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Revision as of 07:28, 10 April 2020 by Pyc0d3r (talk | contribs)

Umar Haruna Abdullahi

Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Umar Haruna Abdullahi
Personal Information
Home: Anguwa uku behind railway station, gombe, Gombe state, Nigeria
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: pyc0d3r
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
GPG-Key: 05755C34
IRC: pyc0d3r on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-docs, #fedora-mktg, #fedora-admin, #fedora-advisory-board, #fedora-ambassadors, #fredlug (and others)
Badges (16)
Don't Call it a Comeback Paranoid Panda Involvement Crypto Badger White Rabbit Crypto Panda Tadpole Junior Editor Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Badger (Badger I) Tadpole with Legs Speak Up! Embryo Egg Mugshot Froglet
File:Artwork PromoBanners fedora-mentors-banner.png

My Fedora Projects

I was contributing to fedora on:

  • dnf project
  • fedora anaconda project
  • L10n fedora translation
  • fedora ambassador.

My Fedora Events since 2014

I came across fedora since 2014 and i felt in love with it.


A student of Computer Science at Gombe State University htpps//


  • enhance Fedora´s presence in underrepresented Regions - On a longterm, turn more and more of the white spaces on the worldmap into blue.
  • enhance Security Awareness along with the Fedora Security Lab
  • maintain improve the Fedora Security Lab and include new use full tools and security metrics
  • establish better regional Leadership
  • Invent new ways to encourage people to contribute to the Fedora Project


Umar Haruna Abdullahi was born in 1997 in Gombe, Gombe state (North-Nigeria). He lives in Gombe. His first contact with IT related stuff since he was in the 2011 in his home.


  • Google Summer of code 2018, 2019 Student.