From Fedora Project Wiki
This page documents the effort to get web-ext packaged in Fedora.
Required dependencies and their status in Fedora
Runtime dependencies
Upstream | Fedora package | Status |
@babel/polyfill | N/A | |
@babel/runtime | N/A | |
@cliqz-oss/firefox-client | N/A | |
@cliqz-oss/node-firefox-connect | N/A | |
@devicefarmer/adbkit | N/A | |
addons-linter | N/A | |
bunyan | nodejs-bunyan | |
camelcase | N/A | |
chrome-launcher | N/A | |
debounce | N/A | |
decamelize | N/A | |
es6-error | N/A | |
event-to-promise | N/A | |
firefox-profile | N/A | |
fs-extra | N/A | |
fx-runner | N/A | |
import-fresh | N/A | |
mkdirp | N/A | |
multimatch | N/A | |
mz | N/A | |
node-notifier | N/A | |
open | N/A | |
parse-json | N/A | |
sign-addon | N/A | |
source-map-support | N/A | |
strip-bom | N/A | |
strip-json-comments | N/A | |
tmp | N/A | |
update-notifier | N/A | |
watchpack | N/A | |
ws | N/A | |
yargs | N/A | |
zip-dir | N/A |
Build dependencies
Upstream | Fedora package | Status |
@babel/core | N/A | |
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties | N/A | |
@babel/plugin-transform-runtime | N/A | |
@babel/preset-env | N/A | |
@babel/preset-flow | N/A | |
@babel/register | N/A | |
@commitlint/cli | N/A | |
@commitlint/config-conventional | N/A | |
babel-eslint | N/A | |
babel-loader | N/A | |
babel-plugin-istanbul | N/A | |
chai | N/A | |
chai-as-promised | N/A | |
copy-dir | N/A | |
coveralls | N/A | |
cross-env | N/A | |
deepcopy | N/A | |
doctoc | N/A | |
eslint | N/A | |
eslint-plugin-async-await | N/A | |
eslint-plugin-flowtype | N/A | |
eslint-plugin-import | N/A | |
flow-bin | N/A | |
git-rev-sync | N/A | |
html-entities | N/A | |
mocha | N/A | |
nyc | N/A | |
prettyjson | N/A | |
shelljs | N/A | |
sinon | N/A | |
webpack | N/A | |
webpack-node-externals | N/A | |
yauzl | N/A |