checking for a Latex2e program... +checking for "latex"... yes checking for a DVI postprocessing program... +checking for "pplatex"... yes checking for pLaTeX, the Japanese LaTeX... +checking for "platex"... no Latex not usable (not LaTeX2e) checking for a Tgif viewer and editor... +checking for "tgif"... no checking for a FIG viewer and editor... +checking for "xfig"... no +checking for "jfig3-itext.jar"... no +checking for "jfig3.jar"... no checking for a Dia viewer and editor... +checking for "dia"... no checking for a Grace viewer and editor... +checking for "xmgrace"... no checking for a FEN viewer and editor... +checking for "xboard"... no checking for a raster image viewer... +checking for "xdg-open"... yes checking for a raster image editor... +checking for "gimp-remote"... yes checking for a text editor... +checking for "sensible-editor"... no +checking for "xemacs"... no +checking for "gvim"... no +checking for "kedit"... no +checking for "kwrite"... no +checking for "kate"... yes checking for a BibTeX editor... +checking for "sensible-editor"... no +checking for "jabref"... no +checking for "JabRef"... no +checking for "pybliographic"... no +checking for "bibdesk"... no +checking for "gbib"... no +checking for "kbib"... no +checking for "kbibtex"... no +checking for "sixpack"... no +checking for "bibedit"... no +checking for "tkbibtexxemacs"... no +checking for "gvim"... no +checking for "kedit"... no +checking for "kwrite"... no +checking for "kate"... yes checking for a Postscript previewer... +checking for "xdg-open"... yes checking for a PDF previewer... +checking for "xdg-open"... yes checking for a DVI previewer... +checking for "xdg-open"... yes checking for an HTML previewer... +checking for "xdg-open"... yes checking for Noteedit... +checking for "noteedit"... no checking for an OpenDocument viewer... +checking for "swriter"... no +checking for "oowriter"... yes checking for the pdflatex program... +checking for "pdflatex"... yes checking for a LaTeX/Noweb -> LyX converter... +checking for "tex2lyx"... yes checking for a Noweb -> LaTeX converter... +checking for "noweave"... no checking for an HTML -> LaTeX converter... +checking for "html2latex"... no +checking for "gnuhtml2latex"... no +checking for "htmltolatex"... no +checking for "java"... yes checking for an MS Word -> LaTeX converter... +checking for "wvCleanLatex"... yes checking for "elyxer module"... no checking for a LyX -> HTML converter... +checking for ""... no +checking for "elyxer"... no checking for a LaTeX -> HTML converter... +checking for "htlatex"... no +checking for ""... no +checking for "/usr/share/tex4ht/htlatex"... no +checking for "tth"... no +checking for "latex2html"... no +checking for "hevea"... no checking for a LaTeX -> MS Word converter... +checking for "htlatex"... no +checking for ""... no +checking for "/usr/share/tex4ht/htlatex"... no checking for an -> LaTeX converter... +checking for "w2l"... no checking for an OpenDocument -> LaTeX converter... +checking for "w2l"... no checking for a LaTeX -> Open Document converter... +checking for "oolatex"... no +checking for "mk4ht"... no +checking for ""... no +checking for "/usr/share/tex4ht/oolatex"... no +checking for "htlatex"... no checking for a LaTeX -> RTF converter... +checking for "latex2rtf"... no +checking for "latex2rt"... no checking for a RTF -> HTML converter... +checking for "unrtf"... no checking for a PS to PDF converter... +checking for "ps2pdf13"... yes checking for a PS to TXT converter... +checking for "pstotext"... no checking for a PS to TXT converter... +checking for "ps2ascii"... yes checking for a PS to EPS converter... +checking for "ps2eps"... yes checking for a PDF to PS converter... +checking for "pdf2ps"... yes checking for a PDF to EPS converter... +checking for "pdftops"... yes checking for a DVI to TXT converter... +checking for "catdvi"... no checking for a DVI to PS converter... +checking for "dvips"... yes checking for a DVI to PDF converter... +checking for "dvipdfmx"... yes checking for dvipng... +checking for "dvipng"... no checking for a fax program... +checking for "kdeprintfax"... no +checking for "ksendfax"... no +checking for "hylapex"... no checking for a FIG -> EPS/PPM converter... +checking for "fig2dev"... yes checking for a TIFF -> PS converter... +checking for "tiff2ps"... yes checking for a TGIF -> EPS/PPM converter... +checking for "tgif"... no checking for a WMF -> EPS converter... +checking for "metafile2eps"... no +checking for "wmf2eps"... yes checking for an EMF -> EPS converter... +checking for "metafile2eps"... no +checking for "wmf2eps"... yes checking for an EPS -> PDF converter... +checking for "epstopdf"... yes checking for a Grace -> Image converter... +checking for "gracebat"... no checking for a Dot -> PDF converter... +checking for "dot"... no checking for a Dia -> PNG converter... +checking for "dia"... no checking for a Dia -> EPS converter... +checking for "dia"... no checking for a LilyPond -> EPS/PDF/PNG converter... +checking for "lilypond"... no checking for a Noteedit -> LilyPond converter... +checking for "noteedit"... no checking for SGML-tools 2.x (DocBook), db2x scripts or xsltproc... +checking for "sgmltools"... no +checking for "db2dvi"... no +checking for "xsltproc"... yes Checking whether TeX allows spaces in file names... no checking for a *roff formatter... +checking for "groff"... yes checking for ChkTeX... +checking for "chktex"... no checking for BibTeX... +checking for "bibtex"... yes checking for JBibTeX, the Japanese BibTeX... +checking for "jbibtex"... no +checking for "bibtex"... yes checking for an index processor... +checking for "texindy"... no +checking for "makeindex"... yes checking for an index processor appropriate to Japanese... +checking for "mendex"... no +checking for "jmakeindex"... no +checking for "makeindex"... yes checking for a nomenclature processor... +checking for "makeindex"... yes checking for a spellchecker... +checking for "ispell"... yes checking for a spool command... +checking for "lp"... yes checking LaTeX configuration... default values +checking list of textclasses... done +checking list of modules... /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/tabs-within-sections.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/minimalistic.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/figs-within-sections.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/logicalmkup.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/endnotes.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-sec.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-starred.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/foottoend.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-ams.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-bytype.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/eqs-within-sections.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/linguistics.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/braille.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/hanging.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-std.module /usr/share/lyx/layouts/theorems-chap.module done