From Fedora Project Wiki
(Redirected from SIGs/KDE/Meetings/2011-09-19)
Meeting Time
- 2011-09-20 15:00 UTC
- #fedora-meeting on freenode
- jreznik
- rnovacek
- Kevin_Kofler
- rdieter
- topics to discuss:
- Update on the regressions on the kde-4.7 and qt-4.8 trackers
- akonadi + sqlite
- recent bugs:
akonadi mysql/sqlite backends
- rnovacek prepared patch for runtime db backend selection
- proposal: 1. switching back to mysql default 2. modify live image to (still) use sqlite
- it's possible to set defaults in akonadiserverrc ( section [eneral], key Driver, values QSQLITE or QMYSQL)
Update on the regressions on the kde-4.7 and qt-4.8 trackers
- there are no known KDE 4.7 regressions left.
- qt 4.8: Kate settings crash, the virtualization issue and qt-mobility FTBFS
- ACTION: rdieter to try to include the qt-mobility fix(es) today (or soon at least)
- ACTION: jreznik to try to ping Spice guys for virt. issue)
folderview by default
- agreed to have folderview by default
- long-term solution for F17