Drop i686 builds of jdk8,11,17 and latest (18) rpms from f37 onwards
java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk and java-latest-openjdk packages will no longer build i686 subpackages
- Name: Jiri Vanek
- Email: <jvanek@redhat.com>
- Product: java and java stack
- Responsible WG: java-sig (java and java-maint)(which no longer exists)
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 37
- Last updated: 2022-03-14
- devel thread
- FESCo issue: #2770
- Tracker bug: <will be assigned by Wrangler>
- Release notes <will be assigned by Wrangler>
Expected schedule
- during march, drop i686 builds from all jdks in fedora rawhide
Detailed Description
Fedora currently ships:
- java-1.8.0-openjdk (LTS)
- java-11-openjdk (LTS)
- java-17-openjdk (LTS)
- java-latest-openjdk (STS, jdk18).
All those builds on all architectures except jdk8, where arm32 with jit is built by different package. Unluckily, the i686 bit builds of jdk are rotten in upstream. The recent breakage of i686 JIT just before branching nearly killed jdk17 as system jdk feature. The rotting have main visibility with newer GCCs. If GCC bump, and it does, it always triggers new issues in i686 JIT, and there is less and less people to somehow workaround them. Unluckily, there is probably no longer anyone willing to really fix them
Although there is https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EncourageI686LeafRemoval , this proposal have nothign to do with it, not even inspiration. People about OpenJDK learned about after this jdk one was announced.
Benefit to Fedora
The i686 builds are rotten in usptream, and to patch them localy had become pain. We may be introducing very bugy i686 jdk. Better then to do so, we would rather not ship that at all. This will untie hands of both JDK and GCC developers, who will no longer need to dive into nasty legacy code.
Change owners
- we will simiply stop building i686 pkg in rawhide
Other developers
- may notice the multilib i686 java missing.
- it is up to them to drop i686 builds or to povide workaround (if possible)
- Release engineering: #10686
- mass rebuild will NOT be required for this change
- Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
Upgrade/compatibility impact
- The upgrade on multilib systems will lead to autoremoval of i686 javastack
- which should be minimum - 99% of javastack is noarch
How To Test
install i686 java will result to not packages found
User Experience
User experience on multilib systems will be bad. Bad reasonable.
There are is unknown number of multilib java consumers. I expect some of them may rise voice, but that will have to handled one by one.
Contingency Plan
- Contingency mechanism: return i686 packages
- Contingency date: (not provided)
Will be neded...
Release Notes
None yet...
list of non-noarch java packages, transitive to chain of three
about 250 packages builds java with native libraries. Some of them (eg libreoffice) can definitley continue to build on i686, only will lack java support
bolzplatz2006 cephfs-java cryptlib-java csound-java cvc4-java DecodeIR DecodeIR-devel eclipse-swt freewrl-java gdal-java jansi jansi-native java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-devel-fastdebug java-1.8.0-openjdk-openjfx-devel-slowdebug java-gnome java-libsbml java-z3 jblas jffi jffi-native jigawatts jna jni-inchi jpcap jpcap-javadoc jssc libbluray-bdj libcephfs_jni1 libcephfs_jni-devel libphidget-java libreoffice libreoffice-base libreoffice-calc libreoffice-core libreoffice-draw libreoffice-emailmerge libreoffice-filters libreoffice-gallery-vrt-network-equipment libreoffice-gdb-debug-support libreoffice-glade libreoffice-grammalecte libreoffice-graphicfilter libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-help-ar libreoffice-help-bg libreoffice-help-bn libreoffice-help-ca libreoffice-help-cs libreoffice-help-da libreoffice-help-de libreoffice-help-dz libreoffice-help-el libreoffice-help-en libreoffice-help-eo libreoffice-help-es libreoffice-help-et libreoffice-help-eu libreoffice-help-fi libreoffice-help-fr libreoffice-help-gl libreoffice-help-gu libreoffice-help-he libreoffice-help-hi libreoffice-help-hr libreoffice-help-hu libreoffice-help-id libreoffice-help-it libreoffice-help-ja libreoffice-help-ko libreoffice-help-lt libreoffice-help-lv libreoffice-help-nb libreoffice-help-nl libreoffice-help-nn libreoffice-help-pl libreoffice-help-pt-BR libreoffice-help-pt-PT libreoffice-help-ro libreoffice-help-ru libreoffice-help-si libreoffice-help-sk libreoffice-help-sl libreoffice-help-sv libreoffice-help-ta libreoffice-help-tr libreoffice-help-uk libreoffice-help-zh-Hans libreoffice-help-zh-Hant libreoffice-impress libreoffice-kf5 libreoffice-langpack-af libreoffice-langpack-ar libreoffice-langpack-as libreoffice-langpack-bg libreoffice-langpack-bn libreoffice-langpack-br libreoffice-langpack-ca libreoffice-langpack-cs libreoffice-langpack-cy libreoffice-langpack-da libreoffice-langpack-de libreoffice-langpack-dz libreoffice-langpack-el libreoffice-langpack-en libreoffice-langpack-eo libreoffice-langpack-es libreoffice-langpack-et libreoffice-langpack-eu libreoffice-langpack-fa libreoffice-langpack-fi libreoffice-langpack-fr libreoffice-langpack-fy libreoffice-langpack-ga libreoffice-langpack-gl libreoffice-langpack-gu libreoffice-langpack-he libreoffice-langpack-hi libreoffice-langpack-hr libreoffice-langpack-hu libreoffice-langpack-id libreoffice-langpack-it libreoffice-langpack-ja libreoffice-langpack-kk libreoffice-langpack-kn libreoffice-langpack-ko libreoffice-langpack-lt libreoffice-langpack-lv libreoffice-langpack-mai libreoffice-langpack-ml libreoffice-langpack-mr libreoffice-langpack-nb libreoffice-langpack-nl libreoffice-langpack-nn libreoffice-langpack-nr libreoffice-langpack-nso libreoffice-langpack-or libreoffice-langpack-pa libreoffice-langpack-pl libreoffice-langpack-pt-BR libreoffice-langpack-pt-PT libreoffice-langpack-ro libreoffice-langpack-ru libreoffice-langpack-si libreoffice-langpack-sk libreoffice-langpack-sl libreoffice-langpack-sr libreoffice-langpack-ss libreoffice-langpack-st libreoffice-langpack-sv libreoffice-langpack-ta libreoffice-langpack-te libreoffice-langpack-th libreoffice-langpack-tn libreoffice-langpack-tr libreoffice-langpack-ts libreoffice-langpack-uk libreoffice-langpack-ve libreoffice-langpack-xh libreoffice-langpack-zh-Hans libreoffice-langpack-zh-Hant libreoffice-langpack-zu libreoffice-librelogo libreoffice-math libreoffice-Mendeley libreoffice-nlpsolver libreoffice-officebean libreoffice-ogltrans libreoffice-pdfimport libreoffice-postgresql libreoffice-pyuno libreoffice-sdk libreoffice-TexMaths libreoffice-ure libreoffice-voikko libreoffice-wiki-publisher libreoffice-writer libreoffice-writer2latex libreoffice-writer2xhtml libreoffice-x11 libreoffice-xsltfilter libwebp-java link-grammar-java link-grammar-java-devel mapserver-java mecab-java mariadb-java-client mmc nailgun octave octave-communications octave-control octave-devel octave-dicom octave-flexiblas octave-general octave-gsl octave-image octave-interval octave-io octave-iso2mesh octave-libsvm octave-mathgl octave-mcxlab octave-miscellaneous octave-mmclab octave-mpsolve octave-netcdf octave-NLopt octave-odepkg octave-optim octave-parallel octave-quaternion octave-signal octave-statistics octave-struct octave-zmat opencv-java openjfx8-devel openjfx-devel openmpi-java openmpi-java-devel openni-java openoffice.org-diafilter pfstools-octave pl-jpl plplot-java plplot-java-devel plplot-octave portmidi-tools ppl-java ppl-java-javadoc ProjectX python3-pyjnius qdbm-java R R-devel R-java R-java-devel sdljava Singular-surfex sphinx-java systemtap-runtime-java systemtap-testsuite toped toped-devel tuxguitar unifi unifi-lts vdr-burn vfrnav vfrnav-utils vfrnav-validatorservice vfrnav-webservice will-crash