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Amber Client



  • Email: <>

Current status

Detailed Description

The Amber project is a web application and client side program designed to allow users to search for, browse, comment on, and rate software applications available for Fedora and potentially other Linux distributions and repositories. In the long run, this application could be extended to allow users installing the application.

Benefit to Fedora

The Amber project will benefit the Fedora users by informing them about a certain applications. When a user is new to Linux, especially Fedora, it is difficult for them to find a substitution for a proprietary software. When they use Google to find the application that may best suits them, Google will gives so many open source applications. The user may want to look through the application forum, other blog comments about the software, etc. This task is very tedious and could be wrap into one place, which is the idea behind the Amber project itself.


  • TurboGears based web application
  • Browse applications
  • Search for applications
  • Rate applications
  • Comment on applications
  • Install applications
  • Data sync with Fedora package database, comps.xml, and .desktop files
  • OpenID/integration with Fedora Account System

How To Test

  1. Run Amber Client
  2. Search for an application to your needs by categories (e.g. Drawing, word processing, video editing, etc)
  3. Select one of the search result application
  4. Comment on the application
  5. Rate the application
  6. Install the application

User Experience

  1. Users should find it easier to find an application according to their needs
  2. Users should find it easier to find better recommended applications
  3. Users should find it easier to install applications to Fedora


Contingency Plan

  • Re-attempt for the next release of Fedora.


Release Notes

  • Search application
  • Rate application
  • Comment application
  • Install application

Comments and Discussion