From Fedora Project Wiki

[0x0001] # who

My name is Christophe Alladoum (aka hugsy or hugsy_75), long term Red Hat/Fedora user (since Red Hat 8). MSc graduated since 2008, I work as an IT Security Consultant at HSC, specialized in vulnerability assessments and network pentests.

[0x0002] # locate me

  • webpage: here
  • mail: tuxxychris __AT__ gmail __DOT__ com
  • IRC: hugsy_75 on freenode on:
    • #fedora
    • #fedora-fr
    • #fedora-python
    • #fedora-security
  • GPG key: 0x8325D969B19892B7 (on most popular GPG public key servers)
  • GPG Fingerprint: F408 4E8F B977 25A4 E2DB EDB4 8325 D969 B198 92B7
  • FAS id: hugsy

[0x0003] # gdb ./skills

I am definitely addicted to our good old buddy, the TTY (wtf the GUI?). As I'm particularly lazy and I hate to do the same thing twice, I script a lot, Bash, Perl, PHP, and perform some tools written in Python and C (which I love). I used to have fun with different assembly languages, for MIPS, x86 and even ARM. When I have to, I can do Java, o'Caml, but I'd rather not.

[0x0004] Past Events Attented

(on Fedora mostly or else)

[0x0005] Future Event Participation