Simon Birtwistle

- Email:
- IRC: itbegins on #fedora-docs, #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-websites, #fedora-admin
- GPG key: Coming soon
- Fedora Account: itbegins
Activities within Fedora
I'm mainly involved with the CMS, Zikula, soon to run As a member of the Zikula Software Foundation, and Zikula Steering Committee, much of my time is taken up over there, however I spend as much time on Fedora as I can. I hope to help out in more varied areas such as infrastructure in the future.
My skills are mainly those of a web developer. I'm pretty knowledgeable in PHP, MySQL, Apache administration and other stuff you'd associate with the web. I'm currently a student at Cambridge University in the UK, and I should graduate in June 2009.