From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora Events: Fedora Day in Menoufiya

It's a Local Event for Fedora Organized by MUFIX-Community at Faculty of Computers and Information in University of Menoufyia-EGYPT. The main Objectives of this Event is to give Students more Information about Fedora Linux OS and Power of OpenSource Products. Also Spread out Fedora in EGYPT and all should know that Fedora always leed ,never follow Students have to know that Fedora is so easy Operating System like (e.g Windows) so I hope this Event encourage Students to use Fedora and know it's power


  • 1- Session[1]: "Welcome to Fedora".
  • 2- Session[2]: "Power of OpenSource".
  • 3- Giveaways distribution for students like ( T-shirts + stickers + Fedora CD/DVD).

I'm planning to make two sessions in this event one to talk about Fedora Linux and how it's related to red hat .so that students have a good idea about Fedora OS and know that it's a friend of Redhat. The second session , We will talk about Open Source Technologies and it's effect in industry and software development . Finally , We will distrbute on the attendees .some Fedora Giveaways like T-shirts ,Stickers and Fedora DVD and CD live

Date and Where

  • Date : December 2008
  • Where : Faculty of Computers and Information - Menoufyia University - EGYPT



after the event


after the event