For guidance on using this template, consult Template:QA/Test_Plan
Revision history
Detail key dates with respect to this document. Including it's creation date and significant updates since then.
Brief description of this document.
- The goals of this plan are to:
- Organize the test effort
- Communicate the strategy, scope and priorities of the planned tests to all relevant stake-holders for their input and approval
- Serve as a base for the test planning for future Fedora releases
Test Strategy
Describe how the testing will be organized and executed. Is there any special order or sequence to perform actions.
Test Priority
Often used to outline tiers of tests arranged from most important (tier#1) to infrequently used tests (tier#3).
What will and won't be tested.
Test Pass/Fail Criteria
When do you consider testing completed or stopped? How do you know when to stop?
Test Deliverables
Describe what the consumables will be from testing. Examples include:
- This test plan
- A test summary document for each major milestone
- A list of defects filed
- Any test scripts used for automation or verification
Test Cases
Using the level of detail required by this test plan, outline test areas and test cases to be exercised.
Test Environment
Describe the environment tests will be executed in
High-level detail of who is accountable for different phases of testing.
Outline the scheduled milestones.
Given the current scope and test priority, what are some potential risks. Are there any other contingencies should problems arrise? How will issues be dealt with when they surface.