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Fedora Weekly News Issue 128

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 128 for the week of April 14th, 2008.


In Announcements, we have "Please digg: Fedora stories".

In Planet Fedora, we have "FLSCo elections slipped", "FLSCo elections slipped", "Random Fedora musings" and "Recovering Data from Windows systems by using Linux"

Looking for Marketing News Beat Writer: If you're actively monitoring fedora-marketing-list, we'd like to hear from you. Please see 'join' page.



In this section, we cover announcements from Fedora Project.

Contributing Writer: ThomasChung

Please digg: Fedora stories

GregDeKoenigsberg announces in fedora-announce-list[1] ,

"In the run-up to Fedora 9, we on the Fedora marketing team are looking to collect as many interesting stories about Fedora as we possibly can. Did you know that someone is building soccer playing robots using Fedora? Neither did I! These are the kinds of stories that we want to share with the world."


Planet Fedora

In this section, we cover a highlight of Planet Fedora - an aggregation of blogs from world wide Fedora contributors.

Contributing Writers: ThomasChung

FLSCo elections slipped

DimitrisGlezos points out in his blog[1] ,

"We’re slipping the FLSCo elections to give more time for Infra on setting up the voting system. The voting week now starts on 22/4, which means we have 8 more days for new nominations."


Thank you seeders!

JeroenVanMeeuwen points out in his blog[1]

"So, what I'm trying to say is: Thank you, additional 40 voluntary seeders! And thank you, 45 original seeders! In 4 days after my original blog post requesting additional seeds, you doubled the amount of seeds and took some weight off my shoulders. I can breath again!"


Random Fedora musings

DaveJones points out in his blog[1] ,

"Earlier this week, I noticed a posting from Andy Wingo about how he'd switched to Fedora from Ubuntu. Whilst I found his post interesting, I knew I'd find the comments even moreso. Certain things keep coming up over and over again, and I'd really like to know more."


Recovering Data from Windows systems by using Linux

HaraldHoyer points out in his blog[1] ,

"Somehow I stumbled over a PDF about Recovering Data from Windows systems by using Linux. Very nice, I think I'll print the first page, put it in a frame and hang it on the wall :-)."



In this section, we cover Fedora Ambassadors Project.


Contributing Writer: JeffreyTadlock

Event Report: Notacon 5

JasonFenner reported [1] on the Fedora presence at Notacon 5 in Cleveland, Ohio on April 5th. The report covers the frequently asked questions at the event, the numbers behind how much media and other swag were given away and more. Read the full report and do not miss the picture gallery [2] .



Fedora 9 Release Parties

JeffreyTadlock posted [1] an announcement to the Ambassadors mailing list announcing a push for global Fedora 9 release parties. Organizing a Fedora 9 release party is a great way to get started with the Fedora Ambassadors. Included in the announcement was link to the new Release Party Planning page [2] in the wiki. Be sure to add your event to the Fedora Events page.


[2] Ambassadors/ReleaseEvents

[3] FedoraEvents

APAC Ambassador Meeting Announced

SusmitShannigrahi has started a thread [1] on the Ambassadors mailing list and is stepping up to lead the Ambassador meetings for the APAC region [2] . If you are an Ambassador or have interest in being an Ambassador in the APAC region please be sure to attend the initial meeting and help make it a success. Keep an eye on the Ambassador meeting page for any updates [3] .



[3] Ambassadors/Meetings

Fedora in Libraries

KarlieRobinson announced [1] the efforts to get Fedora on your local libraries' shelves through the Public Software Foundation [2] . Fedora is listed as a resource here [3] . Keep an eye on the Ambassadors list and Public Software Foundation site for more information on this initiative.




New Deadline for Ambassador Polo Shirts

JoergSimon announced [1] a new deadline for ordering Fedora Ambassador Polo shirts for LinuxTag. The new deadline to order shirts is April 18th, 2008 by 8:00 UTC. Add your name to the list [2] if you will be ordering one and at LinuxTag to pick up the shirt.


[2] Ambassadors/PoloShirt


This section, we cover the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) Project.


Contributing Writer: MarekMahut

FLSCo elections moved

DimitrisGlezos informs [1] and also calls [2] for nominations on fedora-trans-list.

"The voting system used by Fedora will require some more work in order to be usable for our elections (mainly to work with FAS2). We're expecting it to be ready on Tuesday 22/4. This means we'll be moving the election period for FLSCo to 22-29/4. So, 8 more days for folks who'd like to put their nominations in!"



Fedora 9 GA Release Notes

MurrayMcAllister informs [1] on fedora-trans-list.

"Reminding everyone that PO files are due at UTC 2359 on 2008-04-15 for the Fedora 9 GA Release Notes."



This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-infrastructure-list


Contributing Writer: HuzaifaSidhpurwala


RolandMcGrath writes on fedora-infrastructure-list [1]

What is the relationship between git:// and the configs/system scripts in puppet1:/cvs/puppet?


Possible new CLA

PaulFrields writes on fedora-infrastructure-list [2]

There is a draft of a new CLA being circulated at FreeIPA [3] . Paul asked Legal for a summary of what's changed and why, and an answer to whether all Fedora contributors would need to re-execute this agreement.




In this section, we cover Fedora Artwork Project.


Contributing Writer: NicuBuculei

Last minute: new Waves walpaper (F9)

A few days in advance to the final freeze for Fedora 9, MairinDuffy voices [1] the concerns she received regarding the current state of the artwork: "I've received a few complaints about the f9 wallpaper (it seems the sulphur is really unpopular) and I've been experimenting with alternative designs for it but trying to keep the same look and feel of the rest of the artwork." Everibody chimes in, and quickly it evolves to a proposal [2] and a final design [3] . Expect the distro graphics to rock once again.




More themes for Fedora 10

In paralell with themes development for Fedora, people in the Fedora Art Team proposed a couple more themes for the next version, Fedora 10 [1] : MolaPahnadayan came with Blue Fire [2] and MariaLeandro with Moonrise [3] .

[1] Artwork/F10Themes



Security Advisories

In this section, we cover Security Advisories from fedora-package-announce.

Contributing Writer: ThomasChung

Fedora 8 Security Advisories

Fedora 7 Security Advisories

Events and Meetings

In this section, we cover event reports and meeting summaries from various Projects and SIGs.

Contributing Writer: ThomasChung

Fedora Board Meeting Minutes 2008-04-08

Fedora Community Architecture Meeting 2008-04-07

Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee Meeting 2008-04-11

Fedora Engineering Steering Committee Meeting 2008-04-10

Fedora Infrastructure Meeting 2008-04-10

Fedora Packaging Committee Meeting 2008-04-08

Fedora Release Engineering Meeting 2008-04-07

Fedora SIG KDE Meeting 2008-04-08