From Fedora Project Wiki
Associated release criterion
This test case is associated with the Basic_Release_Criteria#updates release criterion. If you are doing release validation testing, a failure of this test case may be a breach of that release criterion. If so, please file a bug and nominate it as blocking the appropriate milestone, using the blocker bug nomination page.


This test case tests whether the system can be updated using the default console package manager.

How to test

  1. Clean boot the Fedora you wish to test: this could be a system installed from a particular snapshot, pre-release, or release, or a live image. It should be an image for which updates will be available (or you can downgrade a package after installation).
  2. Open a console, and run the command dnf update as root. If you have any difficulty opening a console in the normal fashion from the desktop you are testing, note this, but continue with the test. Complete the update process. If you encounter dependency problems, ensure a bug is reported for the issue, and try with a different package.
    • If there are no packages to update (you're running the latest version of everything), you can enable updates-testing repository (if not enabled already), or you can downgrade some package to an older version (either from the fedora repository, or by directly downloading it from Koji).

Expected Results

  1. The update process should complete successfully. Errors caused by packaging bugs should be reported to the individual packages, but would not usually count as release-blocking bugs in the updater itself.