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Revision as of 17:44, 23 November 2023 by Seddik (talk | contribs)

Seddik Alaoui Ismaili
Personal information
Location: France
Homepage: -

Contact information
Fediverse: -

Fedora-specific information
FAS name: seddik
Fedora e-mail:
Fedora homepage:

Seddik AlaouiIsmaili

Fedora involvement

  • Fedora infrastructure contributor since (1991 :-) )
  • I have helped on automation / monitoring stuff


Maestro Let's have a watch party (Fedora 41) Speak Up! Egg Embryo Let's have an anniversary party (Fedora 39) Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Editor Associate Editor Secretary General Junior Badger (Badger I) Let's have a party (Fedora 40) Involvement No Longer a Ronin Tadpole Let's have a party (Fedora 38) Mugshot

You can get hold on me via :

- Email: - IRC ( / Matrix ( my nickname is : saibug on various channels #fedora-admin #fedora-noc #fedora-ci #fedora-meeting-*