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哪吒是一个基于全志 D1的单板计算机(SBC). 此页用于集中所有关于Fedora on Nezha的信息.



我们已经为您准备好一个可以在全志 D1上直接运行的预编译Fedora镜像文件: Fedora-riscv64-d1-developer-xfce-with-esp-Rawhide-20210723-173234.n.0-sda.raw.zst



unzstd  Fedora-riscv64-d1-developer-xfce-with-esp-Rawhide-20210723-173234.n.0-sda.raw.zst

写入一个TF卡 (必须大于或等于16GB)

sudo dd if=Fedora-riscv64-d1-developer-xfce-with-esp-Rawhide-20210723-173234.n.0-sda.raw of=/dev/sdX status=progress bs=4M


  • 默认是在 LCD (竖屏)上显示:
  • (可选) 转换到HDMI显示器上 (仅支持 1080p 模式竖屏)
cd /sys/kernel/debug/dispdbg
echo disp0 > name; echo switch1 > command; echo 4 10 0 0 0x4 0x101 0 0 0 8 > param; echo 1 > start;


IP 信息

平头哥: 玄铁 C906 RISC-V

Soc 和开发板信息

全志: D1 SoC 介绍

Sunxi: D1芯片

Sunxi: 全志哪吒开发板






Tekkaman用于Fedora Image的仓库



`boot0 或者 SPL (二级程序加载器) 是 BootROM 之后的第一个被执行的程序, 负责初始化内存控制器和加载下一级固件(来自于固态存储,闪存或者SD卡)。

使用可直接使用 Smaeul的SPL,也可以使用 Tekkaman 的fork

git clone
pushd sun20i_d1_spl
git checkout origin/mainline
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- p=sun20iw1p1 mmc
pushd sun20i_d1_spl
sudo dd if=nboot/boot0_sdcard_sun20iw1p1.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=512 seek=16


RISC-V Open Source Supervisor Binary Interface, like arm-TF

Using Smaeul's patches, but rebase to the latest upstream OpenSBI, and fix some issue.

Tekkaman's OpenSBI REPO

Build binary
git clone -b allwinner_d1
pushd opensbi
CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- PLATFORM=generic FW_PIC=y make

The build/platform/generic/firmware/fw_dynamic.bin will be used to make u-boot.toc1 below.


Using Smaeul's patches, but enable more features and add some default env for auto-booting into GRUB, and also rebase to the latest upstream U-boot.

Tekkaman's U-boot REPO

Build binary
git clone -b allwinner_d1
pushd u-boot
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv nezha_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv menuconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv u-boot.bin u-boot.dtb

The u-boot.bin and u-boot.dtb will be used to make u-boot.toc1 below.

Build u-boot.toc1

  • toc1.cfg:
file = fw_dynamic.bin
addr = 0x40000000
file = u-boot.dtb
addr = 0x44000000
file = u-boot.bin
addr = 0x4a000000
  • build command:
pushd u-boot
cp ${PATH_TO_TOC1_CFG}/toc1.cfg ${PATH_TO_OPENSBI}/fw_dynamic.bin .
tools/mkimage -T sunxi_toc1 -d toc1.cfg  u-boot.toc1

Flash u-boot.toc1 to SD card

pushd u-boot
sudo dd if=u-boot.toc1 of=/dev/sdX bs=512 seek=32800


Please reference to this page: Architectures/RISC-V/GRUB2

You can build a grubriscv64.efi by following the page above. Then put it into the /EFI/ dir of the EFI partition of SD card.

Some example files in the boot partition:


bootcmd=load mmc 0:2 0x58000000 /EFI/fedora/grubriscv64.efi; bootefi 0x58000000
bootcmd_mmc0=devnum=0; run mmc_boot


set default=0
set timeout_style=menu
set timeout=3

set debug="linux,loader,mm"
set term="vt100"

menuentry 'Fedora vmlinux-5.15.0-rc1' {
        linux /vmlinuz-5.15.0-rc1 earlyprintk=sunxi-uart,0x02500000 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 loglevel=8  root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 selinux=0 rhgb LANG=en_US.UTF-8
        devicetree /sun20i-d1-nezha.dtb
	initrd /initramfs-5.15.0-rc1.img

Linux kernel for Nezha D1 (WIP)

Using the patches from Smaeul/Ren Guo(T-HEAD)/Allwinner Engineers, enable almost all the features for Fedora,and also rebase to the latest upstream kernel master branch.

Important reference
WIP for Fedora

Tekkaman's Linux kernel REPO

Note: We are still working on this for Fedora Image

Build Linux Kernel for D1
Checkout Source
git clone
pushd linux
git checkout origin/allwinner_nezha_d1_devel
pushd linux
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv nezha_fedora_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv menuconfig
Cross Build and install
# RISCV_ROOTFS_BOOT is the mount point of the boot partition in SD card 
# RISCV_ROOTFS_BOOT=/run/media/../boot
# RISCV_ROOTFS  is the mount point of the Fedora rootfs partition in SD card 
# RISCV_ROOTFS=/run/media/../rootfs
pushd linux
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv INSTALL_PATH=${RISCV_ROOTFS_BOOT} zinstall
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${RISCV_ROOTFS} modules_install

How to Build RPM package for D1

using rpmbuild on QEMU

How to boot Fedora on QEMU, please reference Architectures/RISC-V/Build Bootable Image#Run_Fedora_on_QEMU

  • Boot into Fedora on QEMU, then:
  1. prepare directory tree: Put spec file to /rpmbuild/SPECS and all source files to /rpmbuild/SOURCES
  2. For building RPM package:
#From spec file
$ rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/pakcage.spec

#'''OR''' to build from an existing SRPM file:
$ rpmbuild -ra package.src.rpm

Please reference to How to Create a GNU Hello World RPM Package for more RPM info.

using mock with Qemu usermod

We also can build riscv64 RPMS on x86_64 machine by mock and Qemu usermode.[WIP]

How to Build your own Fedora Remix Image

Please reference to RISC-V: Build Bootable Image

How to make D1 as a Koji Builder

If we have already deployed a koji hub(like openkoji and oepkg),then we can add a Nezha D1 as koji builder.

For example:

Please follow the simple instruction below:

  • NEED: koji CA certificate and builder authentication certificate: They are provided by koji hub admin.
  • Install necessary packages
# dnf install koji-builder
  • Modifying /etc/kojid.conf
  1. server=<koji hub XMLRPC server URL>
  2. topurl=<koji HTT file share URL>
  3. allowed_scms=<SCM repo rules>
  4. cert=<builder certificate>
  5. serverca=<koji CA certificate>
  • Trust koji hub's CA cert
cp koji_ca_cert.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
  • add host on koji hub (operated by koji hub admin)
koji add-host <hostname> riscv64
#The *hostname* should be same in authentication certificate.
  • Enable and start kojid
systemctl enable --now kojid
  • Verify koji builder online on koji hub (operated by koji hub admin):
koji list-hosts
# After initialization: The new added builder's status should be ready in the list.
  • NOTICE:* builder won't ready until free space on /var/lib/mock is greater than 8GiB, and /var/lib/mock on NFS is not supported. Thus, using a high capacity SD card for builder and resize root file system to adapt all free space on SD is necessary.