Fedora 26 Accepted System Wide Changes Proposals
These changes have been accepted by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee for the Fedora 26 Release as System Wide Changes.
OpenSSL 1.1.0
Rebase of OpenSSL package to 1.1.0 version
- Owner: Tomáš Mráz
- Release notes owner:
- Last updated: 2016-10-03
- Tracking bug: #1381131
- Status: Change accepted
DNF 2.0
DNF rebase to version 2.0.
- Owner: Igor Gnatenko
- Release notes owner:
- Last updated: 2016-09-19
- Tracking bug: #1377324
- Status: Change accepted
Python 3.6
Update the Python 3 stack in Fedora from Python 3.5 to Python 3.6.
- Owner: Charalampos Stratakis
- Release notes owner:
- Last updated: 2016-09-05
- Tracking bug: #1373132
- Status: Change accepted
Category:ChangeAcceptedF26 and Category:SystemWideChange
Fedora 26 Accepted Self Contained Changes Proposals
These changes have been accepted by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee for the Fedora 26 Release as Self Contained Changes.
Category:ChangeAcceptedF26 and Category:SelfContainedChange
PHP 7.1
Update the PHP stack in Fedora to latest version 7.1.x
- Owner: Remi Collet and PHP SIG
- Last updated: 2016-10-25
- Completed: no
BIND version 9.11
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) version 9.11 is the latest stable major update of the widely used DNS server. Besides new features, some settings defaults have changed since the previous major version (9.10).
- Owner: Michal Ruprich
- Last updated: 2016-10-17
- Completed: no
OpenSSH Crypto Policy (Client)
OpenSSH client will follow system-wide crypto policies already followed by other cryptographic libraries and tools. It will allow to use different security levels defined system-wide.
- Owner: Jakub Jelen
- Last updated: 2016-10-17
- Completed: no