{{QA/Test_Case |description=This test case ensures the successful installation of an IPA server with HSM and the renewal of a certificate outside the grace period on Fedora. |setup=Install the pre-release version of Fedora to be tested on a bare metal system using the default Anaconda settings, except to reclaim all disk space in the process. |actions= Be as specific as required for the target audience.
- Install the freeipa packages:
dnf install freeipa-server freeipa-server-dns softhsm -y
- Rename the hostname with the domain to be used with ipa
hostnamectl hostname ipa.example.test
echo “<ip-address> ipa.example.test” >> /etc/hosts
- Create softhsm token :
runuser -u pkiuser -- /usr/bin/softhsm2-util --init-token --free --pin $TOKEN_PASSWORD --so-pin $TOKEN_PASSWORD --label ipa_token
- Install the IPA server :
ipa-server-install -a $ADMIN_PASSWORD -p $DM_PASSWORD -r EXAMPLE.TEST -U --random-serial-numbers --token-name=ipa_token --token-library-path=/usr/lib64/pkcs11/libsofthsm2.so --token-password=$TOKEN_PASSWORD
- Move date to within the expiration grace period
date -s +2years+11months+20days
ipactl restart
sleep 90
- Force issuance of new certs
ipa-cert-fix (answer yes)
- It will take a bit for new certs to be issued and for certmonger to notice. To monitor it:
watch -n 5 'getcert list | grep status'
- Return date to current time (Uninstall the IPA server prior to moving time backwards. )
date +s +2years+11months+20days
- The expired certificates (all but the CA cert) will be re-issued. As you monitor using
getcert list
you may see the certificates go through different states including:
- All installation steps complete without errors.
- The hostname is successfully renamed and resolved.
- The softhsm token is created and initialized correctly.
- The IPA server installs without issues and recognizes the HSM token.
- The system date is successfully changed to simulate the expiration grace period.
- Certificates (excluding the CA cert) are re-issued correctly when expired.