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Revision as of 08:26, 14 April 2009 by Fab (talk | contribs) (moved content to user page)
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Tyler Owen

Some words about you.


  • Email: [[MailTo(tyler.l.owen AT gmail DOT com)] (moin encodes email addresses properly to anonymous users)
  • IRC (freenode): owentl
  • GPG key: 7EF16E8
  • Fedora Account: owentl

Activities within Fedora

Maintainer of the following Fedora packages

  • proxychains - Provides proxy support to any application
  • gdesklets-calendar - A navigable calendar showing the entire month for gdesklet
  • gdesklets-goodweather - Themeable weather and condition display for gdesklet
  • gdesklets-quote-of-the-day - Quote of the day desklet for gdesklet

Co-Maintainer of the following Fedora packages

  • gdesklets - An interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system