Bert Desmet
Hello, my name is Bert Desmet. I am now 20years old, and I'm still going to school. I live in Belgium, Kruishoutem, near Ghent. I follow lessons in the Kaho Sint-Lievens high school. I am now in my second bachelor Electronics-ICT. My hobby's are: listening to music (rock and electro), going to some party's, having fun with my friends. And I like programming (Java, C#, C++, C) and scripting (PHP). I am always in for new technologies (maybe that is why I like fedora that much?).
About 7 years ago I started with Linux, when my older cousin installed Debian on an old pc. I was 13 or 14 years old, and had never heard of Linux before, but I liked it like euh, immediately. It was running with Gnome, and I still like Gnome more than KDE, but that's something personal. when Fedora core 2 was released, I switched to Fedora, and stayed with Fedora. But also test other distro's like Ubuntu, Mandriva, Slackware, ..., ...
- Email:
- Language: Dutch, English and a little bit French
- Website: blog
- IRC: biertie @ fedora, fedora-ambassadors, fedora-docs, fedora-devel, fedora-meeting, fedora-social, fedora-unity
- GPG key: 0x228a0ba4427147bd
- Fedora Account: biertie