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In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

Fedora 11

We're getting very close to the Fedora 11 release, and excitement is building.

Jesse Keating[1] announced[2] that we are now frozen for Fedora 11. "We've reached the final freeze, as well as mass branched. From this point on, builds from F-11/ will go to dist-f11-updates-candidate and builds from devel/ will go to dist-f12. dist-f11 itself is locked."

John Poelstra[3] gave a final reminder[4] to feature owners whose features are not at 100%. "Feature freeze has past and the following feature pages still need updates. Some have not been updated for several months. All need to be at 100% completion and their content set to reflect that."

FUDCon Berlin 2009

Max Spevack[1] reminded[2] the community about FUDCon Berlin 2009[3], including registration[4], lodging[5], and the speaking schedule[6].

Upcoming Events

April 17-19: Summer Geek Camp 2[1] in Antipolo City, Phillipines.

April 18: BarCamp Rochester[2] in Rochester, New York, USA.

April 19-22: Red Hat EMEA Partner Summit[3] in Malta.

April 24-25: FLISOL, all over the LATAM region.

April 25: Trenton Computer Festival[4] in Trenton, New Jersey, USA.

April 25-26: Linux Fest Northwest[5] in Bellingham, Wasthington, USA.

April 27: FOSS Lightning Talks[6] in Stockholm, Sweden.

May 2: Introduction to FOSS, Fedora workshop in Pradesh, India.

May 4-8: VI Foro Mundial de Conocimiento Libre[7] in Mérida, Venezuela.