Fedora Asahi Special Interest Group
The goal of this SIG is to help the folks working on support for ARM-based Apple Macintosh computers (otherwise known as "Apple Silicon Macs").
To help with this, SIG members will maintain packages related to this support in Fedora Linux and work with the upstream Asahi Linux project.
We are also aiming to produce a Fedora Asahi Remix in the near future; a preliminary version is available at https://fedora-asahi-remix.org/ and that's where we'll publish official releases as well.
This SIG is organized around the @asahi-sig FAS group: https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/group/asahi-sig/
This is the group in Dist-Git: https://src.fedoraproject.org/group/asahi-sig
There is a discussion mailing list, which you are welcome to subscribe to: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/asahi.lists.fedoraproject.org
There is also a private mailing list: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/asahi-sig.lists.fedoraproject.org
The private list is primarily used for the asahi-sig Bugzilla account which used to assign ARM Macintosh bugs to.
Our real-time chat channel is on Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#asahi:fedoraproject.org
Our project tracking is on Pagure: https://pagure.io/fedora-asahi/project
We maintain a set of add-on packages for supporting ARM Macintosh platforms in COPR: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/groups/g/asahi/coprs/
Some hints for advanced users
Let define "advanced user" as someone with a deep understanding of the way that low-level components of the operating system interact. If things break you know how to fix it.
Upgrading to kernel-edge (for accelerated graphics)
A common query is how do I upgrade to kernel-edge, i.e. the one with accelerated graphics.
In order to do this, run:
$ sudo dnf install asahi-repos-edge
and follow the instructions.
Sometimes on reboot, users have reported that they have not booted into kernel edge by default, to fix this you may run a command like below to set the default grub option (substituting <version-release>
with the kernel version-release string, which has a scheme like X.Y.Z-AAA.fcBB
$ sudo grubby --set-default=/boot/vmlinuz-<version-release>.aarch64
and reboot. Note that the file must already exist. Check in /boot
to locate the appropriate file first.