Fedora Weekly News Issue 166
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 166 for the week ending March 8th, 2009.
A small sample of this issue's stories reflects the imminent release of Fedora 11! Announcements lists the freeze dates and upcoming Fedora events. PlanetFedora rounds up essential blog reading including a piece by Thomas Vander Stichele on "meltdown analysis". Marketing cheers for "1 Million New Fedora 10 Installations". In QualityAssurance a reminder that the next of the "Test Days" is of interest to Intel video users is just one of the items reflecting a massive amount of QA activity. Ambassadors relates some OLPC news from Rochester Institute of Technology. Developments explains why "Orphans are Purged" and asks are we "Ready for a New RPM Version?". Translation highlights a "Study about FLP". Artwork looks at the wallpapers in "Preparing for the Beta Release". SecurityAdvisories lists stuff to help you avoid a rooting. Virtualization follows the dizzying developments including a "New Release of libvirt-0.6.1". There's a lot more, so keep reading!
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FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala