From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 21:37, 2 April 2017 by Ilias95 (talk | contribs) (→‎Synopsis: add links)


The 389 Directory Server is an enterprise class LDAP server, used in businesses globally to authenticate and identify people. A python administration framework, lib389, have been designed recently to replace existing legacy perl tools. It contains tools and libraries for testing and interacting with the 389 Directory Server. The purpose of this project is to pick one or more existing 389 DS plugins and write the parts into lib389 to manage them.

The Problem

But why all the hassle? Why don't we just stick with the already existing tools? The administration of the Directory Server has always been a complex issue. There is a variety of helper perl scripts that are installed along with it. These scripts administer specific parts of the server, but the server cannot be managed with them alone. Often people had to use the Java Console or LDIF files. Both have their own drawbacks. The Java Console is easy to use but has its own issues, whereas the application of LDIF files is highly complex. It becomes obvious that we need a new way to administer the Directory Server.

The Solution

This new way to administer the Directory Server should be command line focused and a complete one stop. The goal of lib389 is to make it possible to setup, administer, and eventually decommission a DS instance without ever applying a LDIF file. Two additional tools have been developed; dsadm and dsconf. These are just wrappers on lib389 since the testing framework already has all the parts needed to make an administrative toolkit. dsadm will be used to create, start, stop, backup, restore and destroy instances and manage the components of DS that exist on the local host or container. dsconf is the tool to manage configuration of DS instances and can be run remotely, administrating the server completely via the LDAP protocol. It will be used to manage backends/suffixes, indicies, plugins, logging and more.

My role in the project will be to write a few lib389 modules and their appropriate hooks to dsconf. Which specific ones will be decided during the bonding period and will depend on the current needs.

Schedule and Timeline

Iterative commits with descriptive git messages will be used instead of big patches. This will make it easier for both the reviewers to provide feedback and for me to apply the feedback and organize my work. Since a solid background in OO programming and design is a prerequisite for this project, I will follow the SOLID principles throughout the whole process of producing and refactoring code.

Bonding Period (4/5 - 29/5)

  • Setup a DS server, install the lib389 source code, try running dsconf, test everything out.
  • Read and interpret some of the existing perl and shell scripts.
  • Understand the contributing cycle and try to submit a few bug reports and/or patches.
  • Discuss on the modules to be developed throughout the working periods.
  • Get to know the community, discuss the project in general and exchange ideas.

Working Period 1 (30/5 - 26/6)

  • Write unit tests for the first module.
  • Implement the first module. Make the unit tests pass.
  • Write hooks to dsconf in order to make it possible to use the module.
  • Document everything.

Working Period 2 (27/6 - 27/7)

  • Repeat first working period's steps for another module or modules.
  • Start reviewing other team members' work.

Working Period 3 (29/5 - 29/9)

  • Probably continue with implementing another module.
  • Deal with any unexpected issues that we didn't foresee in advance.
  • Optionally: Write a report on the whole experience.

About Me

My name is Ilias Stamatis. I am a CS student in my final (4th) year at the Alexander Technological Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece.

I am a FOSS enthusiast and I have been actively contributing to the open source community for the last several years.

I have been using Linux for the last 7 years. I started with Ubuntu and then moved to Arch where I have stayed for 5 years now. In the meantime I am experimenting with a lot of different distributions. Although I had no prior experience with Fedora, I quickly set up my working environment on it and read Fedora-specific topics from the official documentation and the wiki pages. I'm here to stay!

Multilingual in Greek (Native), English (Fluent) and Spanish (Conversational).

Experience and Contributions


The majority of my personal projects (mostly written in Python, C and Java) can be found on my personal github profile:

Example projects:

A graphical front-end for multimedia conversions on Linux developed using python and pyqt5.

This is the most successful open-source project of mine, since it has a continuously growing user base. It has also been packaged by the open source community for all popular Linux distributions and it has been translated to more than 20 languages.

Implementation of a complete TFTP server using python and following the RFC 1350.

A dynamic web application developed using django and modern web technologies such as AJAX, JQuery and Bootstrap.

Arch Linux Contributions

Why Fedora

I love Linux and I love Open Source. Fedora is a Linux distribution driven by a massive community made of volunteers around the world. I was always looking forward to making bigger and more significant contributions to such a large open-source project. Everything done here has a significant impact on the whole FOSS community and that motivates me even more. Last but not least, apart from Linux and OSS, I really love python and luckily Fedora seems to be sharing this feeling as well.

Inside Fedora I can offer my skills, knowledge and hard work and I definitely plan to continue contributing after the GSoC period. This will let me obtain new technical skills and gain significant experience on communication and collaboration with users and developers of such a large community.

Why This Project

Lorem ipsum.

Why I Am a Good Fit for This Project

  • Experience with a lot of open-source projects and the Linux ecosystem.
  • Plenty of years of experience with python which is required for this project.
  • Very familiar with collaboration and communication techniques such as version control, issue tracking, IRC, mailing lists, etc.
  • Ability to take on new technologies with ease and quickly become efficient and productive.
  • Really keen to engage with and contribute to such a software team, obtain new engineering skills and gain hands-on experience with real-world situations.
  • FOSS enthusiast.

Other Commitments

I am following only 2 university courses this semester. My examination period is in June (no exact dates yet). I do not have other commitments until the 1st of September so I will be able to focus exclusively on this project.

Contact Info

Ilias Stamatis, stamatis.iliass <>

My IRC nick is Ilias95 and you can find me on #389, #fedora-devel and #fedora-python.