tentative title: People Bling
While much of the focus around the KDE project is around its technology (Bling!), and rightly so, let's not forget that behind KDE lies a community. A community that is diverse, one that includes developers, documenters, translators, bug triagers, user support, distributions. I'd like to highlight some of that "People Bling" behind the KDE project.
- KDE-ev
- what is it: http://ev.kde.org/whatiskdeev.php
- who's eligible, how to join
The primary people centric group within the KDE project is the KDE e.V.. Formally, it is a registered non-profit organization that represents the KDE Project in legal and financial matters. In practical terms, it is a body of contributors that guide the direction of the project.
I personally had the pleasure of being invited to join a couple of years ago...
- KDE Community Working Group
- Distribution Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Fedora KDE-SIG example
comment: this could be an article, in itself. meh.
- Userbase ( mention techbase too?)
- what is it: http://userbase.kde.org/ , The home for KDE users and enthusiasts
- KDE community forums: http://forum.kde.org/
- KDE promotions
- http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-promo&r=1&w=2
- irc freenode #kde-promo