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Fedora Project Board Meeting :: Wednesday 2009-04-22
Roll Call
- Attendees: Jesse Keating, Bill Nottingham, Harald Hoyer, Paul Frields, Tom "Spot" Callaway, Dimitris Glezos, Mike McGrath, Matt Domsch, Seth Vidal
Regrets: Chris Aillon, Chris Tyler
- Secretary: John Poelstra
Future Security Response Plans
- Dimitris requested that the board discuss plans for future handling
- follow-up to: Board/Meetings/2009-03-24#Involvement_of_the_Board_in_Future_Security_Incidents
- How can the board be kept updated and notified?
- Paul noted that there may be no way to avoid inherent conflict when a matter arises that affects both Red Hat and Fedora
- Mike would like to create policy, but it is difficult to write because:
- Incident response will vary depending on the incident in question
- Knowledge dissemination will happen as discovery happens
- Would like to have a contact list and policy so that if Red hat asks who knows we can reference the policy
- Spot suggests there are two scenarios to consider when laying out a policy:
- Red Hat related
- Fedora issue only
- Seth asked, 'what is a Fedora issue only'?
- Dimitris noted the community need to have these answered very clearly
- First possible contacts could/should (?) be:
- Spot as manager of Fedora Infrastructure
- Paul as Fedora Project Leader
- One potential way to expose board members to more information would be a signed non-disclosure agreeement (NDA)
- Seth opposed to NDAs
- Dimitris opposed too, but would consider if it's the only way the Board would be kept in the loop
- Board supports Mike writing a policy that he believes is the right way to to do this
- individual people will be brought into the loop "as needed"; no blanket groups automatically granted
- Will need to run past Red Hat Security and potentially Red Hat Legal
- Mike to draft a document and send to fedora-infrastructure by 2009-05-27
What is Fedora?
- follow-up to: Board/Meetings/2009-03-24#What_is_Fedora
- Tabled for next week's meeting: 2009-04-28
Status of Trademark Followup
- follow-up to: Board/Meetings/2009-03-10#Trademark_Followup
- Paul is following up with people that have concerns
- Trademark_licensees
- Overall uptake is good
- A few general misgivings remain
- One community member with very specific issues, trying to resolve them currently
- Fedora Legal recently had to intervene in a misuse of "Fedora Remix" -- we do need to maintain vigilant Domain Request
- Tabled for next week's meeting: 2009-04-28
- Email from Frederic Hornain delayed in FAB queue while Paul (list maintainer) was on vacation
- ACTION ITEM: Paul - to figure out status