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PipeWire default

This test case tests that PipeWire is installed and running in the default installation.


  1. This test case should be performed on bare machines.
  2. The computer must be equipped with a sound device.
  3. Install a desktop version of Fedora 34 (or later).
  4. Boot the system and log in as a regular user.

How to test

  1. Check that PipeWire systemd service is active.

    $ systemctl --user status pipewire

  2. Check that PipeWire PulseAudio systemd service is active.

    $ systemctl --user status pipewire-pulse

  3. Check that PipeWire is working and that basic information about the PipeWire sessions can be obtained.

    $ pw-dump 0

  4. Check that the PipeWire PulseAudio sound server is working and basic information about its status can be obtained:

    $ pactl info

    especially check that the server name is PulseAudio (on PipeWire <version_number>).

  5. List all audio and video device known to the system and check that your devices are listed in the output.

    $ pactl list

Expected results

  1. The required services must be installed and running by default without any user interaction.
  2. The above mentioned commands are available and produce expected output.