This is the main page for the Fedora Diversity FAD. Our FAD focuses on bringing in more diversity and inclusion in Fedora events and in Fedora community.
At a glance:
- Location: Rochester, NY, United States (Airport code: ROC)
- Dates: April 29-31, 2018
The purpose of the Diversity FAD is to
- Diversity Wiki pages overhaul
- Fedora event specific requests to be considered in order to make our events more diverse and inclusive
- General initiative to encourage new speakers from Fedora community at Ambassador conferences
- How can Fedora Diversity be more involved with other D&I initiatives -- this needs a lot of research beforehand, talking to CHAOSS etc.
- Fedora Women Day 2018
Primary goals
Primary goals are our most urgent tasks that set the minimum bar for what we want to accomplish.
Wiki pages overhaul [1/2 day]
Our wiki pages related to Diversity team were pointed to be misworded at places. Also, we think we have only limited pages 2-3. We need to update/add the community contacts on Diversity wiki. and possibly Setting up Fedora Docs migration too help us organize our content better.
Fedora event specific requests to be considered in order to make our events more diverse and inclusive
We have some great ideas for Fedora Events to be considered so that we can make our events more inclusive. Some of them are here below, please note that this is not a complete list and approval for each of them is pending for discussion. FAD will give us great opportunists to discuss about it face-to-face.
1. Childcare Facility - Dealing with children while attending conferences is a problem that many parent may face. To avoid this issue, sometimes the best they can think of is canceling the travel itself and not attend the conference OR they must negotiate as they balance between the meetings and the child. There are many such conferences at present which provide this facility and It will be a great initiative for Fedora, if we can start doing it for our big events like Flock.
2. Quiet Rooms - It is always nice to have few quiet rooms a distance from the conference space, as there are several teams and people who wants to have meetings during the conference to discuss their agenda. Also, for introverts, especially at conferences that number over maybe 75 people, it can be mentally exhausting. It's easier when the venue is a hotel, but not always an option. @jflory7 may want to add more to this point.
3. Emergency Menstruation Needs - We had a separate ticket for this one. Pasting the content here and I will close that ticket as duplicate - "As part of our desire to be inclusive and recognize the issues that certain communities may face, we'd like to figure out a way for Fedora to more responsive to emergency menstruation needs. Our goal is not to remove the responsibility for self-management and appropriate self-care from people to Fedora, but instead to support emergency issues so that, in this case, menstruating people can get supplies to use while they go out to get the proper supplies for their situation. This is similar to how a plaster/bandaid might be provided to cover a small wound while the person seeks appropriate medical attention. This proposal only applies to events hosted/run by Fedora. Events run by third parties, even where Fedora is a sponsor are not included. Proposal: For events less than 8 hours in length, a sign is placed at the registration desk, and if possible in all of the bathrooms closest to the meeting space, that explains who to contact if you need information about where to buy personal supplies. If it is easy, this information can be printed directly on the sign. For events lasting longer than 8 hours, the organizer of the event shall purchase (and be refunded by Fedora) a package of 10 sanitary napkins. A sign shall be placed at the registration desk, and if possible in all of the bathrooms closest to the meeting space, that explains who to contact if you need emergency menstruation supplies. The organizer is encouraged to make sure the supplies are easily accessible. Ideally the supplies will be located in a discrete space for self-service. If this is not possible, the organizer is encouraged to ensure that it is easy to get in contact with whomever has these supplies. At the end of the event the remaining sanitary napkins can be given to an attendee who will use them, donated or destroyed as the organizer sees fit."
Initiative to encourage new speakers from Fedora community at Ambassador conferences
Encouraging/mentoring new speakers from Fedora community about their contributions at different events align with the current discussion on sourcing speakers from Fedora community at Fedora booth at conferences to speak on topic relevant to that 2. Possible initiatives can include :
- Women wiki editing/tagging hackathon
- Mentor a newbie, each member can mentor someone who drops by on IRC channel, etc
- "My journey into Open Source", possible blog series to encourage newcomers/diverse audience
How can Fedora Diversity be more involved with other D&I initiatives
Find communities we can collaborate with locally. We can probably have a wiki page asking communities to reach out to us.
- CHAOSS project, Mozilla, looking at other local meet-up groups (e.g. PyLadies, Django girls)
- What do we want to contribute?
- What do we want to benefit from contributing?
- Trying to build more inclusive community
- Avoid working in silos, working with others
- Devise strategy for how to collaborate together with others
- Mozilla:
Fedora Women Day 2018
- Fedora Womens Day in more regions? More involvement with local groups.
Secondary goals
- Newcomer Onboarding - is this team specific? If not can we get some collaboration going with the other groups who are also working on this? I meant about getting different people from Fedora community involved with Diversity team.. (I would like this to be one of the primary goals. I feel that it is important that the community is aware about Diversity initiative for the project and that they can get involved with it! especially existing contributors)
- Help with appreciation week - As this has caught momentum during commops FAD, we can pickup this one from that point. This was also part of the first diversity FAD. We can collaborate efforts on this with commops (maybe this can be a secondary goal as most of the planning has already been done during CommOps FAD
- Create a timeline for Diversity Budget Planning - Determining level of value for events that Fedora Diversity funds in next year; discussing strategic goals for budget , Port into Fedocal, Impact: Fedora Swag efforts towards diversity and inclusion, stickers like the one we were thinking for RGSoC (Rails Girls Summer of Code) and Which all Outreachy efforts, diversity wants to
- Is this realistic to accomplish?
- We separated our primary goals out from our secondary goals to make a reliable estimate of work we will accomplish in three days. The worst case scenario is that only the primary goals are met and we never cover the secondary goals. The best case scenario is we cover everything and meet all proposed end deliverables.
Each goal explained above has its own unique impact to the Fedora community.
Name | Confirmed? | Remote? | Mon | Tue | Wed |
Bee Padalkar | ![]() |
X | X | ||
Brian Exelbierd | ![]() |
X | X | X | |
Justin W. Flory | ![]() |
X | X | X | |
Jona Azizaj | ![]() |
X | X | X | |
Amita Sharma | ![]() |
X | X | X |
Planning prerequisites
Review proposal as team at Monday, Dec. 11 meeting
Proposal: April End Week
We propose our FAD dates
- Location:
- Date:
- Schedule
- Participants arrive
Contributor | Travel Plan | Estimated Travel Cost | Accommodation |
Bee Padalkar | MUC <=> VIE <=> BRQ | ~$130 (air) + ~$23 (bus) = $153.00 | $184 |
Brian Exelbierd | (local) | N/A | (local) |
Justin W. Flory | ROC => VIE => BRQ : BRU => ROC | ~$405 + ~$23 (bus) + ~$450 = $878.00 | $123 ($246 /2 shared room) |
Radka Janeková | (local) | N/A | (local) |
Sachin Kamath | COK => VIE => BRQ : BRU => COK | ~$550 + $23 (bus) + ~$520 ~= $1100 | $123 ($246 /2 shared room) |
- Travel: $2131.00 USD
- Accommodation: $429 USD (Not the final value - will be less.)
- Location: $0
- Red Hat Office Brno (TPB-B Argentum meeting room)
- Meals: $460 USD = $72 per attendee + $100 for one social dinner (breakdown below)
- Supplies: $0 for anything else you may need
Total budget: $3020.00 USD
- Lunch:
- $9 USD /ea
- Dinner:
- $15 USD /ea
- Total per person:
- $9 + $15 x 3 days = $72 USD
Total food cost: $460 USD
- All times in local time (CET / UTC+1)
- TPB-B = TPB-B is the "older" Red Hat Building at the Technolgicky Park tram stop in Brno
Monday, Jan. 29
Arrival day.
- 09:10: (A Sport Hotel) Departure, 15-20m walk to TPB-B
- 09:30: Arrival at TPB-B, Argentum Meeting Room (need RH badge for entry)
- 10:00: High-level refresh: goals for FAD, schedule
- 10:10: Ticket triage; year-long goals for CommOps in 2018
- Take time together to triage tickets; what's still backburner, what can be closed?
- 12:30: Lunch
- 14:00: fedora-commops#110: Fedora Appreciation Week
- See ticket for details
- bex joins
- 17:00: Quick retrospective, re-confirm next day schedule
- 17:30: Depart from TPB-B
Tuesday, Jan. 30
- 09:10: (A Sport Hotel) Departure, 15-20m walk to TPB-B
- 09:30: Arrival at TPB-B, Argentum Meeting Room (need RH badge for entry)
- 10:00: High-level refresh: goals for FAD, schedule
- 10:10: GrimoireLabs implementation
- 12:30: Lunch
- 14:00: GrimoireLabs implementation
- 17:00: Quick retrospective, re-confirm next day schedule
- 17:30: Depart from TPB-B
Wednesday, Jan. 31
- 09:10: (A Sport Hotel) Departure, 15-20m walk to TPB-B
- 09:30: Arrival at TPB-B, Argentum Meeting Room (need RH badge for entry)
- 10:00: High-level refresh: goals for FAD, schedule
- 10:10: Fedora elections discussion
- 12:30: Lunch
- 14:00: Fedora elections discussion
- 16:00: fedmsg plugins
- 17:00: FAD retrospective, GrimoireCon plans
- 18:00: Depart from TPB-B