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Revision as of 13:24, 3 June 2021 by Grenier (talk | contribs)
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Christophe GRENIER
Personal information
Pronouns: he/him
Location: France
GPG key: CA9178127A1EC4CF
Contact information
Twitter: CGSecurityOrg
GitHub: cgsecurity

Fedora-specific information
FAS name: grenier
Fedora e-mail:
Fedora homepage:

I am the main developer of the opensource data recovery utilities TestDisk and PhotoRec.
I package them for Fedora and EPEL. I am a Fedora user at home and a CentOS user at work.


  • Email: grenier A cgsecurity D org


If you build it... (Koji Success I) Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing I) You can call me "Patches" (SCM I) Bona Fide Involvement Like a Rock (Updates-Stable I) Embryo In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Froglet Tadpole Junior Badger (Badger I) Egg Tadpole with Legs Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build III) Paranoid Panda Science (Kernel Tester IV) Mad Science (Kernel Tester VI) I Voted: Fedora 34 Community Survey Taker I I Voted: Fedora 36 If you build it... (Koji Success II) Take this and call me in the morning Corporate Drone Baby Badger It still works! Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) Adult Frog Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build II) White Rabbit Mad Science (Kernel Tester V) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build VII) I Voted: Fedora 32 Mad Science (Kernel Tester VII) Let Me Introduce Myself I Voted: Fedora 35 I voted: Fedora 37 Like a Rock (Updates-Stable II) What goes around comes around (Karma I) Origin Mugshot What goes around comes around (Karma II) White Hat Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build IV) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build VI) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build V) Junior Tagger (Tagger I) Science (Kernel Tester I) Science (Kernel Tester II) Science (Kernel Tester III) Perceiving the Bull (Tester III) I Voted: Fedora 31 You can call me "Patches" (SCM II) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure I) Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing II) Senior Badger (Badger II)