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Revision as of 17:54, 30 January 2009 by Rjones (talk | contribs)

Feature Name

Add QXL driver for virtual machines



Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 42
  • Last updated: (DATE)
  • Percentage of completion: XX%

Detailed Description

Current KVM-based virtual machines use an emulated Cirrus Logic graphics driver. This has numerous problems, the main ones being that it is slow and has a limited resolution. When Red Hat acquired Qumranet, we acquired a closed source protocol called QXL which removes these limitations, is highly optimized, and supports such features as on-the-fly compression of video streams. The plan is to fully open source this and include all the pieces in QEMU/KVM, libvirt, Xorg, virt-install and virt-manager.

Benefit to Fedora


How To Test

User Experience


Contingency Plan


Release Notes

Comments and Discussion