From Fedora Project Wiki

Umar Haruna Abdullahi

Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Personal Information
Home: Anguwa uku behind railway station, gombe, Gombe state, Nigeria
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: pyc0d3r
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
GPG-Key: 05755C34
IRC: pyc0d3r on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-docs, #fedora-mktg, #fedora-admin, #fedora-advisory-board, #fedora-ambassadors, #fredlug (and others)
Badges (16)
Speak Up! Junior Editor Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Badger (Badger I) Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Embryo Mugshot Froglet Don't Call it a Comeback Paranoid Panda Involvement Crypto Badger White Rabbit Crypto Panda
File:Artwork PromoBanners fedora-mentors-banner.png

My Fedora Projects

I was contributing to fedora on:

  • dnf project
  • fedora anaconda project
  • L10n fedora translation

and i was going to start

  • fedora ambassador.

My Fedora Events since 2014

I came across fedora since 2014 but i don't install it until dec/2014 were i found it more interested because its used python.


A student of Computer Science at Gombe State University htpps//


  • enhance Fedora´s presence in underrepresented Regions - On a longterm, turn more and more of the white spaces on the worldmap into blue.
  • enhance Security Awareness along with the Fedora Security Lab
  • maintain improve the Fedora Security Lab and include new use full tools and security metrics
  • establish better regional Leadership
  • Invent new ways to encourage people to contribute to the Fedora Project


Umar Haruna Abdullahi was born in 1997 in Gombe, Gombe state (North-Nigeria). He lives in Gombe. His first contact with IT related stuff since he was in the 2011 in his home.


  • i will update