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zh CN/Meetings/2008-01-11



  • 各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核,
  • 制定相关方面的规范,比如翻译,FWN的翻译应该符合什么规范,达到什么要求,别的方面也应如此










第一项内容:LiuHongdan 提议翻译规范


FUDCon 这几天在 Raleigh 举行。 #fudcon 是线上交流的场所。

第三项内容:KDE 4 发布

Fedora 版的 KDE 4 live CD 可以下载了。 截屏


--- Log opened 五  1月 11 19:53:26 2008
19:53 -!- hers [n=yuan@fedora/hers]  has joined #fedora-cn
19:53 -!- Topic for #fedora-cn: #fedora-cn: /charset utf-8 | 邮件列表 | 论坛 | Wiki | 软件仓库 | 20071108 fedora 8 发布 | 周五20:00 IRC聚会 20080111
19:53 -!- Topic set by byuan []  [Sat Jan  5 11:34:20 2008] 
19:53 [Users #fedora-cn] 
19:53 [@ChanServ     ]  [+ricky      ]  [ Dog_walnut  ]  [ ssgg     ] 
19:53 [+abner        ]  [ __64       ]  [ freeflying  ]  [ tpxcer   ] 
19:53 [+fedora-badboy]  [ ajneok     ]  [ hers        ]  [ xHellwolf] 
19:53 [+gcell        ]  [ AutumnCat  ]  [ InitX|F7    ]  [ Yuxans   ] 
19:53 [+gregdek      ]  [ candyz0416 ]  [ jhwhbd      ]  [ zhanGirl ] 
19:53 [+hellwolf     ]  [ cswiii     ]  [ nihui       ] 
19:53 [+keimoto_co   ]  [ DawnFantasy]  [ r0bertz     ] 
19:53 [+LoneStar     ]  [ desatan    ]  [ r0bertz|work] 
19:53 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 29 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 8 voices, 20 normal] 
19:53 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v hers]  by ChanServ
19:53 -!- Channel #fedora-cn created Sun Nov 26 14:42:54 2006
19:54 -!- Irssi: Join to #fedora-cn was synced in 77 secs
19:57 <+hers> xorg vesa driver 也可以运行 awn,真是太奇怪了,软件模拟的混合?
19:57 <+hers> 那岂不是可以默认 3D 了
20:00 -!- christina_chen [n=chris@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:02 <+abner> 郵件列表沒什麼人氣……
20:03 -!- ajneok []  has left #fedora-cn ["See ya !!"] 
20:03 <+abner> 開會了嗎?
20:04 <+hers> 开。这一周 LiuHongdan 做的翻译最多,他说想问问大家,要什么样的翻译质量
20:05 <+hers> 看他翻译的 FWN
20:06 <+abner> 質量…… 看得懂就可以了
20:07 <+hers> 还有,如果有什么事情需要拿到周五聚会上来讲,就加到 这里。他加了具体的问题描述。
20:07 <+abner> 質量太好的話可能翻譯量會減少
20:07 <+hers> abner~ 你看他究竟是什么意思
20:08 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:08 [Users #fedora-cn] 
20:08 [@ChanServ     ]  [+LoneStar      ]  [ desatan     ]  [ ssgg     ] 
20:08 [+abner        ]  [+ricky         ]  [ Dog_walnut  ]  [ tpxcer   ] 
20:08 [+fedora-badboy]  [ __64          ]  [ freeflying  ]  [ xHellwolf] 
20:08 [+gcell        ]  [ AutumnCat     ]  [ InitX|F7    ]  [ yichi    ] 
20:08 [+gregdek      ]  [ candyz0416    ]  [ jhwhbd      ]  [ Yuxans   ] 
20:08 [+hellwolf     ]  [ christina_chen]  [ nihui       ]  [ zhanGirl ] 
20:08 [+hers         ]  [ cswiii        ]  [ r0bertz     ] 
20:08 [+keimoto_co   ]  [ DawnFantasy   ]  [ r0bertz|work] 
20:08 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 30 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 9 voices, 20 normal] 
20:10 <+abner> 制定相关方面的规范…
20:10 <+abner> 呵呵,這話看不懂
20:11 -!- yshao [n=yshao@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:11 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v yshao]  by ChanServ
20:11 <+hers> 好像是吧……
20:12 <+LoneStar> hers,
20:12 <+hers> firefox open search plugin 满好用的
20:13 <+LoneStar> cdr还是可以用来刻livecd的吧?
20:13 <+abner> 遲些時候,FUDCon 的視頻放出來,要是有人加上字幕就好了…
20:13 <+hers> 是呀,可是申请 livecd 的人很少,装个系统都没法用
20:14 -!- antonym55 [n=antony@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:14 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v antonym55]  by ChanServ
20:14 <+LoneStar> 哦,不能用来装系统呀
20:14 <+hers> fudcon 是今天到后天?
20:14 <+hers> LoneStar~ 可以,但是软件包太少了吧?
20:14 -!- raywang [n=Administ@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:14 <+LoneStar> 可以就行啦,剩下的yum嘛
20:15 -!- alex_wing [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:15 <+hers> 要是网速足够 yum 的,就不是 freemedia 支援的对象了,你说呢……
20:16 <+abner> livecd 的安裝速度比較快吧
20:17 <+LoneStar> 那你就在网站上登说,dvd每月限20张,剩下的要么等下月,要么申请livecd
20:18 <+LoneStar> 另外,fedora可以重新打包的吧
20:18 <+LoneStar> 打个小的
20:18 <+hers> LoneStar~ 不用操心,我一个月最多掏两百块钱,超支就不管了
20:18 <+hers> 主要是运费,TMD 一份八块钱
20:19 <+LoneStar> lol
20:19 <+LoneStar> ems?
20:19 <+hers> 那个 Max 在说 FUDCon 的事情了
20:19 <+hers> 有没有聊天室频道?
20:19 <+LoneStar> 那超过200块的,就用cdr吧
20:19 <+hers> 看看聊天室直播也好呀……
20:20 <+LoneStar> 光盘能寄平信吗?
20:20 <+hers> 诸位!诸位!快去 #fudcon 看有多少大神的名字在那里
20:20 <+hers> 20:20 [ couf   ]  [ jcollie ]  [ paragn       ]  [ skvidal    ]  [ warren  ] 
20:20 <+hers> 20:20 [ ctyler ]  [ jlaska  ]  [ poelcat      ]  [ snecklifter]  [ yingbull] 
20:20 <+hers> 20:20 [ f13    ]  [ lmacken ]  [ quaid        ]  [ spevack    ] 
20:20 <+hers> 20:20 [ gregdek]  [ mmcgrath]  [ rahul_b      ]  [ stahnma    ] 
20:20 <+hers> 20:20 [ hers   ]  [ nirik   ]  [ ricky        ]  [ steved     ] 
20:20 <+hers> 20:20 [ iWolf  ]  [ nphilipp]  [ silfreed_away]  [ tmz        ] 
20:21  * hers 接下来三天可以挂在那儿了
20:22 <+LoneStar> 不认识
20:27  * abner 發現 firefox 3 b2 渲染的字體比 firefox 2 漂亮
20:28 <+hers> f3b2 的菜单和按钮都满好看
20:29 <+abner> gtk style
20:31 < AutumnCat> 扩展没跟上
20:35 -!- Epocher [n=xijiao@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:37 <+hellwolf> 我以彻底成为了最终用户了
20:37 <+hellwolf> 别说devel list,连news都懒得看
20:39 <+hers> BBL 是什么意思?
20:40 <+abner> hers,
20:41 <+hers> 哦, be back later…… 我还以为老外讲大白话,拜拜了呢
20:41 <+hellwolf> 差不多么
20:43 <+hers> 今天是 KDE 4 发布?
20:45 <+abner> 歐洲時間?
20:46 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:46 <+hers> hi, fc
20:47 <+hellwolf> <code>detect fc
20:47 <+fedora-badboy> fc is at:	江苏省苏州市	(吴江)电信ADSL
20:48 < AutumnCat> wakeup ..
20:48 < AutumnCat> hellwolf: 试试..
20:48 < AutumnCat> 真多人.
20:48 <+hellwolf> <code>detect AutumnCat
20:48 <+fedora-badboy> AutumnCat is at:	广东省广州市越秀区	电信ADSL
20:49 < AutumnCat> <code>detect hellwolf
20:49 <+fedora-badboy> hellwolf is at:	意大利	 CZ88.NET
20:49 < AutumnCat> ............
20:49 < AutumnCat> 手机..
20:49 <+hellwolf> 这IP库确实可以去死了
20:50 <+antonym55> 看看我是那里的
20:50 <+hellwolf> <code>detect antonym55
20:50 <+fedora-badboy> antonym55 is at:	越南	 CZ88.NET
20:50 <+antonym55> 呵呵
20:50 <+antonym55> 哈哈
20:52 <+hellwolf> <code>detect hers
20:52 <+fedora-badboy> hers is 007, be careful
20:52 <+hellwolf> <code>detect Yuxans
20:52 <+fedora-badboy> Yuxans is 007, be careful
20:52 <+hers> Yuxans~ 中科院?
20:53 <+abner> ipv6...
20:53 -!- angel_cat [n=angel_ca@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:53 -!- Dog_walnut [n=Dog@]  has quit ["Leaving"] 
20:54 <+antonym55> (n=hellwolf@ ZC Miao
20:54 < fc> 有人在FC8下安装过WINDOWS字体吗?
20:54 <+antonym55> 本站主数据:葡萄牙
20:54 < yichi> <code>detect yichi
20:54 <+fedora-badboy> yichi is at:	北京市海淀区	网通
20:54 <+antonym55> <code>detect hellwolf
20:55 <+fedora-badboy> hellwolf is at:	意大利	 CZ88.NET
20:55 -!- dim_ [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:55 <+antonym55> whois 说ip是212.13.37.17哦
20:56 <+hellwolf> IP库有空洞,找了个最近的地方凑数
20:57 <+antonym55> 貌似IP也不对吧
20:57 <+hellwolf> 那个是最近的区域不是IP
20:57 <+antonym55> 比如/whois hellwolf ,服务器给的是212.13.37.17
20:57 <+hellwolf> 这个每次都要解释一遍,我得去改改输出
20:57 <+hellwolf> 否则太混淆了
20:58 <+antonym55> 实在不行,把/whois的结果查出来,再做下文字处理
21:01 -!- dim_ is now known as swe
21:03 <+hers> 21:01 < ctyler> ^ IRC before waking up considered harmful
21:03 <+hers> hi, swe
21:03 < swe> 请问 仓库的ftp怎么不能用 了 ?
21:04 <+hers> linuxtoy 和 ldcn 都报新闻了,说 kde 4.0.0 发布
21:05 < swe> 好像 是正式发了
21:06 -!- ricky [n=ricky@fedora/ricky]  has quit [Connection timed out] 
21:08 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
21:10 -!- swe [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 
21:15 -!- desatan_ [n=root@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:16 -!- desatan [n=root@]  has quit [Connection timed out] 
21:18 <+antonym55> 无所谓了,我上班只能用telnet
21:18 <+hers> 怎么?
21:20 <+antonym55> 我是说我只能在windows中telnet 到linux中去用
21:20 <+hers> 想找个烧 vcd 的工具都找不到…… ft
21:20 <+abner> 不用 ssh?
21:20 <+hers> antonym55~ 用 cygwin 吗?我也每天挂那个……
21:20 <+antonym55> 不让装呀
21:20 -!- zhanGirl is now known as fideasGirl
21:21 <+antonym55> cygwin还是 没linux快
21:21 -!- fideasGirl is now known as yes_shely_has_co
21:21 -!- yes_shely_has_co is now known as shely_has_come
21:22 -!- shely_has_come is now known as zhanGirl
21:25 -!- zhanGirl is now known as eXopethGirl
21:26 -!- eXopethGirl is now known as GhostGirl
21:27 -!- keimoto []  has joined #fedora-cn
21:27 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v keimoto]  by ChanServ
21:27 -!- GhostGirl is now known as zhanGirl
21:32 <+keimoto> hi
21:32 <+hers> keimoto~ 刚睡醒么,去看 #fudcon
21:32 <+abner> hi, keimoto
21:33 <+keimoto> 不是,剛在看YOU TUBE的MTV。
21:33 <+abner> keimoto, emesene svn 1004 又出了……
21:33 <+keimoto> MD,REVIEW很慢
21:34 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
21:35 -!- awei [n=awei@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:35 <+abner> Status 己經 ASSIGNED 了
21:35 <+keimoto> REVIEWER上一次說我把BUG的STATUS從ASSIGN改成NEEDINFO,引致BUG沉到他的BUG表的底部,害他聖誕/新年假期沒有看到它。
21:35 <+abner> 前幾天還在 needinfo
21:36 <+keimoto> 唉,希望他讓我過,進了然後更新比較輕鬆。
21:37 <+abner> 現在每次 svn up 完都 要 rpmbuild 一次...
21:38 <+keimoto> 我就是不明白,為其麼他的RPMBUILD可以出那麼多ERROR WARNING,我的機子可沒有出現。
21:39  * keimoto 可是檢查得乾淨才上傳的。
21:40 -!- raywang [n=Administ@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
21:40 <+hers> 用 ybuild 试试
21:41 <+abner> 我是用這裏的 spec
21:41 <+abner> 懶得自己寫
21:42 <+keimoto> 我的spec還可以的,現在要改一下%setup,讓RPMBUILD認出tarball的文件夾。
21:42  * keimoto 今天剛翻了一下rpm maximum
21:42 <+hers> keimoto~ 直接扔到 koji 去编译
21:43 <+keimoto> nonono
21:43 <+keimoto> koji wont accept because fedora hasnt approved a tree
21:44 <+keimoto> 要review過才能給你編到公用repo
21:47 -!- awei [n=awei@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
21:47 -!- awei [n=awei@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:48 <+keimoto>
21:48 <+keimoto> 想買這個想買這個
21:48 <+hers> keimoto~ 不是不是,koji 可以在没有提交到 cvs 的时候编译
21:49  * hers 也是听说
21:49 <+keimoto> hers, 在sandbox那邊?
21:49 <+keimoto> 好的我試試
21:49 <+keimoto> KOJI那種編法的命令是如何按的?
21:50 -!- dgod [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
21:51 <+abner> HHKB 這東西好啊… 市面上沒有相似的,害我想買也買不到
21:52 <+abner> 有一個無刻字的,比較 crazy...
21:56 <+keimoto> abner, 那個才是酷!
21:57 <+keimoto> 人家看到驚訝的說「怎麼你的鍵盤沒刻字的!」 你就裝得很淡然的說:「我們HACKER根本不需要看鍵盤。」 呵呵
21:58 <+keimoto>  HHKB... 日本yahoo拍賣
21:58 <+abner> 傳說中的盲打…
21:58 <+keimoto> 國內有日本代購/代標服務嗎?
21:59 <+abner> 上次在網上 google 到台灣有團購
22:00 <+keimoto> 我想買一個,不過要朋友幫忙;我這邊有個TW朋友能說日文的,他進口東西的時候應該能幫我。
22:01 <+abner> 這東西就是沒盗版… 呵呵
22:03  * abner 的 kb 把 Caps Lock 和 Ctrl 交換了
22:03 <+keimoto> abner, 沒有祖國“OEM”版麼? 呵
22:04 <+abner> keimoto, 在 hk 暫時沒發現… 呵呵
22:04 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:04 <+keimoto> 香港有日本代購人,方便多了
22:05 <+keimoto> 澳洲的東西都是中港台都不會買的次貨。
22:05  * abner 上星期才買了個 kb
22:05 <+keimoto> 品質比在國內看到的還有進步空間
22:06 <+keimoto> 還有 ricoh grd2 相機, 很有格調。
22:06 <+keimoto>
22:07 <+keimoto> 低調就是美
22:07  * abner 看了看 kb 底座…… Made in China
22:07 -!- desatan__ [n=root@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:07 <+keimoto> 我們這邊的記念品都是MIC啦
22:08 <+keimoto> 看到都覺得來買記念品的國內遊客很有趣。
22:10 <+keimoto> 反正說實話,除了日用品,我都不會在這邊購物。一來永遠不會比從海外訂便宜,二來假如價碼差不多為甚麼不從祖國訂振興國家經濟,三來款式設計我沒有看過能比上亞洲/歐洲/美國的。
22:11 <+abner> 買的時候一般不會看 made in 哪裏…
22:12 -!- desatan_ [n=root@]  has quit [Connection timed out] 
22:14 <+keimoto> 這裏的東西,8成以上MIC啦
22:15 <+keimoto> 其他國家都差不多
22:15 <+keimoto> 義大利鞋Made in italy, but made by Chinese there la.
22:19 -!- dgod [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox 3.0b3pre/2008010314] " 
22:21 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 
22:25 -!- hamika [n=hamika@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:30 -!- desatan__ [n=root@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
22:31 -!- awei [n=awei@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
22:38 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:41 -!- alex_wing [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 
22:44 -!- nihui [n=nihui@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
22:45 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:45 < fc> hellwolf,在吗?
22:46 <+hellwolf> ?>
22:47 < fc> 我的MPLAYER,怎么一播放东西CPU就满格了呢!还有,老是有一个  无标题窗口 弹出又关闭,速度很快,看不清楚是提示什么
22:48 < fc> 弹出又关闭,又谈出,循环着
22:50 <+hellwolf> fc, yum remove pulseaudio pulseaudio-esound-compat pulseaudio-core-libs pulseaudio-module-x11
22:50 <+hellwolf> 然后注销重新登录
22:50 <+hellwolf> 或者重启
22:50 < fc> TKS,hellwolf,i try it now!
22:51 < fc> see u later!
22:51 <+hellwolf> 主义看
22:51 <+hellwolf> ==
22:51 <+hellwolf> ======
22:51 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 
22:51 <+hellwolf> 我靠。。
22:51 <+hellwolf> 速度真快
22:52 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
22:52 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:53 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:54 < fc> hellwolf:could not open/initialize audio device-> no sound
22:55 < fc> XMMS,也无法播放了!
22:55 <+hellwolf> 别急
22:55 <+hellwolf> 我看看
22:56 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v liuhongdan]  by ChanServ
22:56 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@]  has quit [Client Quit] 
22:56 <+liuhongdan> 11点了
22:56 <+liuhongdan> 还有主题么
22:56 <+hellwolf> fc, yum list| grep pulseaudio
22:56 <+hellwolf> fc, 看看有什么
22:56 <+hellwolf> fc, 哦
22:56 <+hellwolf> fc, yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i386
22:57 <+hellwolf> fc, 然后注销或重启
22:57 < fc> alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.x86_64           1.0.14-5.fc8           installed
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs.x86_64                   0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 installed
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs.i386                     0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 installed
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-glib2.x86_64             0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 installed
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-utils.x86_64                  0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 installed
22:57 < fc> akode-pulseaudio.x86_64                  2.0.1-9.fc8            fedora
22:57 < fc> audacious-plugins-pulseaudio.x86_64      1.3.5-3.fc8            fedora
22:57 < fc> kde-settings-pulseaudio.noarch           3.5-35.fc8             updates
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio.x86_64                        0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-core-libs.x86_64              0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-core-libs.i386                0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-esound-compat.x86_64          0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-devel.i386               0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-devel.x86_64             0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-glib2.i386               0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-zeroconf.x86_64          0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-zeroconf.i386            0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-module-gconf.x86_64           0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-module-lirc.x86_64            0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-module-x11.x86_64             0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> pulseaudio-module-zeroconf.x86_64        0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017 fedora
22:57 < fc> OK
22:58 < fc> yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.x86_64
22:58 < fc> ha
22:58 <+hellwolf> yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio*
22:59 < fc> [root@localhost fc] # yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i386
22:59 < fc> Setting up Remove Process
22:59 < fc> No Match for argument: alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i386
22:59 < fc> No Packages marked for removal
22:59 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 
23:00 -!- Epocher [n=xijiao@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
23:01 -!- angel_cat [n=angel_ca@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
23:01 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:02 < fc> hellwolf:有声音但不正常,而且无视频,有提示:cannot find codec matching selected-vo and video frmat x
23:02 < fc> 没有CODE?
23:02 < fc> 我 装了阿
23:03 < fc> 我播放的是RMVB
23:03 <+hellwolf> 那是另一个的问题了
23:03 <+hellwolf> 那是另一个问题了
23:03 <+hellwolf> pulseaudio 你已经把他赶走了
23:03 < fc> 恩
23:04 < fc> 不行,播放RM的 那种情况,又出现了CPU 100%
23:04 < fc> 有不 明窗口出现,关闭打开关闭打开
23:04 <+hellwolf> 你倒是删掉没
23:05 < fc> ==
23:05 <+hellwolf> rpm -qa | grep pulseaudio
23:05 <+hellwolf> 看看结果
23:05 -!- abner []  has quit ["Leaving"] 
23:05 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017.fc8
23:05 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-glib2-0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017.fc8
23:05 < fc> pulseaudio-utils-0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017.fc8
23:06 < fc> pulseaudio-libs-0.9.7-0.17.svn20071017.fc8
23:06 < fc> ?????难道YUM没有删除 完毕 ?
23:06 <+hellwolf> 删得差不多了阿
23:06 <+hellwolf> 你xmms有声音吗
23:06 < fc> 有
23:07 < fc> 难道要把所有的都删除吗 ?
23:07 -!- dorainm [n=dorainm@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:07 -!- dorainm [n=dorainm@]  has quit [K-lined] 
23:10 < fc> hellwolf,yum remove pulseaudio*    吗?
23:10 <+hellwolf> 不要
23:10 <+hellwolf> 已经删除了
23:10 <+hellwolf> 不要管剩下的了
23:10 < fc> 好的!谢谢HELLWOLF
23:17 < fc> 还怎么弄阿,没招了我!
23:21 < fc> 还有那位兄弟有Z-STAR 0301 的视频头 驱动阿?那个法国博士的网站上不去了,郁闷
23:25 -!- ricky [n=ricky@fedora/ricky]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:25 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v ricky]  by ChanServ
23:35 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
23:36 -!- cswiii is now known as cwelton
23:37 -!- cwelton is now known as cswiii
23:40 < cswiii> hellwolf: ni hao - do you have access to chanserv?  I have changed my nick from cwelton to cswiii
23:41 <+hellwolf> cswiii, hi, what do you want?
23:41 <+hellwolf> <code>detect cswiii
23:41 <+fedora-badboy> cswiii is 007, be careful
23:41 -!- fc_ [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:42 -!- fsstar [n=xing@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:42 < cswiii> hellwolf: i used to have halfops (+) w/ my old 'cwelton' nick.  now that i switched to 'cswiii', I don't think it knows me anymore.
23:42 -!- kingbo [n=kingbo@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:42 -!- fsstar [n=xing@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
23:43 <+hellwolf> cswiii, see, I don't have the access level, maybe I do but I don't know how to do this XD , so just leave it to hers <--- he will take care of this
23:44 < cswiii> ohh, ok :)
23:45 -!- rEdcArp_yu [n=yyu@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:46 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v rEdcArp_yu]  by ChanServ
23:46 < fc_> hellwolf,what were u talked about?
23:46 < fc_> your girlfriend?
23:46 <+hellwolf> something classified
23:47 < fc_> lol!
23:53 -!- fc [n=chatzill@]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
23:54 < fc_> [AO_ALSA]  Unable to find simple control 'PCM',0.
23:54 < fc_> Run gmplayer, Right-Click, goto Preferences > Audio > Available drivers:, Select pulse
23:56 < fc_> Many 32-bit users will use: all-20071007.tar.bz2  ,but 64-bit   ......?
23:59 < fc_>   i find it s very good!ha!
--- Log closed 六  1月 12 00:00:23 2008

--- Log opened 六  1月 12 00:00:23 2008
00:04 -!- LoneStar [n=xinzhen@]  has joined #fedora-cn
00:04 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v LoneStar]  by ChanServ
00:06 -!- yshao [n=yshao@]  has quit ["Leaving"] 
00:08 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@]  has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 
00:08 -!- fc_ [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox] " 
00:09 -!- Administrator [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
00:10 -!- Administrator [n=chatzill@]  has quit [Client Quit] 
00:15 -!- hamika [n=hamika@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
00:22 -!- victorzhang [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
00:23 < victorzhang> hello
00:23 < victorzhang> 不是说这个时候高手会现身吗
00:25 -!- supergui [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
00:29 < victorzhang> leave
00:30 -!- victorzhang [n=chatzill@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
00:41 -!- supergui_ [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
00:42 <+keimoto> 高手,就在書裏。
00:43 <+keimoto> 真正的高手是看不見的
00:44 <+keimoto> 好像高手裝扮都很另類的
00:45 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
00:46 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has joined #fedora-cn
00:56 < kingbo> qt不能用于商业软件吗?
00:58 -!- supergui [n=chatzill@]  has quit [Connection timed out] 
01:03 -!- ssgg []  has quit [Nick collision from services.] 
01:03 -!- ssgg []  has joined #fedora-cn
01:04 -!- ssgg []  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
01:06 -!- ssgg []  has joined #fedora-cn
01:12 -!- kingbo [n=kingbo@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
01:15 -!- supergui_ is now known as handsomgui
01:16 -!- handsomgui [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox 3.0b3pre/2008011105] " 
01:57 <+rEdcArp_yu> so many guys here
01:58 <+hellwolf> <code>detect rEdcArp_yu
01:58 <+fedora-badboy> rEdcArp_yu is at:	北京市朝阳区	网通
01:59 <+rEdcArp_yu> hehe
01:59 <+rEdcArp_yu> any further?
02:05 < yichi> <code>yichi
02:05 <+fedora-badboy> no such command: yichi
02:05 < yichi> <code>detect yichi
02:05 <+fedora-badboy> yichi is at:	北京市海淀区	网通
02:06 <+gcell> hellwolf: IP库升级了还是算法升级了?
02:07 <+hellwolf> 动都没动
02:07 -!- dorainm [n=dorainm@]  has joined #fedora-cn
02:07 -!- dorainm [n=dorainm@]  has quit [K-lined] 
02:07 <+gcell> hellwolf: 哦,看起来准确些了
02:08 <+gcell> 错觉来着
02:09 <+hellwolf> 简直是幻觉
02:26 -!- gcell [n=xelnaga@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
02:40 -!- ssgg []  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
02:42 -!- ssgg []  has joined #fedora-cn
02:55 -!- yichi [n=yichi@]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
02:59 <+rEdcArp_yu> <code>detect hellwolf
02:59 <+fedora-badboy> hellwolf is at:	意大利	 CZ88.NET
03:06 -!- hellwolf [n=hellwolf@]  has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 
03:40 -!- hellwolf []  has joined #fedora-cn
03:40 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v hellwolf]  by ChanServ
04:33 -!- DawnFantasy []  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
04:41 <+rEdcArp_yu> <code>detect hellwolf
04:41 <+fedora-badboy> hellwolf is at:	比利时	 CZ88.NET
05:08 -!- dorainm [n=dorainm@]  has joined #fedora-cn
05:08 -!- dorainm [n=dorainm@]  has quit [K-lined] 
05:39 -!- hellwolf []  has quit ["Don't follow me"] 
