From Fedora Project Wiki
- Finalizing Spins Process, vote
- Writing up details on the Wiki, where necessary
- Writing our Spins_SIG_Review_Checklist, and what to do if something isn't covered
- Maintainer responsiveness and responsibilities for current releases
- Checklist of DOs and DONTs, SHOULDs and SHOULD NOTs
- Set our final meeting time and schedule, vote
- Determine our workflow (using the spin-kickstarts Trac instance?)
- Determine milestones based on development cycle and spins procedure
- Determine tasks and responsibility for those tasks
- Branching and tagging (based on milestones to be determined)
- Creating daily spins for compose tests and reporting results
- Having maintainers (re-)create spins regularly for tests and collecting results
- Determine our process for recurring releases and reviewing current spins for the upcoming release
- Current Spins Requests:
- Games Spin
- Has been previously approved
- Failed during Fedora 10
- Revamped for Fedora 11 by Bruno Wolff III
- A dozen or so localized spins
- Games Spin
- Review of all current spins
- Who's the maintainer of each spin, and were can we reach them?
- Fedora AOS
- Fedora
- Fedora Developer
- Fedora Education Math
- Fedora Electronic Lab
- Fedora Games
- Fedora Sugar
- Fedora XFCE