From Fedora Project Wiki
This is an attempt to describe the steps I took to install a 64-bit Eclipse on a ppc64 machine running Fedora 11 on 04/08/2009:
I should note first that the ppc64 Eclipse bits that I used are not in the Fedora release itself, but are available on koji:
- Download from koji and install either the 64-bit OpenJDK or the 64-bit gcj (the latter should work, though I didn't try it)
- Download the five ppc64 Eclipse rpms (pde, platform, jdt, swt, rcp) from koji.
- Download and install the icu4j-eclipse rpm for ppc64
- Use "sudo yum localinstall eclipse-swt-*.rpm", but notice that some of the dependency packages are ppc rather than ppc64. Don't let yum install them - cancel it!
- Install the ppc64 variants of the packages that are shown as ppc. You can do this with "sudo yum install <package_name>.ppc64"
- Repeat the sudo yum localinstall on the swt package until all of the remaining package are ppc64 (by luck mostly), and then let yum do those installations.
- Repeat the previous three steps on the eclipse-platform, elcipse-rcp, eclipse-pde, and eclipse-jdt rpms.
- Use the alternatives command to put the desired 64-bit java in as /usr/bin/java. Or just put the 64-bit java you installed on your PATH ahead of /usr/bin.
- Fire up eclipse (just type "eclipse" on the command line)
- At this point, Eclipse will complain about a number of missing modules, having to do with gnome themes and such. I used "yum whatprovides" to find the needed rpms, found them either in the local repository on on koji and installed them. This step may not be necessary, but I wasn't sure at the time.