Stanley Thwin <aka Ye` Min Thwin>
- A civil servant and running as Vice Chair in Myanmar Internet & Networking Group (MyanmarING) [1], NGO working for promoting ICT awareness in Myanmar.
- 7 years in IT field since my undergraduate study in University of Computer Studies, Yangon.
- Now, I've proudly became the first Fedora Ambassador for Myanmar, MM.

- Email:
- Fedora Account: Stanleythwin
- Mobile: +9595080836
- Location: Yangon, Myanmar
- I got Bachelor in Computer Science (B.C.Sc.) degree from University of Computer Studies, Yangon.
- And also got International Diploma in Computer Studies (IDCS) from NCC Education, UK.
- The last Diploma is a PgD. Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Business Information Technology. That's also from NCC Education.
I'm very interested in Web Applications. And the Open Source Communities really inspire me.
Linux I had used
I'm just novice in Linux field. In our country, lacking of IP protection, we can buy pirated cd installers of Microsoft OS. So people here have very low awareness on Linux and open source software. But what if the government issue some strict IP protection laws? So I start to think about Linux and Open Source things. As we are in Least Developed Country, we can't effort Microsoft's very expensive license fees. So Linux is the best for us, I think.
Had used the following Linux Distribution:-
- Ubuntu 8.10
- Fedora 9