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Fedora Ambassador Day LinuxTag 2008

Location and Date

Responsible Ambassadors


  1. FabianAffolter
  2. GeroldKassube
  3. JoergSimon
  4. MaxSpevack
  5. RobertScheck
  6. SandroMathys
  7. PeterReuschlein
  8. MarcoZiesing
  9. PaulFrields
  10. Robert M. Albrecht
  11. ThibaultNorth
  12. YaakovNemoy
  13. MatthieuRondeau
  14. FrancescoCrippa
  15. ChristophWickert
  16. FranzRobert
  17. LucaFoppiano
  18. JeroenVanMeeuwen
  19. ThomasWoerner

Agenda (Draft)

More or less the participation at LinuxTag

  • Introduction of all attendees
  • Opening remarks (Max)
  • Fedora in Europe 2008 (Max)
  • Country overview
  • Human resources planning for the booth Work Schedule
  • Last finishing of the organization of FUDCon if necessary

Some photos of the FAD event

  • ...
