Adrian "Chino" Soliard | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | June 14, 1988 |
Birthplace: | Paraná, Argentina |
Home: | Paraná, Argentina |
Fedora Information | |
FAS name: | asoliard |
Fedora email: | [1] |
IRC nick: | chinosoliard |
IRC channels: | #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-latam, #fedora-ar, #proyecto-fedora |
Fedorapeople page: | |
Contact Information | |
Private email: | {{{pmail}}} |
GPG key: | {{{gpg}}} |
Homepage: | [{{{homepage}}} {{{homepage}}}] |
Twitter: | chinosoliard |
LinkedIn: | adriansoliard |
GitHub: | chinosoliard |
Facebook: | chino.soliard |
Badges (54) | |
About me
I started using linux in 2005, trying a lot of distros since that, and finally, in 2011, I start using Fedora, finding what I was looking for. After a time of use, I decided to contribute with the project, in 2012. At 2014, I graduated as "Superior Programming Technician", before that, I was studying "Bachelor of Information Systems", but, for force majeure reasons, I decided to leave my studies to start work. (Now I'm thinking in start again that bachelor). I never stopped to get training, I assist to different conferences, courses, and capacitations.
- English:
- Spanish:
Me and Fedora Project
I start contributing at the end of 2012, as an Ambassador in Argentina. Now I'm learning about RPM packaging and ARM arch.
Fedora Ambassadors
I'm an ambassador since October 2012, my task and purposes are promoting Fedora Project, and joining new people to the project. At the moment, I didn't have the time to organize big events, but I think (and know) that little by little I'll increase my results.
Date | Event | Location | Event info | Report Link |
July 13-15, 2017 | FAD LATAM 2017 | Cusco, Perú | | FAD LATAM 2017 |
May 26-27, 2017 | SASOConf 2017 | Curuzú Cuatiá, Corrientes, Argentina | | SASOConf 2017 |
April 22, 2017 | FLISoL 2017 | Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina | | FLISoL 2017 Paraná |
October 13-15, 2016 | FUDCon Puno 2016 | Puno, Perú | | FUDCon Puno 2016 |
June 04-05, 2016 | AndSec 2016 | CABA, Argentina | | AndSec 2016 |
April 23, 2016 | FLISoL 2016 | Oro Verde, Entre Ríos, Argentina | | FLISoL 2016 Paraná |
September 10-12, 2015 | FUDCon Córdoba 2015 | Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina | | FUDCon Cordoba 2015 |
April 25, 2015 | FLISoL 2015 | Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina | | FLISoL 2015 Sede Paraná |
March 20 & 21, 2015 | SASOConf 2015 | Curuzú Cuatiá, Corrientes, Argentina | | SASO Conf 2015 |
Dicember 13, 2014 | Fedora Day Buenos Aires | CABA, Argentina | | |
April 26, 2014 | FLISOL 2014 - Paraná, AR | Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina | | |
April 27, 2013 | FLISOL 2013 - Paraná, AR | Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina | | FLISoL 2013 en Paraná |
Year | Title | Description | Link |
2016 | Diseñando rápidamente páginas webs estáticas con Pelican | An introduction and demostration about Pelican static site generator | Pelican.odp |
2015 | Fedora for Software Developers | Showing what is Fedora Workstation, and tools and softwares included for Software development | Fedora-for-Developers.odp |
2015 | OpenShift | An introduction and demostration about OpenShift (in all flavors) | Fedora-OpenShift.odp |
2014 | Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) | A presentation of SELinux, how it works, why people should use it, and some examples | SELinux.otp |
2014 | Seguridad en GNU/Linux (basada en Fedora Project) | This presentations shows that linux have all the tools and ways to be secure, but it must be configurated to that. (It requires live demostrations) | seguridad.otp |
2014 | Ecosistema de Software Libre y Fedora | That's the same Naville A. Cross presentation, but using a newer template. It's about the free software communities, inspired on the Fedora community in particular. | ecosistema.otp |
2013 | Introducción al Proyecto Fedora | An introduction to the project, that presents fedora rules, subprojects, etc. It was made with Suzi on Inkscape | fedora-flisol2013parana.svg |