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Revision as of 03:33, 28 February 2009 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (→‎Test Days)


In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

Test Days

This week's regular test day[1] was on CrashCatcher[2]. Zdenek Prikryl and Jiri Moskovcak| were the developers present. Further results are still welcome from anyone - a full set of instructions for running tests is available on the Wiki page. As a result of the testing, over thirty issues were discovered and filed in the CrashCatcher trac system [3].

Next week's test day[4] will be on Anaconda's (the Fedora installer) interaction with block devices - especially RAID, LVM and encrypted devices. It will be held on Thursday (2009-03-05) in the #fedora-qa channel on Freenode IRC. Please drop by if you would like to help test this this area of Fedora.

Weekly meetings

The QA group weekly meeting[1] was held on 2009-02-25. The full log is available[2]. Josh Boyer reported epic news: the PPC build of Rawhide can now be successfully installed. Will Woods suggested that now is a good time to start putting bugs on to the tracker bug for the release of Fedora 11 Beta[3]. He also pointed out the tracker bug for Intel KMS-related issues[4]. Adam Williamson volunteered to organize a test day for the proposed new default NVIDIA driver, nouveau.

Will Woods and Jesse Keating discussed the progress of the autoqa system. Jesse would like to have more refined results output available soon, and a working example of a post tree-compose sanity test. Will Woods wants to aim to have a working verifytree test available by Fedora 11 Beta release.

James Laska gave a progress update on the Nitrate[5] test case management system, mostly on working with the developers of the internal Red Hat system to get the code publicly available. He also promised to get around to proposing the Semantic system developed by the project (also discussed in last week's meeting) to the Infrastructure group this week.

Will Woods pointed out the Fedora 11 feature list[6] and explained that the QA team must ensure, by feature freeze, that all accepted features have a workable test process. He asked for the group's help in ensuring that all proposed features are checked for this and a useful test plan is drawn up where possible. Adam Williamson volunteered to liaise with the developers of the Nouveau[7] and automatic font / MIME installer[8] features.

The Bugzappers group weekly meeting[9] was held on 2009-02-24. The full log is available[10]. There was some more discussion of goals for the group, and the group agreed with Christopher Beland's suggestion that the targetted components page[11] be updated to list the number of NEW bugs for each component.

Matej Cepl provided the new Greasemonkey script to add a standard signature to each comment posted by a Bugzapper group member[12]. John Poelstra wanted to have a single location for all necessary Greasemonkey scripts for triagers. Brennan Ashton reported that he is working on an RPM package which would contain Greasemonkey and the scripts.

Adam Williamson volunteered to organize a new series of triage days, to get the whole group together to work on triaging and training new members. Matej stated that he is happy to help mentor new triagers by email or IRC at any time.

The next QA weekly meeting will be held on 2009-03-04 at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting, and the next Bugzappers weekly meeting on 2009-03-03 at 1700 UTC in #fedora-meeting.


Christopher Beland wrapped up the discussion on group goals[1]. "The official goal is now to stabilize the number of NEW bugs for each key component. Counts from today have been copied into that page on the wiki[2], and there's a preformatted query from which you can get the current count."

Bugs filed against default component

Lex Hider pointed out[1] that the 0xFFFF component in Bugzilla gets many reports simply because it is the first component in the list. He reported that he has tried to clean up all the current reports against this component, and suggested creating a new component, owned by the Bugzappers group, to catch this problem in future.

QA review for feature pages

Will Woods asked the group[1] to work on reviewing the feature pages for Fedora 11, and help make sure they all have viable test procedures, as previously discussed at the weekly meeting. He later emphasized[2] that the aim is actively to help the development team produce viable test plans, not simply to reject or mark the features which do not yet have them.

Improving Bugzappers documentation for beginners

A new group member, Hunter Bukowski, agreed[1] with previous suggestions that the current Bugzappers documentation in the Wiki is not sufficient in quantity or organization to allow new Bugzappers to get started without other references. He volunteered to help improve this situation.

The CLA for Bugzappers

A new volunteer, Lalit Dhiri, introduced himself[1] and tried to join the FAS group for the Bugzappers team. Rahul Sundaram rejected his application, as he had not yet signed the CLA - the legal agreement all Fedora contributors are required to sign. Upon further discussion, it was agreed by Paul Frields and Tom 'spot' Callaway that signing the CLA should not be required for Bugzappers, as none of the work normally required in the Bugzappers group constitutes a 'contribution' to Fedora in this sense. The requirement for Bugzappers to sign the CLA was officially removed.