Edney Matias
Hi, there!
I'm from Brasil! I live at Foz do Iguassu! Here you will find the Cataratas Falls and the world's biggest dam, Itaipu Binacional. Here is also the city where Latinoware - The Latin America Conference on Free Software takes place. This is the second FOSS event on Brazil, with 3.000 people on site and a strong presence of people from other countries. The first event is FISL on Rio Grande do Sul.
I got a Computer Science degree on 2004 and worked as a Java developer for about one year, then i started my own business, indeed i and other 15 friends. Here it's our company site http://www.prognus.com.br, its name is Prognus Software Livre and yes, its a free software company. I use free software since 1999 and the group which started the company use free software also, some more than others, it's true.
Now I am just a simple user of the technology, i do not code for some years now but I think i can contribute in another ways specially promoting Fedora (see below).
- Email: mailto:edneymatias@gmail.com
- IRC: ; you can find me as edneymatias on #fedora, #fedora-kde and
- GPG key: i'm on my way
- Fedora Account: my name on Fedora Account System is edneymatias
Activities within Fedora
I'm a Fedora user for less then one year but
- Some words about your involvement in Fedora, your plans, ideas, etc.
- For example, if you are into translations, the languages you are working on; if you are into docs, the docs you are interested in, etc.