The SELinux Modularity prototype described here has the following dependencies.
Fedora 26
While it may be possible to duplicate the prototype described here on other versions of Fedora, Fedora 26 is strongly recommended. Help on installing Fedora can be found in the Fedora Installation Guide.
Fedora Module Developer Packages
In order to build Fedora Modules the module-build-service package must be installed. While the package may be available via the normal DNF installation mechanism, due to the rapid development of the Fedora Modularity mechanisms it is recommended that the latest package be obtained from Koji.
# dnf install module-build-service
SELinux Developer Packages
TBD - Describe the SELinux userspace packages needed to build the memcached module prototype.
Building the memcached Module
The memcached module source is currently maintained in the Fedora Project's module repository. The first step to building the memcached module is cloning the remote repository:
# git clone Cloning into 'memcached'... remote: Counting objects: 93, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (86/86), done. remote: Total 93 (delta 38), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (93/93), done.
Once the repository has been cloned, you can enter the local repository and build the memcached module with the mbs-build command:
# cd memcached # mbs-build local ... [the build process may take some time to complete] ...