ibus-wnn and ibus-atok. Sep 09 15:22
phuang We could do some investigation at first Sep 09 15:23
juhp dychen: I think ibus-java would be a complete rewrite :-/ Sep 09 15:23
dychen juhp: Not sure how far can JNI go. Sep 09 15:24
juhp dychen: jni works with android? Sep 09 15:27
dychen juhp: Don't know. Sep 09 15:28
dychen juhp: It depends whether/when we want to support android. Sep 09 15:29
juhp dychen: it is an upstream issue Sep 09 15:29
juhp at least until fedora should support android... Sep 09 15:29
juhp no resources for that currently anyway Sep 09 15:30
juhp let's come back to bugs at the end Sep 09 15:30
dychen juhp: sure. :-) Sep 09 15:30
juhp # indic phonetic dictionary based IMEs Sep 09 15:32
juhp again more of a headsup Sep 09 15:32
pravins juhp: yes Sep 09 15:32
juhp but I think pravins has a nice idea of IME phonetic IMEs with dictionaries Sep 09 15:32
pravins this IME will give permutation and combination's of user i/p in candidate windows Sep 09 15:33
pravins but need to developed soe intelligence based combination, so user should find his accepted string in candidate window Sep 09 15:34
pravins s/soe/some Sep 09 15:34
pravins might be need some backend dictionary for that Sep 09 15:34
dychen pravins: what's i/p ? Sep 09 15:34
dychen input? Sep 09 15:34
pravins yeah input :) Sep 09 15:35
pravins for example say i/p is 'kitab' Sep 09 15:35
pravins so candidate windows will show Sep 09 15:35
dychen pravins: Sounds quite similar with ibus-pinyin and ibus-chewing. Sep 09 15:36
pravins kitab, kiitab, kitaab, kittab i.e Sep 09 15:36
pravins dychen: yes Sep 09 15:36
dychen pravins: fuzzy match? Sep 09 15:36
juhp sure Sep 09 15:36
pravins yes Sep 09 15:36
juhp it will be first proper indic IME I think Sep 09 15:37
pravins yes Sep 09 15:37
juhp ok move on? Sep 09 15:37
pravins juhp: yes Sep 09 15:37
juhp # make IMEs in @input-methods optional instead Sep 09 15:37
juhp okay this is actually about fedora ;o) Sep 09 15:37
dychen pravins: sounds great. Sep 09 15:38
juhp having discussed a bit about @input-methods with clumens in the anaconda rfe... Sep 09 15:38
pravins dychen: will talk more once i will start development Sep 09 15:38
tagoh3 juhp: does it affects only people who use IM on English locale say? Sep 09 15:38
juhp I get a new idea - which I think turns out to "copy" ubuntu Sep 09 15:38
dychen pravins: Sure. Sep 09 15:38
juhp ie just install ibus and immodule but no IMEs by default Sep 09 15:39
juhp tagoh3: right it only affects non-CIJK installs say Sep 09 15:39
tagoh3 ok Sep 09 15:39
dychen juhp: I do think M$ at this point do a bit better job. :-P Sep 09 15:39
juhp dychen: ? Sep 09 15:40
juhp then "English" who wants to input japanese say needs to "yum install ibus-anthy" Sep 09 15:41
dychen They have some thing like "East Asian" and "Complex support (which covers Thai and Indic)," Sep 09 15:41
juhp and it should justwork Sep 09 15:41
dychen juhp: ibus-anthy will/should pull in ibus and ibus-libs anyway. :-) Sep 09 15:41
dychen Mmm, but not ibus-gtk and ibus-qt. Sep 09 15:42
juhp right Sep 09 15:42
juhp since they will already be installed ;) Sep 09 15:43
juhp dychen: aren't they deps? ;) Sep 09 15:43
dychen juhp, IMHO, I am not sure how the *purist* will say about this. Sep 09 15:44
*dychen thinks *purists* wants to get rid of ibus completely. Sep 09 15:44
juhp dychen: anyway the whole point being to avoid having to install the immodules afterwards :) Sep 09 15:44
juhp dychen: well at least we get rid of the IMEs Sep 09 15:44
juhp which are the biggest part by far Sep 09 15:44
dychen juhp: But, like we said before, what's the point to install ibus without IM? Sep 09 15:45
juhp and most users only want one at most Sep 09 15:45
juhp so that immodules work Sep 09 15:45
juhp until that is fixed... Sep 09 15:45
juhp I am saying it is a step in the right direction, not perfect :) Sep 09 15:45
juhp so what do people think of actually doing this for f12? :) Sep 09 15:46
juhp not sure about Live though Sep 09 15:46
tagoh3 well, just one thing - don't they who use English locale and who want to input some languages, do yum groupinstall any languages first? and IMEs are pulled in with it right? Sep 09 15:47
juhp dychen: there are still edge cases of course I know Sep 09 15:47
dychen juhp: At some point during the installation, we need to ask which input method they want anyway. Sep 09 15:47
juhp tagoh3: why groupinstall ? Sep 09 15:47
juhp well that was our traditional approach Sep 09 15:47
tagoh3 juhp: because no idea how to use that language :) Sep 09 15:47
juhp tagoh3: but I think lot of users don't want langpacks say Sep 09 15:47
juhp ah no idea which ime Sep 09 15:48
juhp true Sep 09 15:48
juhp tagoh3: anyway, and? :) Sep 09 15:48
juhp see we add conditional immodules to every lang group? Sep 09 15:48
juhp so Sep 09 15:49
tagoh3 juhp: in other words, we don't need to install ibus too by default for them, no? Sep 09 15:49
juhp immodules? Sep 09 15:49
tagoh3 could be conditional with the desktop and ibus? Sep 09 15:49
juhp or go the old ubuntu way and use xim? Sep 09 15:49
juhp tagoh3: ? Sep 09 15:49
dychen juhp: Or "Input method solution"? :-P Sep 09 15:49
juhp both Sep 09 15:49
juhp ? Sep 09 15:49
tagoh3 put a conditional with ibus in each desktop section? Sep 09 15:50
juhp tagoh3: it is already there Sep 09 15:50
tagoh3 doesn't it work then? Sep 09 15:50
juhp how does it help with lang support? Sep 09 15:50
juhp tagoh3: at install time? Sep 09 15:50
juhp dychen: ? Sep 09 15:51
juhp in anaconda you mean? Sep 09 15:51
tagoh3 hmm, yum doesn't manage which groups are now installed and evaluate conditions with it? Sep 09 15:51
juhp tagoh3: indeed not Sep 09 15:51
tagoh3 aha Sep 09 15:51
dychen juhp: That was your original suggestion. Sep 09 15:51
juhp dychen: yeah but getting push back ;) Sep 09 15:51
juhp so not sure if it will happen Sep 09 15:52
dychen juhp: You will get pushed back, no matter what. ^.^B Sep 09 15:52
juhp we could also have meta-packages for ibus but not terribly keen Sep 09 15:52
juhp hehe Sep 09 15:52
*dychen thinks he pulled it back. :-) Sep 09 15:53
juhp I think installing just ibus by default is reasonable compromise Sep 09 15:53
juhp phuang: would be even better if ibus could see newly installed IMEs of course ;) Sep 09 15:54
phuang juhp, yeah. but many details need considering Sep 09 15:54
juhp I know it is a bit hard Sep 09 15:55
phuang juhp, including update of of ime, install of m17n sub packages Sep 09 15:55
juhp on the other hand one of the reasons we wanted for moving to ibus imho Sep 09 15:55
phuang We need to observe all related files Sep 09 15:55
juhp phuang: at least for new IME would be nice Sep 09 15:55
dychen And for server only installation, ibus but neither ibus-gtk nor ibus-qt Sep 09 15:56
phuang how to handle m17n sub packages Sep 09 15:56
phuang if user installs some m17n maps Sep 09 15:56
juhp dychen: yeah - not like ibus is the only case there fedora Sep 09 15:56
juhp in fedora Sep 09 15:56
juhp phuang: I can forgive m17n for now :) Sep 09 15:57
phuang The most easiest way it kill ibus-daemon in post script of IME's rpm Sep 09 15:58
juhp dychen: better than current ibus-* anyway ;) Sep 09 15:58
juhp phuang: is it safe? Sep 09 15:58
phuang and then imsetting will restart it, Sep 09 15:58
tagoh3 phuang: implement any methods to reload it with a trigger outside ibus and kick it from the package? Sep 09 15:58
dychen juhp: have't test when you are inputting something. Sep 09 15:58
juhp killing doesn't sound right to me Sep 09 15:59
juhp hehe Sep 09 15:59
phuang Or send other signal to ibus-daemon, ibus-daemon could restart by self Sep 09 15:59
juhp phuang: reload? Sep 09 15:59
juhp right Sep 09 15:59
phuang no reload, restart Sep 09 15:59
juhp might be better Sep 09 15:59
juhp but frankly we should aim for ibus to do it right not some hack Sep 09 15:59
phuang restart can resolve all issues, Sep 09 16:00
juhp hmm ok Sep 09 16:00
juhp phuang: but it is system resetting user's daemon Sep 09 16:00
juhp but suppose it might be good enough Sep 09 16:00
juhp for now Sep 09 16:01
phuang reload still has some problems, including how to handle the current activated input contexts Sep 09 16:01
tagoh3 how to restart from the package's postinst, which isn't running under the expected user's role? Sep 09 16:01
dychen Or yet another systray icon says "new IME available, restart ibus to enable it." :-) Sep 09 16:01
juhp tagoh3: killall ;o) Sep 09 16:01
tagoh3 heh Sep 09 16:01
tagoh3 it's not "restart" nor "reload", you said :) Sep 09 16:01
juhp dychen: if it can do it that should be able to just add the IME to its lists Sep 09 16:02
juhp wonder if I should propose my @input-methods idea to f-i-l and f-d-l Sep 09 16:03
juhp nearly out of time here... Sep 09 16:03
dychen juhp: the applet can be active by post install script, but add into IME list, like phuang said, has many issues. Sep 09 16:03
juhp any bugs to discuss? Sep 09 16:03
juhp dychen: true Sep 09 16:03
juhp well I am not asking for a solution tomorrow but agreed that it is something we should tackle Sep 09 16:04
tagoh3 dychen: again, how to communicate with ibus from postinst? how to know an abstract adress of dbus and ibus? Sep 09 16:04
juhp I don't accept that killall is a acceptable solution anyway Sep 09 16:04
juhp s/agreed/agreement/ Sep 09 16:05
phuang tagoh3, may kill with a signal Sep 09 16:05
juhp phuang: ok that might be better Sep 09 16:05
dychen tagoh3: No need, it simply shows that users need to restart ibus themselves. Sep 09 16:06
juhp killall -USR1 or something Sep 09 16:06
juhp dychen: I don't think it is a dream solution Sep 09 16:07
dychen juhp: Agreed. It's actually dirty hack. :-) Sep 09 16:07
juhp perhaps ibus might even be able to wait for user input to complete?? Sep 09 16:07
phuang Or another way, is add a button [restart ibus for new ime] in ibus-setup Sep 09 16:07
juhp dychen: haha Sep 09 16:07
-->krishnababu (n=kkrothap@nat/redhat-us/x-uolqhxxlqrnhmdct) has joined #fedora-i18n Sep 09 16:08
juhp phuang: to what extent can the real problem be tackled? Sep 09 16:08
phuang If users do not find the IME they want, just need click the icon Sep 09 16:08
phuang s/icon/button/ Sep 09 16:08
juhp phuang: but it is just restart? Sep 09 16:09
juhp maybe tooltip could mention it? Sep 09 16:09
phuang juhp, yeah. or just put some label 'If you can not find newly installed ime, please restart ibus by ....' Sep 09 16:09
juhp phuang: I think IMEs should be able to update themselves too ideally Sep 09 16:10
tagoh3 just put updates with a restart flag. give up to think for rawhide. doesn't it sound good, eh? :) Sep 09 16:10
juhp tagoh3: hmm that is desktop restart Sep 09 16:11
phuang tagoh3, yeah. we could use restart flags too Sep 09 16:11
juhp back to scim Sep 09 16:11
phuang :) Sep 09 16:11
juhp no thanks Sep 09 16:11
juhp but for now we may have to... Sep 09 16:11
tagoh3 juhp: we used to restart desktops to change IM! don't see dreams! :p Sep 09 16:12
juhp seriously this is something that ibus should do right at least by 2.0 say Sep 09 16:12
phuang yeah Sep 09 16:12
juhp ok..... Sep 09 16:12
juhp long discussion for futurefeature.... sigh Sep 09 16:13
juhp any bugs to discuss? Sep 09 16:13
juhp dychen: how about bug 509330? Sep 09 16:14
juhp .bug 509330 Sep 09 16:14
zodbot juhp: Bug 509330 Press [,] or [.] keyboard have no function to page down or up. - Sep 09 16:14
juhp phuang: should we open another bug for Sep 09 16:15
juhp .bug 501214 Sep 09 16:15
zodbot juhp: Bug 501214 need better logo and panel icons: light blue ibus icon is not obvious - Sep 09 16:15
juhp i mean for the logo? Sep 09 16:15
phuang yeah Sep 09 16:15
Kaio like the logo on the rawhide Sep 09 16:16
juhp ah but see update Sep 09 16:16
juhp maybe it is ok Sep 09 16:16
juhp kaio: you mean icon? Sep 09 16:16
dychen juhp: it's actually ibus-pinyin. phuang, do you really want me to mock with it? :-) Sep 09 16:16
Kaio juhp: trayicon.. Sep 09 16:16
juhp ah Sep 09 16:16
juhp kaio: yeah we are now asking for better project logo Sep 09 16:17
Kaio as marketing? Sep 09 16:17
phuang dychen, ? Sep 09 16:17
dychen juhp: Actually one community guy just submit an ibus logo? Sep 09 16:17
dychen phuang: for bug 509330. Sep 09 16:18
juhp dychen: fixed Sep 09 16:18
juhp (assignment) Sep 09 16:18
juhp sigh Sep 09 16:18
juhp that bug has been waiting long time Sep 09 16:18
juhp dychen: next place reassign Sep 09 16:18
juhp please Sep 09 16:18
dychen juhp: Sure. Sep 09 16:19
juhp kaio: when will you finish ibus-table-setup gconf? Sep 09 16:20
dychen Though myself doesn't mind to "light phuang's load". :-) Sep 09 16:20
juhp .bug 513901 Sep 09 16:20
zodbot juhp: Bug 513901 ibus-table setup does not store config settings - Sep 09 16:20
phuang I will check it in rawhide, but it does not happen on my f11 box Sep 09 16:20
juhp ok Sep 09 16:20
juhp dychen: need to keep bugs moving anyway :) Sep 09 16:20
phuang f11 with ibus-1.2.x Sep 09 16:20
juhp (not sure why I assigned to dchen anyway :) Sep 09 16:21
juhp oh Sep 09 16:21
juhp phuang: maybe ask? Sep 09 16:21
juhp .bug 521591 Sep 09 16:22
zodbot juhp: Bug 521591 ibus: check if the icon filename is a real file before trying to open it - Sep 09 16:22
juhp phuang: is the patch ok? Sep 09 16:22
juhp .bug 509518 Sep 09 16:23
zodbot juhp: Bug 509518 ibus-anthy should only override to jp layout for kana input - Sep 09 16:23
phuang juhp, does not the patch Sep 09 16:24
fujiwarat I guess it's not for f12. Sep 09 16:25
phuang fujiwarat, yeah Sep 09 16:25
juhp ok Sep 09 16:26
juhp f11? Sep 09 16:26
juhp I think we have to fix 509518 for f12 Sep 09 16:26
juhp if no comments I will make it a F12Blocker Sep 09 16:26
phuang sure Sep 09 16:26
juhp since it is a regression Sep 09 16:26
juhp ok Sep 09 16:27
fujiwarat Oh, I thought it's f13.. Sep 09 16:27
juhp fujiwarat: depends which bug we are talking about :) Sep 09 16:27
fujiwarat Oh sorry, I mean 509518 Sep 09 16:28
fujiwarat I thought it would be a RFE since we have a workaround. Sep 09 16:29
juhp fujiwarat: me too Sep 09 16:29
fujiwarat ok Sep 09 16:29
juhp not saying how to fix but Shift-2 -> " is not acceptable on us kbd IMHO Sep 09 16:29
juhp actually I thought fix should be in IME Sep 09 16:30
juhp phuang: anyway please have another look Sep 09 16:30
juhp was hoping we could get rid of keyboard override in ibus-setup Sep 09 16:31
juhp .bug 514192 Sep 09 16:32
zodbot juhp: Bug 514192 ibus toolbar should use config icon for setup - Sep 09 16:32
juhp I started looking at this Sep 09 16:32
juhp looks straightward but needs changes to all IME I guess :-\ Sep 09 16:32
phuang get rid of keymap in ibus? and only uses xkb ? Sep 09 16:32
phuang juhp, yeah Sep 09 16:32
juhp phuang: no I am saying it should be done through IME Sep 09 16:32
juhp not globally Sep 09 16:33
phuang ic Sep 09 16:33
juhp but dunno how much we can do in time for f12 Sep 09 16:33
juhp I would say might be better to turn off ibus-anthy override for now if we can't find a proper solution quickly Sep 09 16:34
phuang ok. to use xkb as default setting Sep 09 16:34
phuang ok? Sep 09 16:35
fujiwarat schemas file can be set the default value by locale. Sep 09 16:35
fujiwarat If you want hardcoded us layout, probably it might be better to set ja only. Sep 09 16:36
phuang we don't like it. jensp, right? Sep 09 16:36
tagoh3 I thought that feature isn't yet implemented Sep 09 16:36
tagoh3 in gconf Sep 09 16:36
fujiwarat no Sep 09 16:36
fujiwarat oh, yes done Sep 09 16:36
<--Kaio has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) Sep 09 16:37
juhp phuang: well should only be jp for kana input - but still wonder how many people are going to input kana without jp kbd anyway Sep 09 16:38
juhp so value seems small to me? Sep 09 16:38
juhp phuang: yes Sep 09 16:39
juhp I mean just follow system kbd Sep 09 16:39
juhp (sorry irc is hard:) Sep 09 16:39
fujiwarat ok, I'll give the example change later. Sep 09 16:40
juhp okay Sep 09 16:40
juhp cool Sep 09 16:40
juhp paragan: Sep 09 16:40
-->Kaio (n=cchance@fedora/Kaio) has joined #fedora-i18n Sep 09 16:40
juhp .bug 501673 Sep 09 16:40
zodbot juhp: Bug 501673 [indic] Shortcut key should be ctrl+shift for changing keymaps - Sep 09 16:40
juhp .bug 239414 Sep 09 16:41
zodbot juhp: Bug 239414 illogical mapping for non-QWERTY keyboard with m17n - Sep 09 16:41
juhp just pinging those Sep 09 16:41
paragan ok Sep 09 16:41
juhp any plans there? :) Sep 09 16:41
juhp wish we could fix 239414 for f12 Sep 09 16:41
juhp it is a long-standing bug and would highlight improve with ibus over scim say Sep 09 16:42
paragan yes need to work on it Sep 09 16:42
paragan ok Sep 09 16:42
juhp but I fear it needs upstream changes to label maps that assume qwerty Sep 09 16:42
dychen Mmm, not quite sure a table for keylayout <-> input map helps. Sep 09 16:42
juhp dychen: why not? :) Sep 09 16:43
paragan juhp, is alt + shift was decided as default key for changing keymaps in ibus Sep 09 16:43
juhp s/qwerty/US/ Sep 09 16:43
dychen paragan: Changing input methods, per se. Sep 09 16:44
juhp phuang: can we make Alt+Shift next hotkey for Indic? Sep 09 16:44
dychen paragan, what's Windows keybinding for them? Sep 09 16:45
paragan dychen, sorry? Sep 09 16:45
phuang juhp, current is alt+shift, right? Sep 09 16:45
juhp paragan: btw xkb uses Shift+Caps_Lock to switch layout Sep 09 16:45
juhp ah Sep 09 16:45
paragan Sep 09 16:45
dychen paragan: what's windows keybind for switching keylayout/input method? Sep 09 16:46
paragan looks to me its alt+shift in ibus and its ctrl+shift in scim Sep 09 16:46
juhp phuang: so it's already fixed? Sep 09 16:46
paragan dychen, sorry I don't know Sep 09 16:46
phuang juhp, no Sep 09 16:46
dychen :-) Sep 09 16:46
juhp paragan: ah ok (actually reading;) so you want Ctrl-Shift back hmm Sep 09 16:47
juhp phuang: so can we have Ctrl-Shift for indic? ;) Sep 09 16:47
paragan juhp, phuang yes. That was request got from scim users Sep 09 16:47
phuang juhp, we can Sep 09 16:47
dychen juhp: Doesn't warren against that idea? :-) Sep 09 16:47
*juhp doesn't think Ctrl-Shift is a good hotkey Sep 09 16:47
phuang juhp, actually, we like ctrl-shift too Sep 09 16:48
juhp phuang: indic only? Sep 09 16:48
juhp ah yeah Sep 09 16:48
phuang juhp, why indic only? Sep 09 16:48
juhp ok let's close wontfix ;-) Sep 09 16:48
phuang juhp, we don't like locale different settings. right Sep 09 16:48
juhp or any acceptable solution? Sep 09 16:48
dychen juhp: I think it Ctrl-Shift is from win95, Alt-Shift is from winxp. Sep 09 16:48
juhp hmm Sep 09 16:49
juhp I think Alt-Shift is better Sep 09 16:49
phuang dychen, really? I think it is ctrl+shift too Sep 09 16:49
juhp paragan: I think better indic users got used to it Sep 09 16:49
juhp hmm Sep 09 16:49
juhp Ctrl is too soft Sep 09 16:49
juhp next to shift IMHO Sep 09 16:50
dychen phuang: Um, ctrl-shift is for IM within the same locale, alt-shift is for IM "among" different locale. Sep 09 16:50
juhp or we leave it open? Sep 09 16:50
juhp I don't see a short-term global solution Sep 09 16:50
dychen juhp: Maybe stay as-is. Sep 09 16:51
juhp dychen: for all langs? Sep 09 16:51
juhp okay Sep 09 16:51
phuang juhp, I don't know. If me, i like change to the old one 'Ctrl - Shift' :) Sep 09 16:51
juhp so wontfix... Sep 09 16:51
juhp phuang: yeah I know it is popular in zh Sep 09 16:51
phuang ok Sep 09 16:51
juhp or deferred? Sep 09 16:52
juhp paragan: any more comment? Sep 09 16:52
paragan juhp, seems Windows uses Alt+shift as per Sep 09 16:52
juhp okay Sep 09 16:52
juhp so should be acceptable Sep 09 16:52
paragan ok then Sep 09 16:53
paragan I will leave resolution for this bug to juhp and phuang Sep 09 16:54
juhp closed :) Sep 09 16:54
juhp thanks :) Sep 09 16:54
phuang ok Sep 09 16:54
juhp ok ok Sep 09 16:54
paragan ok Sep 09 16:54
juhp let's finish - didn't plan to go on so long... Sep 09 16:54
juhp but glad we did cover some bugs in detail :) Sep 09 16:54
juhp let's try to keep pushing on the bugs for beta Sep 09 16:55
juhp # meeting closed Sep 09 16:56
juhp phew Sep 09 16:56
paragan thanks all Sep 09 16:56
dychen Thanks. Sep 09 16:57
tagoh3 thanks all Sep 09 16:57
phuang thanks Sep 09 16:59
fujiwarat thx Sep 09 16:59

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