This is a DRAFT, it is only a draft.
How do you see your self?
- Desktop User - Heterogenous System Administrator - Operating Systems Student - Corporation needing low cost server solution - RHC[T|E|A] Aspirant - Developer on Linux/Unix - Developer for Fedora - Quality Engineer - Project Manager wanting more Linux - INCOSE Systems Engineer (CSEP) developing real world skills
The en/join-fedora page is great but seems disjointed from the wiki/Main_Page. Some folks coming in will want to join Fedora and thus the Join Fedora link could be melded so that a bit more info was on en/join-fedoa and then linked to greater detail on wiki/Main_Page.
Part of this is a desire to resonate with people's dreams of themselves. Not "what skills do you have?" but "how do you see your self, your future self?". Once we open their self-awareness we can tap into internal motivations to meet exteral goals. For example, is it better to tell someone they can be a QA person with no weekly time commitments or give them a list of things to consider like:
- 1 Hour IRC meeting Wednesdays at 11:00 EST, useful to attend. - Able to build linux box multiple times a week without interrupting personal or business computing needs. - Some familiarity with RPM, Python, Kickstart useful. You can learn on the job and the more you know the wider your options. - Documentation and Communications skills are important but can be in your personal learning plan. - A mentor will facilitate your self-evaluation, provide feedback, and help find contributions within your time and skill constraints. - Mentors also help structure your personal learning plan so that contributing to Fedora stays in line with your personal goals. - Long term goals may include moving to Kernel hacking, RHC[T|E|A], Quality Software Testing Certification (ISTQB Foundation level), INCOSE CSEP experience, or other industry standard certifications.