From Fedora Project Wiki
I like Linux, especially fedora. As it comes just with free software,
you might have to tune it a bit to customize or get a better performance.
Steps I do:
- Music and Video Codecs All versions
- Installing Free and Nonfree Repositories If not done while installing
- Removing third-party repositories
sudo dnf remove fedora-workstation-repositories
see "" - Install firefox-dev copr (Development version of Firefox) #Workstation Gnome
Protonvpn CLI- Use always sudo for dnf
- Tune dnf for speed: /etc/dnf/
- Switch off Suspend and Hybernation to use a Workstation like a Server
a alternative to edit network connections in Gnome.gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry true
#Gnome Files; Location entry=cut and pastegsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close"
#Gnome Windows, min;max;close
Managing Extensions with DNF/FLATPAK
sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock
# dash to docksudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-forge
# Tiling and window manager for GNOME Shellsudo dnf install gnome-extensions-app
# Extensions App (green icon)sudo flatpak install com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager
#Extentions App (blue icon)