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Revision as of 08:30, 12 December 2008 by Bbbush (talk | contribs)



基础设施/网站维护团队由提供服务器,工具和程序给 Fedora 项目的志愿者组成。我们参与 fedora 各种服务的维护,并维护 Fedora 项目的网页并建立新的应用程序使 Fedora 的开发工作更为順利,我们利用以下的方法来交流:

  • IRC

你可以在 freenode 上找到 #fedora-admin 频道,我们每星期也会在 #fedora-meeting 上舉行会议,请参阅 Meetings

  • Mailing list

The mailing list for the Fedora Infrastructure project is .

Fedora is known for using and creating new technologies, the Infrastructure team often uses these technologies. As such we are always interested in discussion of these technologies academically and theoretically.

Contribute to Fedora Infrastructure

Ready to work with the Fedora Infrastructure team? We're looking for smart, dedicated system administrators and developers to help maintain our systems and write code. The Fedora Infrastructure team is a perfect way to give back to the community. Take a look at our Getting Started page.

Not sure if you want to join? Having access to a pool of experts working on Red Hat and Fedora OS's not enough? Fedora contributors can get a discount on Red Hat training and certification! See the Announcement for details.

Our Architecture

An overview of our technical Network Architecture is available online. For more information on our officers and governance architecture see our Officers page.


Bugs related to Fedora Infrastructure are tracked in a Trac instance for Fedora Infrastructure at More information about access and usage of this system can be found at Infrastructure Tickets

Before reporting a bug make sure you've seen the CommonProblems page and ReportProblem page.