Objective: Fedora Community Outreach Revamp
This objective will be an initiative to revamp several community outreach teams within Fedora that are struggling to function, or need more support to truly become a success. The objective will bring together Ambassadors, Ambassador Emeritus, Join SIG, and Advocates all under the same umbrella of CommOps in a clear and cohesive structure.
Logic Model

Outcomes & Deliverables
The desired outcome for the Community Outreach Revamp is for Fedora’s outreach teams to be functioning successfully. The teams should be reinvigorated, understand their different roles clearly, and have all the tools to effectively outreach. Another desired outcome for this revamp is to rebuild contributor fulfillment in various ways.
- Completion of Role Handbooks for CommOps, Join SIG, Advocate, Ambassador, Ambassador Emeritus. Timeline: February 2021 - June 2021
- Formalized and documented process for reps to Mindshare. Timeline: February 2021 - June 2021
- Execution and analysis of Community Outreach survey. Timeline: December 2020 - January 2021
- Execution and documentation of Mindshare Team Interviews Timeline: July 2020 - February 2021
- Branding for CommOps team/subteams. Timeline: April 2021 - September 2021
- Draft and execution of Marketing plan. Timeline: June 2021 - December 2021
- Translations of Role Handbooks into 5-8 key languages. Timeline: June 2021 - December 2021
- CommOps team/sub-teams are aware and satisfied with new processes/structure. Timeline: June 2021 - December 2021
- Community health survey for future use (periodically, every year).
- The Ambassador team is full of active contributors who know what to do and how to do it.
- The process for how to organize events and request swag is well known to all Ambassadors, and those within the larger CommOps umbrella.
- Members from CommOps & subteams are practicing new/updated forms of organized community outreach.
- Clear onboarding documentation and process on how to get involved in the Community Outreach teams.
- Brand awareness from CommOps new structure is beginning to grow based on branding and relevant marketing plans.
- More contributors engaged in the Ambassadors program, but also the CommOps team overall.
- Weekly meetings for Community Outreach.
Scope of Work
Mindshare Committee
The Mindshare Committee will help guide the TTF and the revamp by consulting and doing check-ins at the regular Mindshare meeting.
The Mindshare Committee will also create a marketing plan for roll-out in and out of the Fedora community.
Temporary Task Force (TTF)
This is a temporary working group dedicated to working on three specific tasks:
1. Clean up Ambassador Group
2. Create Role Handbooks
3. Survey community on the role of Ambassador/Community outreach in 2020.
CommOps Team
Develop interview questions and conduct research interviews with teams/active members of each Mindshare team and document their current responsibilities. Cross-over work to Team Directories.
Design Team
Develop a brand around the new CommOps structure, including an icon set.
Docs Team
Consult and help update various Docs pages across the various websites for the different Community Outreach teams.
Translations Team
Translate role handbooks into various key languages once it has been completed.
Objective Leads
- Note: Mariana & Sumantro will share one vote in Council votes.
8-12 months.
Relevant Links
Original ticket on Mindshare repo
Proposal approved by the Mindshare Committee
Temporary Task Force Mindshare ticket (comment to receive updates!)
Trello board maintained by the co-leads & the FCAIC
Active/Inactive Ambassador Group Clean Up
Proposal written by Marie Nordin, the current FCAIC. The proposal was approved by the Mindshare Committee. Co-leads were brought on, the TTF was assembled, and the work has been scoped. From there it was decided to ask the Council if it would be a good fit for an Objective. The proposal was discussed on council-discuss ML with some clarifying questions and positive feedback to move the initiative to an Objective.
How did we get here? Gathered from the community by various methods (tickets, IRC, ML)
- The Ambassador title has different meanings for different people
- A shortage of mentors for newcomers, and some unresponsive mentors
- Old Ambassadors are becoming inactive at a faster rate than new Ambassadors are being added
- Fast changes in leadership
- Current Ambassadors feel unwanted, newcomers feel similarly
- Lack of defined responsibilities
- Lack of new purpose
- Burnout
- Grown, not scaled
- Tired of repetitive tasks
- No visibility
- No recognition
- No easy way to report event attendance
- No clear way to measure import of work
- Feeling like there are too many bodies of governance
- Frustration of how to receive swag
- Comparing uses of money, not feeling like money is being used well
- Reimbursement process too long and complicated
- Feel like unpaid Red Hat employees
- Feels hard to contribute
- Feels hard to get started
- Conflicting information about new Mindshare processes and old Ambassador processes
- Not enough user facing information about how to get involved with Ambassadors, or any of the other teams within Fedora
- The “Fedora Ambassador” identity has fragmented with the advent of the Mindshare Committee Personal differences between individuals have caused some ambassadors to leave, and some local communities to stagnate
- No clear guidance from Fedora leadership, no guidance on what to say or do at events
- Outdated ideas of how to promote Fedora
- The Fedora Ambassadors lost financial autonomy and did not adopt the new process
- The technology world has evolved, and the way people learn about technology locally has evolved away from focused meet-ups and booths at local LUG events