Event information
« Journées Méditerranéennes du Logiciel Libre (JM2L) » are an event organized by the association Linux-Azur. In November, every two years, this event hosted conferences workshop and stands. In general, there were around 150-300 persons during this event.
When and Where
- Saturday the 25th of November : 9h-18h
- Polytech'Nice, Sophia-Antipolis. France
- Have a stand about Fedora Project and Borsalinux-fr
- Have a conference about Fedora contributions
- T-shirts
- Stickers
- Pins
- Computers for demo
Around 15 people come to ask some information or just discuss about Fedora. Some of them are long term users, for many years and very happy about Fedora. My conference about contributions of Fedora Workstation to Free Software was followed by 15 people and very appreciated. I will publish an article to sum up the conference topic (in French) on some related websites.
The media coverage was very good. France 3 Côte d'Azur (a local TV channel) interviewed me about business model of Free Software and it is available on their website: https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/emissions/jt-1920-cote-d-azur (25/11/17 edition). I am not a Red Hat employee, it is an error from journalist. Similar coverage on local press (Nice Matin, no copy available).