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Revision as of 19:18, 9 March 2009 by Notting (talk | contribs) (New page: <table class="irclog"> <tr id="tMar 09 14:01:29"><td class="servermsg" colspan="2">---f13 has changed the topic to: Fedora Release Engineering Meeting - Roll Call</td><td><a href="#tMar 09...)
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---f13 has changed the topic to: Fedora Release Engineering Meeting - Roll Call<a href="#tMar 09 14:01:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:01</a>
*notting is here<a href="#tMar 09 14:01:43" class="time">Mar 09 14:01</a>
-->mitr ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:01:53" class="time">Mar 09 14:01</a>
f13ping: notting jeremy jwb rdieter lmacken spot wwoods poelcat<a href="#tMar 09 14:01:55" class="time">Mar 09 14:01</a>
rdieterhere<a href="#tMar 09 14:02:05" class="time">Mar 09 14:02</a>
*jwb is sort of here<a href="#tMar 09 14:02:10" class="time">Mar 09 14:02</a>
*poelcat here (not taking notes :)<a href="#tMar 09 14:02:23" class="time">Mar 09 14:02</a>
f13yeah, we gotta get a new note taker.<a href="#tMar 09 14:03:02" class="time">Mar 09 14:03</a>
jwbNOT IT<a href="#tMar 09 14:03:25" class="time">Mar 09 14:03</a>
<--pingou_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)<a href="#tMar 09 14:03:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:03</a>
nottingwhat the heck. i'll do it today<a href="#tMar 09 14:03:35" class="time">Mar 09 14:03</a>
-->pingou (n=Pingou@fedora/pingou) has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:03:56" class="time">Mar 09 14:03</a>
f13ok.  I recently switched irc clients and I'm not quite sure how the logging is going to work out<a href="#tMar 09 14:05:16" class="time">Mar 09 14:05</a>
f13thanks notting<a href="#tMar 09 14:05:20" class="time">Mar 09 14:05</a>
---f13 has changed the topic to: Fedora releng - BETA!!!<a href="#tMar 09 14:05:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:05</a>
f13AAAAAH!  The BETA is upon us!!<a href="#tMar 09 14:05:37" class="time">Mar 09 14:05</a>
<--KC0WYC has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))<a href="#tMar 09 14:05:52" class="time">Mar 09 14:05</a>
f13lets review the tickets.<a href="#tMar 09 14:05:53" class="time">Mar 09 14:05</a>
f13.rel 1148<a href="#tMar 09 14:05:58" class="time">Mar 09 14:05</a>
zodbotf13: #1148 (Sign dist-f11 contents for beta) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:06:00" class="time">Mar 09 14:06</a>
-->jnettlet ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:06:03" class="time">Mar 09 14:06</a>
nottingdo we have a new humongous key?<a href="#tMar 09 14:07:10" class="time">Mar 09 14:07</a>
>poelcat<where do you normally send rel-eng meeting notes?<a href="#tMar 09 14:07:41" class="time">Mar 09 14:07</a>
f13this one is on mewe do<a href="#tMar 09 14:07:56" class="time">Mar 09 14:07</a>
f13er sorry got distracted<a href="#tMar 09 14:07:59" class="time">Mar 09 14:07</a>
f13This one is on me.<a href="#tMar 09 14:08:03" class="time">Mar 09 14:08</a>
f13I have a new huge key, and I was playing with it and sign_unsigned prior to the koji outage.<a href="#tMar 09 14:08:12" class="time">Mar 09 14:08</a>
f13I haven't yet signed anything and imported it inot koji.  I will be doing that today<a href="#tMar 09 14:08:26" class="time">Mar 09 14:08</a>
-->jjmcd ( has joined #Fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:08:28" class="time">Mar 09 14:08</a>
f13as well as getting the huge key into fedora-release<a href="#tMar 09 14:08:39" class="time">Mar 09 14:08</a>
jwbare you going to distribute it to the people that can sign things?<a href="#tMar 09 14:08:55" class="time">Mar 09 14:08</a>
f13yeah<a href="#tMar 09 14:09:30" class="time">Mar 09 14:09</a>
-->gregdek ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:09:49" class="time">Mar 09 14:09</a>
f13anything else on signing?  I may have to resurrect sign2 in order to get everything signed in time<a href="#tMar 09 14:10:42" class="time">Mar 09 14:10</a>
jwbif you need help, holler<a href="#tMar 09 14:11:28" class="time">Mar 09 14:11</a>
f13k<a href="#tMar 09 14:11:32" class="time">Mar 09 14:11</a>
f13.rel 1150<a href="#tMar 09 14:11:34" class="time">Mar 09 14:11</a>
zodbotf13: #1150 (Create freeze for Fedora 11 Beta) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:11:38" class="time">Mar 09 14:11</a>
<--abadger1999 has quit ("Leaving.")<a href="#tMar 09 14:11:41" class="time">Mar 09 14:11</a>
f13This will happen tonight.<a href="#tMar 09 14:11:43" class="time">Mar 09 14:11</a>
f13I'm going to create the f11-beta tag, cloned from dist-f11<a href="#tMar 09 14:11:54" class="time">Mar 09 14:11</a>
f13then I'll either run it manually or setup an at job to refresh f11-beta from dist-f11 just before the rawhide compose.<a href="#tMar 09 14:12:12" class="time">Mar 09 14:12</a>
f13dist-rawhide will change its inheritance to f11-beta today as well<a href="#tMar 09 14:12:31" class="time">Mar 09 14:12</a>
f13so tomorrow's rawhide will be the frozen content<a href="#tMar 09 14:12:38" class="time">Mar 09 14:12</a>
<--mdomsch has quit ("Leaving")<a href="#tMar 09 14:12:40" class="time">Mar 09 14:12</a>
<--j6k has quit ()<a href="#tMar 09 14:13:26" class="time">Mar 09 14:13</a>
f13any thoughts on this?<a href="#tMar 09 14:13:47" class="time">Mar 09 14:13</a>
nottingdo we have the proper stuff set up in trac for requests?<a href="#tMar 09 14:14:01" class="time">Mar 09 14:14</a>
wwoodswhen do we plan to do branching / start making F12 rawhide? I know we'd talked about doing it earlier on, but<a href="#tMar 09 14:14:14" class="time">Mar 09 14:14</a>
f13notting: what do you mean by "the proper stuff" ?<a href="#tMar 09 14:14:50" class="time">Mar 09 14:14</a>
f13wwoods: that's ticket 1162<a href="#tMar 09 14:15:02" class="time">Mar 09 14:15</a>
nottingf13: milestones, etc<a href="#tMar 09 14:15:03" class="time">Mar 09 14:15</a>
f13notting: I'm not sure what we are supposed to do differently than what we have right now?<a href="#tMar 09 14:15:19" class="time">Mar 09 14:15</a>
nottingf13: nothing different, just verifying the milestones actually got created. which they are (and probably were a long time ago)<a href="#tMar 09 14:15:55" class="time">Mar 09 14:15</a>
f13yeah, we've got all the milestones up through F11 final<a href="#tMar 09 14:16:34" class="time">Mar 09 14:16</a>
f13I used offtrac to file them all programatically<a href="#tMar 09 14:16:42" class="time">Mar 09 14:16</a>
<--gregdek has quit ("Ex-Chat")<a href="#tMar 09 14:17:04" class="time">Mar 09 14:17</a>
rdieterand SOP for breaking freeze as before?  2 +1's, and tag dist-f11 ?<a href="#tMar 09 14:17:19" class="time">Mar 09 14:17</a>
nottingtag f11-beta, no?<a href="#tMar 09 14:18:15" class="time">Mar 09 14:18</a>
f13tag f11-beta<a href="#tMar 09 14:18:20" class="time">Mar 09 14:18</a>
rdieteroh right<a href="#tMar 09 14:18:21" class="time">Mar 09 14:18</a>
f13the package would already be tagged dist-f11<a href="#tMar 09 14:18:28" class="time">Mar 09 14:18</a>
f13any other freeze questions?<a href="#tMar 09 14:19:14" class="time">Mar 09 14:19</a>
nottingother than 'ugh, too much stuff to do', no<a href="#tMar 09 14:19:42" class="time">Mar 09 14:19</a>
f13heh<a href="#tMar 09 14:20:04" class="time">Mar 09 14:20</a>
f13.rel 1151 1152 1153<a href="#tMar 09 14:20:28" class="time">Mar 09 14:20</a>
zodbotf13: (rel <number>) -- Return the name and URL of a rel-eng ticket.<a href="#tMar 09 14:20:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:20</a>
f13oh bah<a href="#tMar 09 14:20:33" class="time">Mar 09 14:20</a>
f13so tickets 1151-1153 are the compose tickets, compose the install tree, the live images, and the "spins"<a href="#tMar 09 14:20:48" class="time">Mar 09 14:20</a>
-->dkovalsk ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:21:18" class="time">Mar 09 14:21</a>
-->mdomsch ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:22:22" class="time">Mar 09 14:22</a>
f13not a whole lot to talk about here, just work to do.<a href="#tMar 09 14:22:27" class="time">Mar 09 14:22</a>
f13supposedly the ext4 live image bug got fixed, so once we update compose-x86 we'll be OK there<a href="#tMar 09 14:22:45" class="time">Mar 09 14:22</a>
f13although I think there are still some livecd-creator bugs outstanding.  I thought jeremy was working on it, but...<a href="#tMar 09 14:23:02" class="time">Mar 09 14:23</a>
-->lcafiero ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:23:09" class="time">Mar 09 14:23</a>
-->kital (n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital) has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:23:38" class="time">Mar 09 14:23</a>
f13so that is a danger.<a href="#tMar 09 14:24:37" class="time">Mar 09 14:24</a>
f13The install tree should be pretty good, I was testing the compose tools last week and they were producing the right stuff.  I jsut did a build of pungi that fixes some splittree issues too<a href="#tMar 09 14:25:05" class="time">Mar 09 14:25</a>
f13our CDs will be much better utilized for size, which means you can do a text install from CD1 on both x86 and x86_64, I haven't tested ppc<a href="#tMar 09 14:25:34" class="time">Mar 09 14:25</a>
jwbneat<a href="#tMar 09 14:25:52" class="time">Mar 09 14:25</a>
nottingf13: are we still under a dvd on all arches?<a href="#tMar 09 14:26:14" class="time">Mar 09 14:26</a>
jwbppc would be the good indicator there<a href="#tMar 09 14:26:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:26</a>
jwbi think we've had to trim off packages for it for a while now<a href="#tMar 09 14:26:41" class="time">Mar 09 14:26</a>
f13yeah<a href="#tMar 09 14:27:36" class="time">Mar 09 14:27</a>
f13jwb: can you see that compose-ppc gets updated today?<a href="#tMar 09 14:28:44" class="time">Mar 09 14:28</a>
jwbf13, what is compose-ppc?<a href="#tMar 09 14:28:55" class="time">Mar 09 14:28</a>
jwband then, sure<a href="#tMar 09 14:28:58" class="time">Mar 09 14:28</a>
-->thomasj_ ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:01" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
f13compose-ppc is the host in PHX where we compose the ppc tree<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:11" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
f13the analog of compose-x86<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:21" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
jwbupdated via yum?<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:21" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
f13yeah, it may already be updated, not sure, but probably could use another update, and a reboot, which may need babysitting<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:39" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
jwbon it<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:45" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
jwbactually<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:54" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
-->tkjacobsen ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:56" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
jwbit hates me<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:56" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
jwbwon't let me login<a href="#tMar 09 14:29:59" class="time">Mar 09 14:29</a>
f13heh, so maybe it needs more help :/<a href="#tMar 09 14:30:28" class="time">Mar 09 14:30</a>
f13thanks for taking that.<a href="#tMar 09 14:30:34" class="time">Mar 09 14:30</a>
jwbnp<a href="#tMar 09 14:30:45" class="time">Mar 09 14:30</a>
f13tickets 1155 and 1156 are staging the bits<a href="#tMar 09 14:30:57" class="time">Mar 09 14:30</a>
f13I'm going to try staging them all on /mnt/koji/ (which is avail via kojipkgs) complete with package list so that we can see the tree as a whole and run verifytree and such on it<a href="#tMar 09 14:31:33" class="time">Mar 09 14:31</a>
<--mitr ( has left #fedora-meeting ("Leaving")<a href="#tMar 09 14:31:41" class="time">Mar 09 14:31</a>
f13I'll also use alt.fedora to toss up isos for consumption by QA and such<a href="#tMar 09 14:31:51" class="time">Mar 09 14:31</a>
dgilmoref13: do we have torrent seeders ready?<a href="#tMar 09 14:32:00" class="time">Mar 09 14:32</a>
f13dgilmore: no, I think the tickets say to ping in #fedora-admin to find pre-seeders<a href="#tMar 09 14:32:17" class="time">Mar 09 14:32</a>
dgilmoreok<a href="#tMar 09 14:32:25" class="time">Mar 09 14:32</a>
f13any other questions on staging?<a href="#tMar 09 14:32:47" class="time">Mar 09 14:32</a>
*nirik can pre-seed given enough notice. <a href="#tMar 09 14:32:52" class="time">Mar 09 14:32</a>
f13alright.<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:03" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
f13.1159<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:15" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
f13.rel 1159<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:18" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
jwbpeople should be cross testing damnit<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:18" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
zodbotf13: #1159 (Unfreeze Rawhide) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:35:21" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
jwboops, wrong keyboard.  sorry<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:26" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
nottingjwb: i know testing makes me cross<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
jwbheh<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:37" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
f13unfreezing rawhide will likely happen when we stage the bits for release<a href="#tMar 09 14:35:42" class="time">Mar 09 14:35</a>
f13hopefully we won't be under time pressure to get the beta synced and we'll have a number of days and thus unfreezing rawhide won't pose a threat to getting beta synced in time<a href="#tMar 09 14:36:10" class="time">Mar 09 14:36</a>
f13but if we're under time pressure, rawhide unfreeze may have to wait until after Beta GA<a href="#tMar 09 14:36:25" class="time">Mar 09 14:36</a>
f13.rel 1161<a href="#tMar 09 14:37:06" class="time">Mar 09 14:37</a>
zodbotf13: #1161 (Release Fedora 11 Beta) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:37:09" class="time">Mar 09 14:37</a>
f13Release day requires coordination with various folks from various groups, like the websites group<a href="#tMar 09 14:37:30" class="time">Mar 09 14:37</a>
f13poelcat: will you be scheduling a meeting for beta release coordination?<a href="#tMar 09 14:37:46" class="time">Mar 09 14:37</a>
quaidit's on the schedule(s) fwiw; 18 March iirc.<a href="#tMar 09 14:40:20" class="time">Mar 09 14:40</a>
f13ok.<a href="#tMar 09 14:40:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:40</a>
*quaid sees it on <a href=""></a> but not on the master schedule page there<a href="#tMar 09 14:41:11" class="time">Mar 09 14:41</a>
<--Standbye has quit (Remote closed the connection)<a href="#tMar 09 14:42:22" class="time">Mar 09 14:42</a>
f13wning.<a href="#tMar 09 14:43:38" class="time">Mar 09 14:43</a>
f13sorry.<a href="#tMar 09 14:43:45" class="time">Mar 09 14:43</a>
f13lets assume that its happening.<a href="#tMar 09 14:43:51" class="time">Mar 09 14:43</a>
poelcatf13 yes<a href="#tMar 09 14:43:51" class="time">Mar 09 14:43</a>
-->mcepl ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:44:16" class="time">Mar 09 14:44</a>
poelcatwill send out announce, etc. today or tomorrow<a href="#tMar 09 14:44:26" class="time">Mar 09 14:44</a>
f13ok, thanks.<a href="#tMar 09 14:44:58" class="time">Mar 09 14:44</a>
f13pardon me for a moment.  Evolution just put me into a I/O storm<a href="#tMar 09 14:45:45" class="time">Mar 09 14:45</a>
---stickster_afk is now known as stickster<a href="#tMar 09 14:46:44" class="time">Mar 09 14:46</a>
<--thomasj has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))<a href="#tMar 09 14:46:47" class="time">Mar 09 14:46</a>
---thomasj_ is now known as thomasj<a href="#tMar 09 14:47:04" class="time">Mar 09 14:47</a>
f13.rel 1162<a href="#tMar 09 14:48:27" class="time">Mar 09 14:48</a>
zodbotf13: #1162 (Allow early branching of packages for F-11) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:48:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:48</a>
f13This is the ticket that covers early-branching.<a href="#tMar 09 14:48:38" class="time">Mar 09 14:48</a>
f13We've gotten the rawhide composes down fast enough that we could consider doing a second compose<a href="#tMar 09 14:48:55" class="time">Mar 09 14:48</a>
f13we don't have to mirror that second compose necessarily, just plop it somewhere in /mnt/koji<a href="#tMar 09 14:49:09" class="time">Mar 09 14:49</a>
f13would be more useful if we had automated tests to go with that<a href="#tMar 09 14:49:18" class="time">Mar 09 14:49</a>
-->tkjacobsen_ ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:49:28" class="time">Mar 09 14:49</a>
f13.rel 1190<a href="#tMar 09 14:51:17" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
zodbotf13: #1190 (Give mirrors heads up on Fedora 11 Beta content) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:51:20" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
f13this should actually be done just as we're staging the bits<a href="#tMar 09 14:51:29" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
f13.rel 1154<a href="#tMar 09 14:51:40" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
zodbotf13: #1154 (Give Legal heads up on Beta release) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:51:42" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
f13same with this one<a href="#tMar 09 14:51:45" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
f13.rel 1236<a href="#tMar 09 14:51:51" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
zodbotf13: #1236 (block orphaned rawhide packages) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:51:54" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
f13This will actually be done today<a href="#tMar 09 14:51:58" class="time">Mar 09 14:51</a>
f13I've got to gen the list again and block 'em<a href="#tMar 09 14:52:04" class="time">Mar 09 14:52</a>
nottingf13: does that cause dependency fallout?<a href="#tMar 09 14:52:12" class="time">Mar 09 14:52</a>
f13notting: we'll see (:<a href="#tMar 09 14:52:19" class="time">Mar 09 14:52</a>
f13I'll run some tests today, the number of packages is smaller<a href="#tMar 09 14:52:26" class="time">Mar 09 14:52</a>
dgilmoref13: we allow early branching once we release Beta correct?<a href="#tMar 09 14:52:43" class="time">Mar 09 14:52</a>
nottingf13: hrm, pulls in something called 'linphone'<a href="#tMar 09 14:54:09" class="time">Mar 09 14:54</a>
-->tkjacobsen__ ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:54:52" class="time">Mar 09 14:54</a>
dgilmorenotting: linphone is a sip client<a href="#tMar 09 14:55:31" class="time">Mar 09 14:55</a>
nottingwow, multitasking. someone pressed the updates button during the meeting :)<a href="#tMar 09 14:55:43" class="time">Mar 09 14:55</a>
dgilmorenot as featureful as ekiga/twinkle<a href="#tMar 09 14:55:44" class="time">Mar 09 14:55</a>
-->abadger1999 (n=abadger1@nat/redhat/x-65fbca8c34e736e7) has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 14:56:02" class="time">Mar 09 14:56</a>
rscBlockling libosXip or so breaks linphone AFAIK. Or was it compat-libosip?<a href="#tMar 09 14:56:11" class="time">Mar 09 14:56</a>
nottinglibeXosip2 and compat-libosip2<a href="#tMar 09 14:56:27" class="time">Mar 09 14:56</a>
nottingwere both orphaned<a href="#tMar 09 14:56:31" class="time">Mar 09 14:56</a>
niriklinphone I thought was utterly dead upstream... for many years.<a href="#tMar 09 14:56:33" class="time">Mar 09 14:56</a>
nottingit may be, it was just the only thing in the --whatrequires query that wasn't also part of the orphan list<a href="#tMar 09 14:56:53" class="time">Mar 09 14:56</a>
nirikI guess they revived it... there was a new release late last year.<a href="#tMar 09 14:57:09" class="time">Mar 09 14:57</a>
<--tkjacobsen_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))<a href="#tMar 09 14:57:39" class="time">Mar 09 14:57</a>
---knurd is now known as knurd_afk<a href="#tMar 09 14:59:20" class="time">Mar 09 14:59</a>
f13and the last ticket is<a href="#tMar 09 14:59:44" class="time">Mar 09 14:59</a>
f13.rel 1275<a href="#tMar 09 14:59:47" class="time">Mar 09 14:59</a>
zodbotf13: #1275 (Find New RelEng Meeting Recapper) - Fedora Release Engineering - Trac - <a href=""></a><a href="#tMar 09 14:59:50" class="time">Mar 09 14:59</a>
f13I think we could handle this the way that fesco does, rotate who does notes/reporting each week<a href="#tMar 09 15:00:03" class="time">Mar 09 15:00</a>
f13so notting does this week, somebody else will do next week<a href="#tMar 09 15:00:15" class="time">Mar 09 15:00</a>
-->tkjacobsen_ ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 15:00:15" class="time">Mar 09 15:00</a>
f13ya'll OK with that?<a href="#tMar 09 15:00:20" class="time">Mar 09 15:00</a>
nottingf13: given where the recaps were mirrored, you or i may have to do work in any case<a href="#tMar 09 15:01:00" class="time">Mar 09 15:01</a>
f13notting: sure, but that's just a fwrd:<a href="#tMar 09 15:01:23" class="time">Mar 09 15:01</a>
-->rogersinel1 ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 15:02:18" class="time">Mar 09 15:02</a>
---f13 has changed the topic to: Fedora releng - Open Floor<a href="#tMar 09 15:03:29" class="time">Mar 09 15:03</a>
<--drago01 has quit (Remote closed the connection)<a href="#tMar 09 15:03:33" class="time">Mar 09 15:03</a>
f13We're at our hour mark, but the floor is open for any last minute topics.<a href="#tMar 09 15:03:39" class="time">Mar 09 15:03</a>
f13otherwise the wife is yelling at me to join the family for lunch<a href="#tMar 09 15:03:49" class="time">Mar 09 15:03</a>
jwbso updates<a href="#tMar 09 15:03:49" class="time">Mar 09 15:03</a>
f13jwb: yes?<a href="#tMar 09 15:03:56" class="time">Mar 09 15:03</a>
jwbthey were broken over the weekend<a href="#tMar 09 15:03:58" class="time">Mar 09 15:03</a>
jwblmacken fixed them and i have a huge push going right now<a href="#tMar 09 15:04:08" class="time">Mar 09 15:04</a>
<--tkjacobsen has quit (Connection timed out)<a href="#tMar 09 15:04:16" class="time">Mar 09 15:04</a>
jwbthe firefox security update went out on sat with manual work<a href="#tMar 09 15:04:22" class="time">Mar 09 15:04</a>
jwbEOM<a href="#tMar 09 15:04:24" class="time">Mar 09 15:04</a>
f13jwb: thanks for that.  I was going to push ff, but I got roped into family things this weekend<a href="#tMar 09 15:05:03" class="time">Mar 09 15:05</a>
f13and then I had to do designated driver duty for a friend<a href="#tMar 09 15:05:11" class="time">Mar 09 15:05</a>
jwbf13, no worries<a href="#tMar 09 15:05:18" class="time">Mar 09 15:05</a>
jwbthe new option helped there<a href="#tMar 09 15:05:26" class="time">Mar 09 15:05</a>
f13(but not every day you get to drive a corvette through a snowstorm in seattle)<a href="#tMar 09 15:05:30" class="time">Mar 09 15:05</a>
jwbnice! :)<a href="#tMar 09 15:05:35" class="time">Mar 09 15:05</a>
-->drago01 ( has joined #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 15:05:46" class="time">Mar 09 15:05</a>
notting'snowstorm'? weird. :)<a href="#tMar 09 15:06:12" class="time">Mar 09 15:06</a>
<--mcepl ( has left #fedora-meeting<a href="#tMar 09 15:07:08" class="time">Mar 09 15:07</a>
f13notting: it really was.  Snow was sticking to I-5 and it was coming down /hard/.<a href="#tMar 09 15:07:21" class="time">Mar 09 15:07</a>
f13bizarre for March<a href="#tMar 09 15:07:26" class="time">Mar 09 15:07</a>
nottingf13: come to NC, it's 80F here<a href="#tMar 09 15:07:49" class="time">Mar 09 15:07</a>
f13well it was 50° in Tacoma when I got home that night<a href="#tMar 09 15:08:31" class="time">Mar 09 15:08</a>
f13there was just a nasty pocket of snow on the way<a href="#tMar 09 15:08:38" class="time">Mar 09 15:08</a>
f13looks like we're off topic a bit though.<a href="#tMar 09 15:08:48" class="time">Mar 09 15:08</a>
nottingjust a tad<a href="#tMar 09 15:08:52" class="time">Mar 09 15:08</a>
<--drago01 has quit (Remote closed the connection)<a href="#tMar 09 15:09:31" class="time">Mar 09 15:09</a>
f13ok, thanks all for the meeting!<a href="#tMar 09 15:11:02" class="time">Mar 09 15:11</a>

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