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June 8, 2016 - Wednesday Night Hacks

Ways to improve CommOps Etherpad sprawl

"Snapshots" via Etherpad to have clear points in time for revisions?

Possible to use Pagure as a central place for interacting and storing files / data for CommOps?

  • Is that a high barrier of entry for new contributors who may not be technical?

Fedora-hosted Etherpad? Is this possible within Fedora's infrastructure?

Developing CommOps-specific SOPs, similar to how Infrastructure has them?

  • jflory7 likes this one especially


June 3, 2016 - Friday Night Hacks

Tickets (The Release Announcement!!)


Push PyCon 2016 Attendee badge to production

Award PyCon 2016 Attendee badge to participating members

Document "Pushing badges to prod 101" from hack session

Add PyCon 2016 Attendee badge to wiki:

Add CommBlog Post for "Mizmo O'Reily Award"

Ship "CommBlog Keeps it 100" to CommBlog

Update Flock Travel Subsidy Survey

Ship the PyCon Attendee 2016 Badges Poster for printing


Documented the steps for how to push a badge in Fedora Infra

  • #action jflory7 Write up a SOP on pushing a badge for Fedora Infra if there is not one already (make any improvements if there is one?)

Ship "CommBlog Keeps it 100" to CommBlog

Draft "Event Report: PyCon 2016" for CommBlog (started)

Update Flock Travel Subsidy Survey (final)


May 18, 2016 - Wednesday Morning Hacks




Badges? Wat? (Resources)


Target Items for Today

Identifying priorities for existing badge proposals (?)

Helping on the Fedora Badges Trac

Existing badge proposals that might be useful for us later (sad news, maybe?? :( ) (Bugzilla in fedmsg?) (Contributing to zodbot)

Existing FAS group proposal badges

New Badge Concepts

Configuration of a "digest mode" for badges messages 

  • (when you sign into tahrir?)

Action Series (Based on #actions in IRC, like speak-up series)


Apr. 28, 2016 - Thursday Night Hacks



Join the devel list (

Join the #fed-mod chan

Attend fed-mod meeting (speak up)

Familiarize self w/ Agile and Scrum methodologies [  ] (

Log into Taiga, make account: [ not hooked into fedmsg… yet ]

Additional Resources:

Ask to join the pagure organization: [ fedmsg hook possible ]

Fork and clone the module plugin repository on Pagure: $ git clone [ fedmsg hook possible ] (

Apply for membership in the FAS group: (

V1.0 Onboarding Checks for Badge:

  • Speak Up!
  • Check to make sure mailman.recieve ( from:user list=devel)
  • Make sure you have fedmsgs for forking 'fm-*' repo on pagure
  • ***OPTIONAL: title contains "Modularity Workflow Review" ***)
  • apply for fas group membership (modularity-wg)

V2.0 Onboarding Checks for Badge:

  • speak-up, "hot topic," "license to push," "Long life to pagure"
  • Make sure you have fedmsgs for forking 'fm-*' repo on pagure
  • *** OPTIONAL: title contains "Modularity Workflow Review" ***)
  • apply for fas group membership


Apr. 21, 2016 - Thursday Night Hacks

Drafted GSoC CommBlog Announce
Reach out to BlueHost
Meet with mizmo/ryanlerch about badges/hubs

Announcing Fedora Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Class of 2016

This morning, Google officially announced the participants for the 11th year of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. If you're not familiar with Google Summer of Code, you can read more on the Community Blog. This year, Fedora was a participating organization. Alongside Fedora-specific projects like Fedora Hubs and CommOps, the Fedora Project combined forces with Project Atomic, Anerist, Pagure, TKDump, and Cockpit. The applications were many and it was difficult to narrow them down. We are happy and confident with this year's selection of participants.

CommOps -
Hubs -
Atomic -

Google Summer of Code Class of 2016

This year's Google Summer of Code Class of 2016 for the Fedora Project are as follows.

- Tummala Dhanvi [:c0mrad3] Anerist

- Harish Anand

Fedora CommOps
- Sachin S Kamath 
- ??????

Fedora Hubs
- Devyani

- Farhaan Bukhsh - Pagure:
- vivekanand - Pagure for pkgs.fp.o:

Project Atomic
- Allan E. Gardner - OSTree: Drop privileges for HTTP fetches
- champika: Automatic Atomic Host Updates:

- Ronit Halder 


- weeklong chunks to map out intern stuff... start backwards from flock implementation
- 7 PM good for ryanlerch        
- now DST is over, im working later at night; but that 5pm meeting is now 7am my time
- give or take. i am working a lot later at night
- your 8am is my about 11pm so happy to help, as long as it's not between 2am > 6am my time
- 50-70% of newbie tasks already have badges
- need new badges for membership for each team
- commops has mapped out all of the subprojects and their badges (in this etherpad)
- so you could earn multiple instances of a badge?; i think they're more pre-reqs
- membership badges manually awarded? (when you get added to FAS group).
- commops take on manual awarding?
mizmo 19:31:38 pre-req badges.... level 0... eg using irc, getting FAS account, (bootstrapped series)
mizmo 19:32:32 onboarding series
mizmo 19:32:47 bootstrapped would need to have some removed
ryanlerch 19:33:02 oh, wouldnt it be neat if you could say, get the "speak up" badge multiple times -- one for each meeting you attend?
ryanlerch 19:33:14 each type of meeting
decause 19:34:30
ryanlerch 19:35:01 gotta go afk for a bit. bbiab
mizmo 19:37:42 when people apply to join team, to get fedmsg log to see for example what channel they spoke up in
mizmo 19:38:18 let's not clog up the works with too many extra badges
decause 19:41:18
mizmo 19:41:32 idea: late night poster.... you posted to mailing list between hours of 2 am and 6 am your time (maybe 10x)
mizmo 19:41:53 idea: inspiring poster... you posted to mailing list that 10 people replied to
mizmo 19:42:06 idea: you wrote to maiing lists of 10 different teams
mizmo 19:43:11 lots of new fedmsgs... need new badges for them
mizmo 19:45:21 translation hub priority
Justin (jflory7) 19:45:29 G11n++ 
mizmo 19:47:11 project/team hubs, regional hubs, personal hubs
mizmo 19:50:24 #1 priority individual/person hub
ryanlerch 19:54:13 #notmugshot   
mizmo 19:55:27 yes not mugshot!  
mizmo 19:58:31 idea: all team hubs exist, but will not appear until a fas group admin goes in and customizes it. for launch we'll work on making some hubs awesome (mktg, translations, design, commops) and other hubs show up blank until admin customized
mizmo 19:58:49 idea: widget - "coming soon" kind of thing, people can sign up to request hub to be customized
mizmo 19:59:00 drive team leads to request the widgets they need
mizmo 19:59:05 also need set of standard widgets to show
mizmo 19:59:09 standard widgets: 
mizmo 19:59:11 feed widget       
mizmo 19:59:24 should have blogs, mailing list, notifications
mizmo 19:59:27 ticket widget     
mizmo 19:59:38 badges widget     
mizmo 19:59:44 meeting widget    
mizmo 20:00:35 collect requirements docs from team leads (intern task?)
mizmo 20:01:47 follow badge requests model for widget requests
Justin (jflory7) 20:02:58 Meetbot also running in #fedora-meeting-3
Justin (jflory7) 20:03:10 Good for quick summaries or links for later reference.

For Flock Demo
we should "build anticipation" at the demo, and not have all hubs populated. (admins  / fas group admins should be given instructions on how to activate their hubs, maybe have a 'coming soon' widget on blank ones.)

Same process for requesting badges, should be used for requesting widgets for hubs.


Apr. 05, 2016 - Tuesday Night Hacks

GSoC Announcement Evite



=== jflory7 Task List ===

  • Collaboration with with decause
  • BrickHack BrickHack BrickHack
  • Bitcamp 2016 badge!!!


Mar. 29, 2016 - Tuesday Night Hacks

0) jflory7 Pre-Tasks

a) Post-Meeting Tasks

- Update tickets with new information

- Run through action items

  • jflory7 Create an event in the Onboarding calendar for the G11n vFAD
  • jflory7 Get the Etherpad badge proposals to the ticket
  • jflory7 Create a Fedocal entry in CommOps for the Hack Session ASAP [oops]
  • jflory7 Get back with dhanvi about what is needed to be updated, how to go about doing it, etc. (make the game plan)
  • jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to reddit
  • jflory7 get NetworkWorld series posts pushed to social-media list
  • jflory schedule modularity article to publish on tuesday next week

b) Get Marketing meeting agenda started somewhere

c) Make tickets for Onboarding series (Infrastructure)

1) Convert Etherpad to Tickets:

a) Onboarding Series

- Create a ticket for each subproject in the commops trac

- Identify existing badges for each task in the list for each subproject

- Come up with some suggested badge concepts for each subproject's onboarded badge

  • - Based on Wiki Banner Art?
  • - Some teams have Logos?
  • - CommOps Unoffiical Mascot of Canadian Goose?

- Optional: Create a Ticket template or category for onboarding badges in the badges-trac?

- File a ticket on the badges trac for each subproject, pointing at the details in the commops ticket.

2) Close the book on BrickHacks:

- Winner's interview email questions

  • - #action jflory7 Create template email to send to winners (remember badges too)

- Draft of overall story in CommBlog

- #action jflory7 Finish BrickHack articles

  • - Full CommBlog
  • - Revised RIT version
  • - Magazine pointer

- Ordering the Raspberry Pi's and Books

- Close loop with BlueHost reps

  • - #info jsmith is no longer point of contact for these (email reply sent a while back with their contact info)

- Delivering to RHT Tower, to be forwarded to actual addresses properly from there

Participant Interview Questions:

Subject: BrickHack "Best in FOSS": $PROJECT


You are receiving this email for participating in the "Best in FOSS" track at BrickHack. On behalf of the Fedora Project team, we'd like to thank you for your participation in the category and for making some awesome things during the course of the weekend! We were impressed with all of the projects we saw, and it was a hard decision to bring it down to a few winners. We hope you got as much out of BrickHack as we did!

But it's time for us to get to prize distribution and writing about the awesome things you and your team created! Winners and honorable mentions in the category receive an assortment of prizes as well as a feature in the Fedora Community Blog. Once we have gathered responses from all of our winners, we'll be sending along your prizes and gifts (if applicable) and publishing your stories (a prize in itself!). Please work with your teammates and work on answering the questions we have below (some of you can answer a couple, then the others answer the rest – just let us know who is answering which questions).

Please complete the questions below, and don't forget your addresses!


  • 0) What is the best mailing address for you?
  • 1) What are the names and schools of all the members on your team?
  • 2) What is your favorite website and why?
  • 3) What is your favorite programming language or technology? How come?
  • 4) Have you ever run Linux, or used other Free/Open Source Software?
  • 5) Have you ever contributed to Open Source before?
  • 6) How did you come up with your idea?
  • 7) Why did you decide to release it Open Source?
  • 8) Do you have any future plans for your project after BrickHack?
  • 9) What was your favorite part of the hackathon?
  • 10) What was your least favorite part of the hackathon?
  • 11) Would you go to another hackathon in the future?


Thanks again for your participation, and we're looking forward to seeing you next year at BrickHack or elsewhere!


3) create featured image for g11n article on commblog

4) provide feedback on the trifold for python mktg

- Change "love story about" text from "Fedora and Python" to:

  • - OS'es and Developers
  • - Hackers and their Computers
  • - ... and ...

5) DevConf Event Report... jeez decause

6) High-profile Flock Promotional Piece???

  • #action decause ping flock-planning about keynote status
  • #action decause ping jzb on whether this is still a thing or not

7) Populate new onboarding calendar with GSoC and Outreachy events!!!!

8) Reconcile final F24 release announce text on magazine into wiki same as this


Mar. 23, 2016, Wednesday Night Hacks


  • GSoC Mentor Email (decause)
  • GSoC Proposal Review (decause)


#action decause announce tatica

#action decause open loop with elioqishi and jonatoni about sponsoring OSCAL

#action decause talk to ryanlerch et al about patternfly? DONE, not gonna happen ;)

F24 Server Talking Points

  • We start making them up?????
  • Any responses?
  • Invite #fedora-server folks directly for input, we need /something/ to start with

F24 Alpha Release Announcement (decause, due Monday)

0) Draft Response:

Copy much text from previous announcements:

  • Lead
  • Closing
  • testing
  • What is an Alpha

Ask mattdm what the overall story is

Flock Announcement (somewhere)

new release times (

1) Email the leadership team, ask for guidance

2) Finalize wiki, Ship link to the "release people" (aka jzb will know who) Event Report (lots of higher priority things, but maybe should just take a few minutes and ship *something*

High-profile Flock Promotional Piece

  • A prominant publication may be willing to run something promoting Flock, but we'd need to create a special post for it by early next week. This is kind of blocking on the alpha-release announcement.

F24 should we talk about the kernel version etc as it comes with the latest version of 4.4 and can be upgraded to 4.5 I guess.

=== jflory7 Tasks for 3/23/2016 ===

Finish CommOps post-meeting tasks (wiki page minutes, update tickets, finish any triaging)

Finish Marketing post-meeting tasks (wiki page minutes, update tickets, finish any triaging)

Review Community Blog post: fedmsg2gource

Review Community Blog post: FOSSASIA

Review Community Blog post: Golden chance to translate Fedora 24 in your language

Update Campus Ambassadors rewrite proposal:

  2. ^ add to the UII page

Update FAmNA Campus Ambassadors ticket with information:

Check in with G11n team about vFAD and what help they need

Create ticket in Trac for F24 talking points

Tackle email

Formal Documentation about the Mentor, Campus Ambassadors ?


Mar. 11, 2016, Friday Night Hacks


Populate new onboarding calendar with GSoC and Outreachy events!!!!


Continue updating the "Welcome Kit" with templates and resources:

Invite all the folks listed as mentors on summer_coding_ideas_2016 to the GSoC org officially (DONE)

GSoC Admin Calendar

  • March 14 - 25:  Mentors and Org Admins review student draft proposals and give students feedback on their proposals.
  • March 26 - April 10:   Review all submitted student proposals with your org and consider how many you want to select and how many you can handle. Determine the  minimum/maximum number of student slots to request.
  • April 11:  Deadline to submit slot requests.
  • April 13: Slot allocations are announced.
  • April 14 - 20:   Select the proposals to become student projects. At least 1 mentor  must be assigned to each project before it can be selected.
  • April 22:  Accepted GSoC students/projects are announced.
  • April 23 - May 22:  Community Bonding Period.
  • May 23: Coding begins
  • June 20 - 27: Midterm evaluations
  • August 23 - 29:  Final evaluations of students.
  • Mid/Late October 2016: Mentor Summit (dates TBD)


  •  February 9   participating organizations start being announced 
  • February 9 - March 22 applicants need to get in touch with at least one project and make a contribution to it 
  •  February 16 participating organizations are finalized and application system opens 
  •  March 22 application deadline at 7pm UTC 
  •  March 22 - April 25 applicants are encouraged to continue making contributions for the project they applied for; submitted applications are open for editing 
  •  April 22  accepted participants announced on this page at 4pm UTC 
  •  May 23 - August 23  internship period 

Onboarding Badges Series

Finish gathering onboarding steps (see previous power session below)

Locate existing badges within onboarding steps (see below)

Create badges tickets for onboarding process for each subproject in commblog. 

  • Once each is greenlighted, create badge request on fedora-badges trac


  • Begin "BrickHacks Winners" Article: (Email decause for copy of winner information)

  • Finish DevConf Event Report - (decause)
  • Create CommBlog update for Council Objectives meeting on Monday


  • Create a new objective for Fedora Python Marketing (Draft Complete)
  • Find a new lead for EDU objective (decause is sadly over-extended)
  • Create CommBlog update for Council Objectives meeting on Monday
  • Update EDU Logic Model

jflory7 Tasks for 2016-03-11:

  1. FAmSCo: File ticket about lazy consensus
  2. CommBlog: GSoC 2016 // Added gsoc-announce.png to post,  added Beginner's Guide to IRC as well in the Communication section
  3. CommBlog: BrickHack 2016 Event Report
  4. Magazine: BrickHack 2016 pointer [CANCELLED FOR TONIGHT]

decause Tasks for 2016-03-11:

  1. Dump BrickHack winners information into email to jflory7@fp.o (DONE)
  2. Draft Fedora Python Marketing Objective (Draft Complete)


Mar. 5 - 6, 2016, BrickHack!

WE HACKED!!! GLORY! decause++


Feb. 24, 2016

G11n vFAD 2016 Discussion
TICKET:                                               <== [needs updating after tonight's discussion]

From the whiteboard:

New Badges:

Onboarded Badge

  • g11n series (below)

Language Lead (manual)

vFAD Event Badge

Per-release Badges Sequence

Language Tester

  • 0) Know a language!
  • 1) Submit a bug to the trac!

Slides from G11n FAD Tokyo -

Zanata Contribution Pipeline

  • ...
  • ...
  • Language lead merges commit

Onboarding Series

** Possible / good  idea to add a  GSoC Specific  On-boarding?

    1. Do this process for commops as a test bed and example for everyone else on how this process will work - something for GSoC intern to do

  • verify onboarding steps for each group
  • figure out when badges should be given for each step per group


  • Involvement


  • 0) Get a FAS Account (sign the FPCA) (Involvement)
  • 1) Create a User Wiki Page 
  • 2) Join Mailing Lists and IRC Channels
  • 3) Contact a Regional Mentor, get sponsored
  • 4) Get mentor approval
  • -----decause adds-----
  • 5) Attend regional ambassador meeting, introduce yourself




0) Create a FAS Account (sign the FPCA) (Involvement)

1) Create a GPG Key, and upload it to keyservers, one of which being (Crypto Panda)

2) write a  self-introduction to the mailing list with some ideas on how you would like to contribute:

3) create your own user wiki page, or update with new info if one exists from another prject (Let me Introduce myself Badge)

4) attend the InterRelay Chat channel #fedora-meeting  meetings on Mondays. (Speak Up Badge)

5) hang out on InterRelay Chat channel #fedora-docs

6) Interact with other fedora contributors  (how to use fasinfo, lookup others wiki user pages, asking for sponsorship)

6) Make a contribution Choose an item from this page:

7) Post to mailing list, describing which contribution you want to make, asking for feedback

8) Post to mailing list with links to your contribution


0) Create a FAS Account (Sign the FPCA) (Involvement)

1) Join the #fedora-releng IRC Channel on Freenode and introduce yourself.

2) Attend a #fedora-releng meeting, and notify the team you'd like to contribute during "open floor" (speak up badge)

3) Subscribe to the rel-eng calendar on Fedocal: (Subscribe Button on Fedora Hubs?)


0) Create a FAS account, (Sign the FPCA) (Involvement)

1) Join and introduce yourself the EPEL SIG mailing list: 


Infra Apprentice Onboarding Proces: 

0) Get a FAS Account (sign the FPCA) (Involvement)

1) You start with getting started doc

  • - IRC, Mail List, and say "hi, I like to join the Apprentice group."  (Mailing List series, Apprentice FAS group sponsorship)

2) Answer the monthly apprentice status update about what systems you are working with, what you are doing with them, and what you are learning. (Speak Up Badge)

3) Participate in the Fedora-infra weekly meeting. (Speak Up!)



0) Create a FAS Account, (sign FPCA) (Involvement)

1) Introduce yourself on the g11n list:

2) Language Tester Badge

3) First Contribution Accepted!

Magazine < >



0) Create a FAS Account (and sign the FPCA) (Involvement)

1) Join the mailing list and introduce yourself:

2) Choose a marketing task you'd like to help with, and post to the mailing list asking for feedback:

3) Post to the mailing list with a link to your contribution.

4) Request to join the marketing group in FAS

Package Maintainers

Quality Assurance (linuxmodder)





Server [linuxmodder /others?]


FreeMedia  [linuxmodder]


New Badges:

ML Series:

  • - 1st Post! - Post to the mailing list for the first time.
  • - 100th Post! - Post to the mailing lists 10 times
  • - 1000th Post! - Post to the list 1000 times
  • Concept: Cat wearing a mail hat? Hyperkitty logo with the number on it?

Pagure Series

Speak Up! Series:

FAS Group Badges:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Budget Calendar (viorel)


1) Request resources for a new calendar ( )

(Select 'new calendar' component)

Fedora-Infra calendar request template:

  • calendar name:
  • Budget

  • contact email: 
  • decause@redhat

  • Description: 
  • This is the schedule of activity for annual budget reporting and proposals

  • Manager Groups: 
  • (leave blank for fpca+1, otherwise group that can add/remove/edit events)
  • council, commops

2) Add new events for each part of the schedule

3) Future? Use taskjuggler workflow to officically budget added to the Fedora Schedules:


Feb. 23, 2016

BrickHack 2016


Bluehost goodies

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B ($35/unit)

kk4ewt (Southern_Gentlemen) was chatting in off call chat about rtl-sdr for  ham based foss stuff

List of open source projects and on-boarding locations readily accessible to participants


Feb. 16, 2016

0) Q1 Travel List for Decause (CHECK)

- BrickHack [March 5 - 6]

- LibrePlanet [ March 16-18 ]

- CSH 40th April [4-5]

- PyCon 2016 [ May 26th - June 6th ]

1) GSoC Slots and Registration (CHECK)


-  // needs a once over by mentors to ensure they are  including in proper spots and User Pages are UTD otherwise COMPLETE (linuxmodder)

- [COMPLETE, PENDING REVIEW] +1 from me (linux-modder)

- // Updated except for page title  can't seem to change or move it to a  2016  header (linuxmodder)

Willing to be an additional mentor on tinykdump ( would be badass to have a deamon that doesn't hog so many  resources)

- // same as Summer_coding_ideas_for2015 page (linuxmodder)

GS0C 2016: Pages that need updating, review, and/or relevancy checks

-  //  [COMPLETE] (linuxmodder)

- //  UPDATED (including linked pages) [ COMPLETE] (linuxmodder)

- // [COMPLETE] (linuxmodder)  

- // Created however Reference Page Requested (linuxmodder)

-  // [COMPLETE] (linuxmodder)

2) Event Report Drafts


- DevConf -

  • + decause twitter stream too:

- cfgmgmtcamp -

3) mktg talking points

- Python


  • - Staff/Faculty
  • - Students

- Makers

- SF specific to region/state

- Prounouns *optional* not required (he/him, she /her, they, etc) Making things required can offend those its meant to help

- Identity - Pseudonyms can be ok. Verfications to cover legal can be covered behind the scenes.

General talking points

WHY Fedora

-Freedoms, this can be tailored to region LUG types. "Clean" code. You are free to share with anyone around you (or the Care Bears simple idea of  'Sharing is caring.) 

-Friends meeting a cool new group from all over the globe. Daddy Shadowman actually sponsors travel and expenses for those that contribute (within reason) Chance to travel worldwide, or maybe just across the state to put a face to those you have not met yet.

 Meeting folks with similar interests.

 - Features Help create code you can use in your day to day job, make packages and features for things you do as a group or individual

--First Do you want to see the future of Linux, come with us. You could have learned about systemd way earlier than 'this ominous all powefull code. Live on the edge and still have some support if needed.


-- User / Client list  like  one on