Heterogeneous Computing Special Interest Group
To encourage the packaging and accessibility of heterogeneous computing projects in Fedora and EPEL. This includes machine learning, OpenCL, and scientific computing.
Please add your name above if you want to help.
- Package and make HC related projects more accessible to users (such as OpenCL, AMD's ROCm HIP, Intel oneAPI, etc.)
- Document installation, packages, and general use cases
- Translation of wiki pages and documentation
Package status
Below is a list of ROCm packages with their status. If something isn't packaged in Fedora or EPEL, feel free to take it!
For non-root usage, the user must be added to the vendor group:
sudo usermod -a -G vendor myusername
To check for rocm support of the running HW, install and run rocminfo:
sudo dnf install rocminfo rocminfo
TODO: Update once rocm-opencl or rocm-hip is added into Fedora/EPEL