Instant-On Fedora
A lot of Manufactures are now implementing a min BIOS instant-on Linux environment embedded into motherboards. It give you access to a Web browser and a few other applications. You can then boot the real OS from there.
- Name: Chris van Reenen
- email:
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 42
- Last updated: 07 January 2009
- Percentage of completion: XX%
Detailed Description
With the pursuit to faster boot time, users are trying to get there OS to be on all the time, and with today's push to be greener every one is trying to save power. Some times a user just boot up his Laptop/Desktop just to have a quick look if he/she got mail or if there mate is online. For them they waiting for the OS to boot then to login and open there web browser to find there is nothing there. Logoff and shutdown the pc or laptop.
With a instant-on version you will have a brake down version of fedora that has the minimum of drivers and extras loaded. Just enough to get your wifi, X and firefox to run. then if you need to you can boot in to your full fedora OS from there. This will be like a mini Splashtop or HyperSpace
Benefit to Fedora
The User can have a quick solution to have access to there Mail, Facebook, Google Doc's,enc. Will be a little footprint.
Create a strip down X, kernel and related packages so you will get a workable but full functional Web Browser.
How To Test
You can start by just adding it to you boot process. Like loading different kernels. It will have to work on all hardware.
User Experience
User have a quick way to get internet access without booting up there full blown OS
Don't know the work involved to get a working strip down kernel and X
Contingency Plan
Boot in to the full OS
Release Notes
Comments and Discussion